FIRST Safety Question

An educational and engaging image depicting safety practices in robotics competitions, featuring safety gear, a robotics pit area, and diverse teams working together safely.

FIRST Robotics Safety Quiz

Test your knowledge about safety protocols and practices at FIRST Robotics events! This quiz covers essential safety guidelines that every participant should know to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience during competitions.

Topics include:

  • Safety advisor responsibilities
  • Proper use of safety gear
  • Safe electrical practices
  • Pit station regulations
90 Questions22 MinutesCreated by SafetyGuide101
What colour are safety advisors shirts? (8.2)
What will safety advisors NOT do? (8.2)
Provide positive feedback for safe behavior and conditions.
Select the “Star of the Day” with input from the FIRST Robotics Competition participants and student safety captains.
Watch over the field during matches to ensure the competitor’s safety.
Indicate unsafe behaviour and coach to correct unsafe behaviour.
“In order to have a better view and understanding of the culture of safety at each FIRST event, First Robotics Competition teams are provided with _________ Card.” (8.3.1)
FIRST Safety
Safety Champion
Safety Recognition
Safety Awards
Where must Safety Championship Cards be submitted? (8.3.1)
Pit administration.
To the judges.
None of the above.
For Star of the Day, the winner’s name and team affiliation will be, for the duration of the event, be displayed where? (8.3.2)
In the top left corner of the main screen.
On the stream at the bottom.
On a small poster near pit administration.
Nowhere, it is against first ideals.
For FIRST in Pit Safety, the winning team(s) will receive a display sign to promote their recognition as a token of appreciation. (8.3.2)
The award for safety does not celebrates the team that do what? (8.3.3)
Progress beyond safety fundamentals by using innovative ways to eliminate or protect against hazards.
Spread the principles and culture of safety throughout and beyond their team to enhance the understanding and recognition of safety principle to the larger community.
Demonstrate safety throughout the season as well as at the competitions from load-in to load-out.
Have the ability to competently communicate their safety initiatives to the head safety Captain at the competition.
Who sponsors the Safety Award? (8.3.3)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Greystone Safety.
Direct Industry.
Underwriters Laboratories.
Your safety glasses must be? (Select the statement that does not apply). (4.1.2)
Endorsed by First.
CE-EN166 rated.
When do safety advisors review the safe condition/design of pits? (Appendix D)
Before opening each morning.
Opening till closing.
After closing each night.
All of the above.
What is the maximum height our pit station is allowed to be? (7.3)
One should use a stable chair or table to reach something high up. (7.3)
A small, bench-top band saw, with appropriate guards, is allowed in the team pit station. (7.3)
Is it safe to plug multiple power strips together. (7.3)
It is always safe.
It is only safe if you connect them with a resistor.
It is never safe
It is only if you limit yourself to 2 power strips.
The key objectives of the Safety Awareness and Recognition Program do not include: (8.1)
To ensure an injury-free competition.
Publicly recognize teams and individuals for safe practices.
Select the winning team for the Safety Award.
To prevent contamination of practice fields by food or drink.
Do not interrupt designated volunteers for helping you prep your practice field, as they are busy. (7.4)
When transporting your robot in the Pit Station: (7.3)
You must wait until there are absolutely no pedestrians around.
There can be pedestrians around, but you must alert them of your movement.
It doesn’t matter, move the robot.
You can move the bot anytime you want if it is secure on the bot cart.
You must keep the aisle immediately outside your pit station clear for pedestrians and robot transit. (7.3)
For which activity is safety eye wear not required? (4.1)
Spray Painting.
Which of the following should you do before leaving your pit station: (7.3)
Clean the floor in and around your pit station.
Properly store tools.
Tidy storage of personal belongings and equipment.
All of the above.
What do you do if the safety guard for a power tools is broken? (3.3)
Notify your safety captain.
Report the broken safety guard to staff at the competition.
Continue to use the power tool but increase your safety precautions around the tool.
Continue to use the power tool with no change.
Which electrical power supply setups is safe? (3.4)
Extension cord plugged into another extension cord.
Multi-device receptacle plugged into a power strip or extension cord.
Extension cord plugged into a power strip.
None of the above.
What could happen if you "daisy chain"? (3.4)
Fire and Electric shock.
Electric shock.
None of the above.
Were CAN'T you wear dangling jewelry and loose, baggy clothing at FIRST competitions? (7.1)(7.1)
Only in the machine shop.
Only when you are working on the bot.
Near the robot.
Everywhere on competition grounds.
Should you tie back long hair on the competition grounds? (7.1)
What are the most common injuries at events? (7.1)
Wrist injuries.
Toe injuries.
Finger injuries.
Eye injuries
What should you do when handling the robot or the robot crate? (7.1)
Be careful around sharp protrusions on the object you are carrying.
Wear gloves while handling the robot or the robot crate.
Look forward while carrying your bot up stairs.
All of the above.
What do you need to have to gain entrance to the pit? (7.1)
Tied back hair.
Safety glasses.
All of the above.
What are you able to use at events? (7.1)
Hover boards.
None of the above
Are you required to use a buddy system while at the event? (7.2)
Everywhere on event grounds.
You are not.
Only in the aisles around the pits.
None of the above.
What is the only permitted tin-lead solder alloy composition at FIRST competitions? (3.7)
60% Sn / 40% Pb.
63% Sn / 37% Pb.
Which is the only permitted cleaning solution at FIRST events? (3.6)
No flammable cleaning solutions are permitted at FIRST events.
What should you do if you are exposed to chemicals? (3.6)
Wash the affected area with soap and water.
Put melted butter on the affected area.
Immediately notify the Safety Captain or a Mentor.
Wash your hands with water ONLY.
When should chemical containers be manually labelled to make the dangers of their contents clear. (3.6)
Only if they contain a dangerous solution.
If they have been opened.
What clothing material should be used to cover one’s arms and legs while soldering? (3.7)
Open flames are not permitted everywhere at FIRST events. (3.7)
One must in all cases wear safety goggles over prescription glasses. (4.1.3)
Where must safety glasses be worn? (4.1.1)
Team pits.
Parking lot.
Team pits and stands.
Protective eyewear must be ANSI-approved, UL-Listed, CE EN166 rated, AS/NZS certified and CSA rated. (4.1.2)
Safety eyewear must be made of a shatter-proof, transparent carbon-titanium composite. (4.1.2)
What is hand protection designed and used for? (4.2)
To protect against heat and electrical hazards.
To protect against mechanical and chemical hazards.
To protect against electrical, heat, and chemical hazards.
To protect against electrical, heat, mechanical, and chemical hazards.
At official events, where is hearing protection provided? (4.3)
Nowhere, you must bring your own hearing protection.
They will be handed out by volunteers roaming around the pit aisles.
Pit Administration.
They are purchased at the concession.
Which of the following can be used for hearing protection? (4.3)
Earbuds and headphones.
All of the above.
None of the above.
Which of the following are appropriate examples for participants to wear as foot protection while engaged in FIRST activities? (4.4)
Flip-flops and Sandals.
Running Shoes.
Lightweight slippers.
Which of the following can be worn while around moving or rotating machinery? (4.5)
Loose clothing.
Bow tie.
Gloves used for protection against mechanical hazards can also be used for chemical ones. (4.2)
Participants at FIRST must wear closed-toed shoes at all times while around the bot, however, spectators do not have to follow this guideline so long as they restrict themselves to the pit aisles and do not enter individual team pits or any area where a bot is being worked on. (4.4)
Why might wearing jewelry, keychains, ties, loose long hair, and/or loose clothing be inadvisable while working around moving/rotating machinery? (Select the most appropriate answer.) (4.5)
Many of these things may get stolen or lost.
All of these things could potentially be drawn in by the machinery.
You could be fatally criticized for your fashion sense.
All of these things could get damaged if they come in contact with machinery.
Participants at FIRST do not need to wear close-toed shoes if they restrict themselves to the aisles. (4.4)
If you are unsure as to what preventative measures to take for a certain activity (such as hearing or hand protection), then who should you consult? (4.5)
Safety Captain.
Safety Advisor.
Your closest teammate.
Team Mentor.
What does the Safety Manual provided by FIRST outline? (select the most suitable answer) (1.2)
A basic set of requirements to maintain a safe environment for competition events.
A basic set of requirements to maintain a safe environment for both the build season and competition events.
A basic set of requirements that must be met if you want to start a FIRST team.
A basic set of requirements to maintain a safe environment for the build season.
Who is responsible for safety during team meetings and the design, build, and travel phases of a competition? (2)
The team safety captain.
All team members working with hazardous chemicals or machinery.
The team mentors.
Who should you report any unsafe or hazardous conditions to? (2.1)
A team mentor, student safety captain, or safety advisor.
The Lead Team Mentor.
A janitor.
Only the Lead Team Mentor or the Student Safety Captain.
Team mentors must practice the same safety behaviors and follow the same rules as students. (2.2)
What should all Participants be familiar with in an FRC Competition?(Select the most appropriate answer) (2.1)
Working in an unsafe manner.
The Safety Manual.
Causing distractions during matches.
Leaving tools lying around on the ground.
What is expected of Team Mentors? (2.2)
They lead by trial and error.
They yell at you and beat the students.
They promote safety, and safe protocol at all times.
They get their team members foods when they need it.
What is FRC’s core value? (1.2)
What does PPE stand for? (2.1)
Private Patrolling Engine.
Perfect Protective Equipment.
Peaceful and Passive Evasiveness.
Personal Protective Equipment.
It is recommended that most teams develop a team safety manual. (2.3)
What is the main use of the Safety manual? (1.2)
