Which one of my dogs are you?

Do you hate NOT being the center of attention?
I will literally die if I'm not getting pet
I could care less
I like attention but don't mind you petting another dog
I throw a stick for you what do you do
Reply Justice I'm not getting that for you I'm not a dog
Get so excited you run past it
Get down on all fours and go retrieve the stick
Oh no! Justice put me in a room by myself! What should I do?
How dare she leave me! I'm eating her favorite pair of pants
I don't care. This is the perfect time to sleep
I'm going to scream until she comes back
Justice made a batch of cookies but won't let me eat any so I'm gonna
Eat one right in front of her
Stare at her in a creepy way until she breaks
Wait until she looks away and run off with the plate
You go to your bffs birthday party, what will you do?
Eat all the treats and leave
You will see the biggest gift will be from me and the card attached will say thank you for being a friend
Ask for special food because you are allergic to basically everything
Justice's brother Krystian brought over his little corgi angel how do you greet them?
Pee on Krystian when he says "hellloooooooo" in a high pitched baby voice
Try to get angel to like me but she hates me instead 😖
Most likely bark at them
{"name":"Which one of my dogs are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you hate NOT being the center of attention?, I throw a stick for you what do you do, Oh no! Justice put me in a room by myself! What should I do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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