English practice

Soon after they got to the party, some strange men ..... Them and wouldn't go away.
Fuffed around
Latched onto
Snarled at
Stop ....... Her because she's an influencer now!
Getting a kick out of
Sucking up to
Plummeting on
Dashing over
You wish you paid ten quid for an English lesson, don't you? You ....... !
Gullible man
Grumpy old git
Sassy commoner
Choosing beggar
The lecturer was boring the pants off the audience. I could clearly see the eyes of the girls sitting near me ........
Glooming down
Dooming and glooming
Glazing away
Glazing over
He's so funny! I always ..... His anecdotes!
Make a song and dance of
Roam around
Get a kick out of
Go nuts for
He's such a nice guy! We ....... Straight from the get go!
Hit the hay
Hit it off
Made the cut
Were on the cards
A: "He has to ...... his English. Do you think he will?"; B: "......! He has become very lazy since he met Mary!".
Develop; hunky dory
Brush up on; meaty question
Improve; hunky dory
Brush up on; fat chance
Don't mess with him. He's a little bit .......
Short fused
Down in the dumps
Rough around the edges
In a strop
We are joking! We are just ...... With each other.
Messing up
I acknowlegded my mistake. Now please stop .......!
Rubbing me in it
Rubbing my nose in it
Pulling my leg
Dobbing me in
The value of the pound ......
Dobbed down
Dashed over
Stop being afraid and ..... The courage to do it.
Pluck up
Snap out of
Catch on
Skive off
Stop ...... politics, you grumpy old git!
Fuffing around
Cracking on with
Rambling on about
Snorting about
Sorry mate for having ...... On you last night. I was bloody legless.
Had a raw
Now we have a good job and bought a little flat in London, having a baby is .....
On schedule
On the cards
Under the cabbage leaf
Fair to middling
Can I ...... For a chat?
Dash over
Dob in
Pop in
Catch on
He's a quirky guy. We always see him ....... Around our apartment building.
A: Let's get started! Who's going to ..... ?
Kick it off
Give it a go
Jump the gun
Rack it in
I think the ...... Is a little bit old fashioned. The ...... Will do.
Satchel; bumbag
Bumbag; satchel
Receptacle; satchel
Poke; bumbag
You always ....... ! Stop ....... And be more assertive!
Mess around; beating around the bush
Mess around; hitting the hay
Make a meal of everything; beating around the bush
Make a meal of everything; humming and hawing
He left me .... In that remote village! After having left me ..... for 3 hours, he called me on the mobile telling me he wouldn't have come!
Lonely; hanging
Lonely; fuffing around
Stranded; hanging
Stranded; fuffing around
It's too late, I'm ..... off, mate! I'm going to ..... the ......!
Going; jump; shark
Heading; bounce on; sack
Heading; hit; hay;
Heading; grab; pillow
A: All right, Charlie? B: ...... , Harry!
Hunky dory
Hanky panky
Okie dokie
Golly gee
A: Are you in a relationship, Charlie? B: Nope! Single and ready to ...... !
Don't ..... Him off! He's just a little bit ............ !
Scold; naive
Tell; dodgy
Tell; naive
Slag; rough around the edges
I can't stand it anymore! We have to set the ........ straight
I'm ..... You up, you don't know who I am!
I usually get .... With my projects, make ....... It and then all my good intentions fade away because of my inconsistency.
Involved; a meal of
besotted; a song and dance about
Embedded; a song and dance about
Infatuated; a meal of
Don't talk to that old git about Trump! You will .... him ..... And he won't quit it easily!
Start; up
Switch; up
Start; off
Get; off
Someone has ...... you .... To the teacher and she's furious now!
Chat; up; dob; in
Dob; in
Spied; over;
Dob; over;
A: We are going ice skating tonight, if you're ..... B: I neither go out for a walk, ...... Playing sport!
Straight up for it; let alone
Up for it; not to mention
Up for it; let alone
Straight up for it; not to mention;
A: What he is ..... ? I stopped listening to him 1 hour ago!
Up to
Chatting over
Prattling over
On about
Stop ....... ! Do your homework!
Fuffing around
Waffling around
Skiving over
Skiving off
Don't you dare ..... ! This lesson is too important to be skipped!
To skive off
Skiving off
To skip over
Skipping over
Hurry up! ..... Your breakfast and run to ...... The bus!
Scoff; catch
Scoff; get
Pig out; catch
Pig out; get;
..... , I post video on You Tube.
Every now and again
Straight from the get go
Every since and then
Every now and then
A: I'm not going to pass the written exam. It's terrible! B: Nah! You are going to ...... ! I'm always ....... when I predict exam results!
Strike it; on the money;
Nail it; on the string;
Nail it; on the money;
Strike it; on the string;
She likes her work. She's ......
On the drive
Fair to middling
Straight on the rails
Right up her street
He's really hot! He's ....... !
Really pretty
As a student, I wasn't exceptional! I was quite ......
Going through
Going along
Fair to middling
Fair enough
That song ........ ! That's a .... !
Blew me over; hip
Blew me away; banger;
Blew me over; banger;
Blew me away; hip
He's earning shitloads, mate. He's ....... . They are ....... Money on his bank account.
Raffling over; stoving;
Racking it in; stoving;
Raffling over; shovelling;
Racking it in; shovelling;
His name ......... . Oh yeah, I got it, that muppet ......... Me last Christmas party!