Set rules that help to maintain a safe environment.
A booklet to help teams play the game better.
Helps to maintain good FRC etiquette.
Stop the team from getting hungry by giving them easy and delicious vegan recipes to promote inclusivity.
When you want to turn off the robot you. (3.1.1)
Unplug the battery.
Open the breaker.
Click disable in the driver station.
Dump a bucket of water on the robot.
What must you do to discharge air pressure? (3.1.2)
Open main vent valve and verify all pressure gauges read zero.
Disconnect the air tanks
Open the pneumatics.
Break open the air tanks.
What must you do before servicing or making repairs on the bot? (3.1.3)
Relieve any compressed or stretched springs or tubing.
Lower all raised robot arms or devices that could drop down to a lower position on the robot.
All of the above.
None of the above.
What can you use a flat head screwdriver for? (3.2)
Nothing, they are useless.
Hammering in nails.
Taking out screws and making space between 2 pieces of metal.
Taking out screws.
How should you use your tools? (3.2.1)
As youtube recommends
As the manufacturer recommends.
As FIRST recommends.
As your Grandparents recommend.
Where should you use your tools? (3.2.1)
On a wooden floor.
On an open space on your bot.
On a hard surface.
On a large folding table.
Is it ok to carry unshielded tools in your pocket? (3.2.2)
Never it is unsafe.
Only if it has a sharp edge.
If your mentor gives you permission.
If it is covered in melted butter.
Where should you store equipment? (3.2.2)
In a hidden compartment where children will not be able to find it.
In a place that is easy to access in case of an emergency.
In a place in which it will not create a safety hazard or get damaged.
In a well organized storage cart or shelving unit.
Never use any equipment without safety guards in place. (3.3)
Who should you notify of broken or defective equipment? (3.3)
Your Safety Captain and Mentor.
Your Safety Captain.
The closest teammate.
A janitor.
What is the minimum length of the cart should be? (5.1)
During the event, which area the cart must remain when it is not in use? (5.1)
Pit area.
Parking lot.
Corner of the event place.
The stands.
What is the first step for lifting the robot? (5.2)
Detach the battery.
Open the breaker.
Clean out the way.
Wear an appropriate PPE.
Before lifting, hold a short discussion to determine the direction and path you will be lifting. (5.2)
What is the appropriate procedure to enter the playing field? (5.3)
Wait for the volunteers to let you in.
Climbing over the fence.
Use the gate opening.
Enter the appropriate code on the keypad.
What is a not proper body mechanics for lifting the robot? (5.3)
Lift with your legs.
Keeping your back straight.
Not turning in the waist
Keeping the robot far from your chest.
What is not a proper transporting procedure? (5.4)
Make sure the robot is stable on the cart before transporting.
Have a person in front of the bot push people away when you are maneuvering threw a large crowd.
Keep the cart under control at all times.
Use patience and control when moving the robot.
Chock block is recommended during the robot removal from the cart. (5.4)
The post-match procedures for transporting your bot does not follow “pre-lift” and “During the lift” procedures. (5.5)
After the match, relieve all stored energy and open the main circuit breaker on the robot. (5.5)
What are the dangers of a damaged battery? (3.5.1)
Battery explosion.
Chemical burns.
All of the above.
None of the above.
If you come in contact with the chemicals from a battery what should you do?
Wash the afflicted skin and get medical attention.
Dry skin with paper towel and get medical attention.
Cover afflicted skin and get medical attention.
Inform the Safety Captain then get back to work.
What materials must you have on hand to deal with a battery leakage? (3.5.2)
Sand, and a metal containment tub.
Sand, acid resistant glovesA box of baking soda, acid resistant gloves, a non-metallic-leak proof container.
All of the above.
None of the above.
What is the procedure for a leaking battery? (3.5.3)
Using acid resistant gloves, bring the battery to a battery disposal center in a plastic, acid-resistant tub.
Neutralize the liquid and notify mentor.
Use zip ties and super glue to close the leak.
None of the above.
Who should you contact if your battery starts to leak at a FIRST event? (3.5.3)
The Head Safety Captain.
The Event Organizer.
The Pit Administration Supervisor.
None of the above.
What happens when you spread sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) on a leaking battery? (3.5.2)
It can cause a large explosion.
It evaporates the acid.
It seals the tear(s) in the battery wall.
It neutralizes the acid.
When should you inspect the battery at a FIRST Competition? (3.5.6)
After each round of Competition
Before and after each round of Competition.
Before each round of Competition
Before you remove or insert a battery into your bot.
Where can you dispose of damaged batteries? (3.5.4)
Most retailers of automotive batteries.
All recycling depots.
Most garbage disposal centre.
All of the above.
What happens if you choke your battery charger? (Improperly cooling it) (3.5.5)
It can explode.
It can catch on fire.
Nothing will happen if you use a properly wired charger.
It can fail and stop working
Do not charge a battery at greater than the manufacturer's maximum recommended rate. (3.5.5)
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