Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 9 Jul 20
[2007.03686] Yu-Dai Tsai, Antonella Palmese, Stefano Profumo et al.: Is GW170817 a Multimessenger Neutron Star-Primordial Black Hole Merger?
[2007.03687] Jianhui Lian, Daniel Thomas, Claudia Maraston et al.: The age-chemical abundance structure of the Galactic disc II: $α$-dichotomy and thick disc formation
[2007.03688] Hsiang-Chih Hwang, Jacob H. Hamer, Nadia L. Zakamska et al.: Very wide companion fraction from Gaia DR2: a weak or no enhancement for hot jupiter hosts, and a strong enhancement for contact binaries
[2007.03691] Jacob L. Ward, Mélanie Chevance, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen et al.: Towards a multi-tracer timeline of star formation in the LMC -- I.\ Deriving the lifetimes of H\,{\sc i} clouds
[2007.03692] Kenny C. Y. Ng, Ariane Dekker, Shin'ichiro Ando et al.: Sensitivities of KM3NeT on decaying dark matter
[2007.03694] Francesco Capozzi, Georg Raffelt: Axion and neutrino red-giant bounds updated with geometric distance determinations
[2007.03695] Jenny G. Sorce, Stefan Gottlöber, Gustavo Yepes: The Past History of Galaxy Clusters told by their present neighbors
[2007.03697] Melanie Kaasinen, Fabian Walter, Mladen Novak et al.: A Comparison of the Stellar, CO and Dust-Continuum Emission from Three, Star-Forming HUDF Galaxies at $z\sim 2$
[2007.03698] Elizaveta Sazonova, Katherine Alatalo, Jennifer Lotz et al.: The Morphology-Density relationship in 1
[2007.03700] Lorenzo Annulli, Vitor Cardoso, Rodrigo Vicente: Stirred and shaken: dynamical behavior of boson stars and dark matter cores
[2007.03702] Andrew Emerick, Greg L. Bryan, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low: The Role of Stellar Feedback in the Chemical Evolution of a Low Mass Dwarf Galaxy
[2007.03705] Tirthankar Roy Choudhury, Suvodip Mukherjee, Sourabh Paul: CMB constraints on a physical model of reionization
[2007.03706] Vladan Markov, Simona Mei, Philippe Salomé et al.: Massive molecular gas reservoir around the central AGN in the CARLA J1103+3449 cluster at z=1.44
[2007.03711] Sujatha Ramakrishnan, Aseem Paranjape: Separate Universe calibration of the dependence of halo bias on cosmic web anisotropy
[2007.03715] K. Paterson, W. Fong, A. Nugent et al.: Discovery of the optical afterglow and host galaxy of short GRB181123B at $z =1.754$: Implications for Delay Time Distributions
[2007.03720] Rachel A. Smullen, Kathryn Volk: Machine Learning Classification of Kuiper Belt Populations
[2007.03734] C. Hottier, C. Babusiaux, F. Arenou: FEDReD II : 3D Extinction Map with 2MASS and Gaia DR2 data
[2007.03753] Parijat Thakur, Vineet Kumar Mannaday, Ing-Guey Jiang et al.: Investigating Extra-solar Planetary System Qatar-1 through Transit Observations
[2007.03783] Zhen Pan, Huan Yang: Probing the Growth of Massive Black Holes with Black Hole-Host Galaxy Spin Correlations
[2007.03802] Richard Longland, Nicolas de Séréville: Correlated Energy Uncertainties in Reaction Rate Calculations
[2007.03808] Luciana Bianchi, Bernard Shiao: Matched photometric catalogs of GALEX UV sources with Gaia DR2 and SDSS DR14 databases (GUVmatch)
[2007.03828] A.L.Peirson, R.W.Romani, H.L.Marshall et al.: Deep Ensemble Analysis for Imaging X-ray Polarimetry
[2007.03836] Adam C. Schneider, Adam J. Burgasser, Roman Gerasimov et al.: WISEA J041451.67-585456.7 and WISEA J181006.18-101000.5: The First Extreme T-type Subdwarfs?
[2007.03843] Liyi Gu, Chintan Shah, Junjie Mao et al.: X-ray spectra of the Fe-L complex II: atomic data constraints from EBIT experiment and X-ray grating observations of Capella
[2007.03852] Y. K. Kou, Z. C. Jing, X. Cheng et al.: What determine Solar Flares Producing Interplanetary Type III Radio Bursts?
