The only true hogwarts house quiz

A vibrant, magical scene of Hogwarts with students representing the four houses, each showcasing distinctive traits and vibes of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin in an enchanting setting.

Discover Your True Hogwarts House

Have you ever wondered which Hogwarts house truly represents you? Dive into our unique quiz that goes beyond the surface and explores your values, decisions, and beliefs. With a series of thought-provoking questions, you will uncover the traits that align you with the brave Gryffindors, wise Ravenclaws, cunning Slytherins, or loyal Hufflepuffs.

  • Analyze your choices in challenging scenarios
  • Reflect on your friendships and loyalties
  • Find out where you truly belong in the magical world!
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CuriousOwl521
Do you already know your hogwarts house and are just double checking?
Would you rather...
Be the best of the worst
Be the worst of the best
If you had to choose between true friends and friends for the sake of a goal, which would you rather?
True friends
Friends for the sake of a goal
You're taking part in a medical experiment, which, if the out come is done correctly, has the potential to save lives, but in this stage its lethal. In order to test your findings, you have to experiment on humans. Would you...
Include people to experiment on, no matter the outcome
Act like you are not the one responsible for including people, and say someone else made the decision
Quit the experiment - you dont want anything to do with this if it costs lives
In a teamwork, it's important to me that...
We get the job done, even if I'm the only one doing the work
Everyone feels included, even if some people's contribution to the work sets us back
Everyone is assigned equal parts of work to do, even if some are slackers and some are overachievers
We get the best grade, even if it means I'm not contributing at all - sometimes stepping back and letting other people take control is for the best
I like to surround myself with people who...
Are not afraid to challenge my ideas and opinions, if they think im in the wrong
Are not hurt if I drop them overnight, and im not hurt if they decide to drop me so
Are you more...
Loyal to others
Faithful to yourself
When I find something I like...
I get easily obsessed, revisiting it and adding my own pieces to it
I move on, and try to find more things to like
You forgot to study for a quiz, and you realize this just before class. Your teacher spots cheating easily - you...
Cheat, like I usually do.
Accept my fate, and hand the paper in blank
Cheat, but just this once - even if im caught, one time is not a big deal
I studied every class before, so surely there must be some questions more focused on previos classes, right?
Do you believe in fate, destiny, zodiac signs, personality types?
You like to keep up with all sorts of media and whats happening in the world, in order to have conversational topics on hand when meetnig new people
True, for this very reason
True, but because I'm actually interested
You're more ...
Did you notice I made 13 questions in order to part on the most unlucky number :)
I did, nerd
Oh you did!
I did, but it doesnt mean anything? Just that there are 13 questions. technically 12.
... wow... numbers...
{"name":"The only true hogwarts house quiz", "url":"","txt":"Have you ever wondered which Hogwarts house truly represents you? Dive into our unique quiz that goes beyond the surface and explores your values, decisions, and beliefs. With a series of thought-provoking questions, you will uncover the traits that align you with the brave Gryffindors, wise Ravenclaws, cunning Slytherins, or loyal Hufflepuffs.Analyze your choices in challenging scenariosReflect on your friendships and loyaltiesFind out where you truly belong in the magical world!","img":""}
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