Is swinging a bell; sneered at;
Is ringing a bell; started on;
Is tickling a bell; sneered at;
Is tickling a bell; started on;
A: I used to fancy going to that pub, but now it has become a dive. A ......., d'you know what I mean? B: Well, it's not necessarily a bad thing, mate.
Booze bazar
A: When you come back, I can get that tenner you owe me. B: ....., my counter account is empty. I'm ...... mate.
No can't do; run out
Fat chance; skint
No can't do; skint
Fat chance; run out
A: Stop ....... And get some work done. No wonder you got no ......, you're ....... B: Shut up, no need to get ..... mate.
Fuffing around; dosh; boner idle; gobby
Dossing about; shrapnel; boner idle; gibberish
Rambling on; shrapnel; stoned; gibberish
Dossing about; dosh; bone idle; gobby
He's always gormless.
He has no clue (=stupid)
He's legless (= he has no money left)
He's knackered
He's legless (=drunk)
He's not clever mate. He's an/a ..... (boring person with an obsessive knowledge in a niche subject)
He's a/an ....., always doing passively what I tell him.
I love Fernando, he's such a ......
Manchurian candidate
Diamond dust
Diamond geezer
You can always ............ , you ...... bastard!
Blag your way out; bloody
Wing it; bloody
Wing it; jammy
Blag your way out; jammy
I'm dead ....... To have won the first prize.
A: I hit a sleep policeman in Islington, ..... My car .... ; B: Aahahah you ......
Did; off; jammy bastard
Tore; apart; choosing beggar
Did; off; numpty;
Did; off; jammy bastard;
I was gonna order takeaway, can't be ..... To go down the chippy.
A: BUUUURP! B: Aaah that's ..... (gross) mate.
Wrank ass
Hanky panky
Alcoholic beverage:
Stop ........ And get over it! (complaining)
A: Wow! Well I never!
I would never do things like that
I have never done things like that
Blimey, mate!
To make a compromise.
To jump the gun
To meet halfway
To get on well
To be fair to middling
Don't be a profiteer! You can't always take advantage of the fact that she always ........
Bends down your legs
Leans down forward you
Bends over backwards for you
Leans down to your feets
I know you don't like those people, but since you accepted the invitation, keep stiff upper lip and ......! (to act in a special way that is different from one's natural behavior)
Play the game
Keep up the act
Swing the cat
Play upright
Don't use that word in such contexts. It can ...... As rude.
Come through
Get through
Get across
Come across
Did you ......? (have sex)
Broke the wall
Shagged with her
Get way down inside
No historian who ...... Would whitewash communism.
Gains his salt
Gets the chili
Worths his chili
Worths his salt
Before I ...... (start), I want you ..... (be focused) , because this lesson will be a real ..... (turning point) for you.
Kick off; to be on the ball; game changer
Start off; follow suit; tipping point
Shot the gun; be on the ball; game changer
Give it a go; follow suit; game changer
I ........ (irrational and impetous love) for her, but as soon as the relationship ....... (in trouble), I realised It was just a ....... (childish love)..
Went head over heels; went on the rock; puppy love;
Out on the tiles; went on the rocks; nanny love;
Out on the tiles; cracked at the seams; puppy love
Went head over heels; cracked at the seams; puppy love
Chat in British slang.
Chin wank
Chin wag
Tongue wag
I had tried to keep a ...... Face but I eventually burst into laughter.
Glazed over
A: Did you ......? (have sex) B: George! That's so rude!
Shagged on her
Hit her off
Give her one
Give on her
Alcoholism is .... in UK
All the rage
Spread out
The solo was ..... (to ad lib; to extemporize)
Off the cut
All the rage
Chin wag
It's really convenient
It's really nice and cheap.
It's a banger.
This has got more bang for your back.
This hits your bonnet.
The government should stop ..... (avoid) the issue of health care.
Fuffing around
Tiptoeing around
Fussing around
Dobbing in
Stop ...... everything! (complain/argue)
Rambling on about
Tiptoeing around
Going head over heels about
Making a fuss over/about
I couldn't ...... (understand) that book, but now I ...... Deciphering that obscure language.
Get my mind straight; got a kick out;
Get my mind straight; got a hang of;
My head round; got a kick out;
Got my head round; got a hang of;
You take him under your wing and ........ The work done.
Get him up to the pace of
Get him up to speed of
Drag him up to the pace of
Pull him through
Fancy a cheeky beer in the park? ....... (whatever you want).
Not fussed
Fair to middling
Not bothered
It's a fair cop
A: Shall we go home? B: Yeah, .........
May as well
Would the same
Might as well
It's a fair cop
Projecting music out loudly (es. My neighbor always ......... Despacido).
Blare out
Blast on
Bang out
Binge on
Pet peeve:
Something very annoying
Overexcited pet
Troublesome romance/love affair
Sexual toy
A four-wheeled carriage for a baby
Kind of fruit
Cheap runner
Cheap skate
Cheap bagger
Make fun of someone; to make fun of someone convincing them of something untrue; to tease each other gleefully; to play a trick on someone;
To pull someone's leg; to prank someone; to banter with someone; to tease;
To tease; to banter with someone; to prank someone; to pull someone's leg;
To banter with someone; to pull someone's leg; to prank someone; to tease
to tease; to pull someone's leg; to banter with someone; to prank someone;
I live in a quite ........ town. