Week 2: Transformation

An abstract representation of personal growth and transformation, featuring a silhouette of a human head with gears and nature elements intertwined to symbolize the connection between mind and environment.

Transformation Quiz: Understanding Growth and Change

Discover how our thoughts, biases, and resources influence personal transformation. This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of concepts related to growth mindset, the brain's adaptability, and the factors that contribute to flourishing in life.

  • Test your knowledge on key psychological principles.
  • Learn about the interplay between nature and nurture.
  • Explore personal and contextual resources essential for transformation.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EvolvingMind27
Our "negativity bias" prompts us to be more sensitive to threats and dangers, and it also
is completely useless for survival.
is not an evolutionary development.
makes us notice positive information more.
Can make us see threats even in situations that are not threatening.
Check all of the items that count as "personal resources" that are important for deliberate and thoughtful transformation.
"Nature vs. nurture" is a way of talking about
all of these answers are correct.
the natural beauty of being nurturing.
the battle between nature and nurturing parents.
the interplay between our biological/genetic and cultural heritages.
Which of these is NOT true of "System 1" thinking?
It is active when we are engaged in activities that feel "automatic."
It requires more cognitive resources than System 2
It is fast.
It mostly has to do with predictions.
Daniel Kish stated that his skills in navigating the world are:
Native to the human brain.
A unique gift that he was born with.
An adaptation resulting from being born without eyes.
Made possible by his parents' intense supervision.
Which of these situations involves primarily "System 2" thinking?
Opening a door.
Driving a car (after having learned to do so for many years).
Taking the time to notice one's biases and assumptions when you first meet somebody.
All of these answers are correct.
Based on what you have learned so far, which one of the items in this list would be most important for flourishing?
Social connection
Good grades
Perfect health
This is a trick question -- nothing here is important for flourishing.
"Ideology" is a term that refers to
the study of the ideograms of a pictographic language
our genetically inherited brain structure.
the study of ideas.
the largely unconscious categories, assumptions and biases that we inherit through culture.
In Dr. Dweck's research on the Growth Mindset, which of the pairs from the Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset is not found in your reading?
Fixed Mindset - Feel threatened by the success of others, Growth Mindset - Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others
Fixed Mindset - See effort as fruitless or worse, Growth Mindset - See effort as path to mastery
Fixed Mindset - Avoid challenges, Growth Mindset - Embrace challenges
Fixed Mindset - Think negative thoughts, Growth Mindset - Think positive thoughts
Thinking about the metaphor of "glasses" used by Zizek to discuss ideology, which of these makes most sense?
Our natural state is free of biases, so to be free of bias, we just have to get rid of our ideology, like taking off a pair of glasses.
Ideology is not a problem at all, like a clean pair of glasses.
Ideology is completely ingrained in us, so to notice it, we have to put on the "glasses" of awareness.
Ideology is like a pair of cracked glasses, so you should wear contacts.
Our lesson from the story of Kisa Gotami is
The role that religion can play in helping us to change.
The fact that we are not all conditioned by ideology.
The slow nature of system 1 thinking
The infant mortality rate in ancient India.
Daniel Kish calls the landscape that he perceives:
Flash sonar echolocation.
Neuroplasticity cartography.
Three-dimensional fuzzy geometry.
Echolocation typography
Which of these statements is true about the brain?
It is the organ in the body designed to change the most in relation to experience.
It is not relevant to the process of allostasis or regulating your "body budget."
There are no contraints on how much it can be changed.
It stops changing after age 25.
The years of young adulthood (18-25) can be an especially good opportunity to develop capacities related to flourishing because a particular part of the brain that plays a role in abilities such as emotion regulation is still developing during that period. Which part of the brain is it?
The cerebellum
The amygdala
The microglial nucleonic strata
The prefrontal cortex
Check all of the items that count as "contextual forces" that are important for deliberate and thoughtful transformation.
Access to requirements for personal resources.
A robust, but not rigid social/ cultural network.
Opportunity & inspiration
{"name":"Week 2: Transformation", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover how our thoughts, biases, and resources influence personal transformation. This engaging quiz will challenge your understanding of concepts related to growth mindset, the brain's adaptability, and the factors that contribute to flourishing in life.Test your knowledge on key psychological principles.Learn about the interplay between nature and nurture.Explore personal and contextual resources essential for transformation.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5108794/img-w1vbl6fcm6hheqenwxbz5acm.jpg"}
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