[2007.03862] Norio Ota, Aigen Li, Laszlo Nemes et al.: Graphene Molecules Contributing to the Infrared Bands of Carbon Rich Planetary Nebulae
[2007.03865] J. L. Chen, Z. G. Wen, L. F. Hao et al.: Giant micropulse emission in the Vela pulsar at C band
[2007.03890] Ilya Mandel, Bernhard Mueller, Jeff Riley et al.: Binary population synthesis with probabilistic remnant mass and kick prescriptions
[2007.03919] Geraint F. Lewis: Gravitational Microlensing Time Delays at High Optical Depth: Image Parities and the Temporal Properties of Fast Radio Bursts
[2007.03945] Klaus Scherer, Edin Husidic, Marian Lazar et al.: The $κ$-cookbook: a novel generalizing approach to unify $κ$-like distributions for plasma particle modeling
[2007.03974] H. Kumamoto, S. Hisano, K. Takahashi: Constraints on ultra-low-frequency gravitational waves with statistics of pulsar spin-down rates II: Mann-Whitney U test
[2007.03978] Hu Meng-Jun, Zhang Yong-Sheng: A broadband high frequency laser interferometer gravitational wave detector
[2007.03994] P. François, S. Wanajo, E. Caffau et al.: Detailed abundances in a sample of very metal poor stars
[2007.04000] S. Manigand, A. Coutens, J.-C. Loison et al.: The ALMA-PILS survey: First detection of the unsaturated 3-carbon molecules Propenal (C$_2$H$_3$CHO) and Propylene (C$_3$H$_6$) towards IRAS 16293$-$24...
[2007.04007] Eric J. Baxter, Blake D. Sherwin: Determining the Hubble Constant without the Sound Horizon Scale: Measurements from CMB Lensing
[2007.04041] Pavol Matlovič, Juraj Tóth: Meteors: Light from Comets and Asteroids
[2007.04044] K. N. Nagendra, K. Sowmya, M. Sampoorna et al.: Importance of Angle-dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution in Hyperfine Structure Transitions Under Incomplete Paschen-Back Effect Regime
[2007.04048] V. Guillet, P. Hennebelle, G. Pineau des Forêts et al.: Dust coagulation feedback on magnetohydrodynamic resistivities in protostellar collapse
[2007.04054] Robert Reischke, Steffen Hagstotz, Robert Lilow: Probing primordial non-Gaussianity with Fast Radio Bursts
[2007.04071] G. Ramsay, J. G. Doyle, L. Doyle: TESS observations of southern ultra fast rotating low mass stars
[2007.04089] Siyao Xu, Bing Zhang: Probing the intergalactic turbulence with fast radio bursts
[2007.04097] Audrey Chatain, Nathalie Carrasco, Nathalie Ruscassier et al.: Interaction dust-plasma in Titan's ionosphere: an experimental simulation of aerosols erosion
[2007.04106] Petr Baklanov, Natalia Lyskova, Sergei Blinnikov et al.: Strongly lensed SN Refsdal: refining time delays based on the supernova explosion models
[2007.04119] Mattia Mina, David F. Mota, Hans A. Winther: Solitons in the dark: non-linear structure formation with fuzzy dark matter
[2007.04124] V. V. Bobylev, A. T. Bajkova: Kinematics of pre-main sequence stars from the Gaia DR2 catalog
[2007.04132] Zhenghua Huang, Qingmin Zhang, Lidong Xia et al.: Heating at the remote footpoints as a brake on jet flows along loops in the solar atmosphere
[2007.04139] The Pierre Auger Collaboration: A. Aab, P. Abreu, M. Aglietta et al.: Studies on the response of a water-Cherenkov detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to atmospheric muons using an RPC hodoscope
[2007.04163] Paola Marigo, Jeffrey D. Cummings, Jason Lee Curtis et al.: Carbon star formation as seen through the non-monotonic initial-final mass relation
[2007.04172] Marie-Pier Labonté, Timothy M. Merlis: Sensitivity of the Atmospheric Water Cycle within the Habitable Zone of a Tidally-Locked, Earth-like Exoplanet
[2007.04175] R. D. Ferdman, P. C. C. Freire, B. B. P. Perera et al.: Asymmetric mass ratios for bright double neutron-star mergers
[2007.04176] Yu-Chiung Lin, Jiun-Huei Proty Wu: Detection of Gravitational Waves Using Bayesian Neural Networks
[2007.04200] Peter Brown, Robert J. Weryk: Coordinated Optical and Radar Measurements of Low Velocity Meteors
[2007.04241] Paolo Campeti, Eiichiro Komatsu, Davide Poletti et al.: Measuring the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves with CMB, PTA and Laser Interferometers
[2007.04256] William Giarè, Fabrizio Renzi: The Propagating Speed of Primordial Gravitational Waves
[2007.04262] Fernando Cortés, Katherine Cortés, Rodrigo Reeves et al.: Twenty years of PWV measurements in the Chajnantor Area
[2007.04265] J. R. Fuentes, A. Cumming: Penetration of a cooling convective layer into a stably-stratified composition gradient: entrainment at low Prandtl number
[2007.04271] Sayantani Bera, Divya Rana, Surhud More et al.: Incompleteness be damned: Inference of $H_0$ from BBH-galaxy cross-correlations
[2007.04294] P. Cristofari, P. Blasi, E. Amato: The low rate of Galactic pevatrons
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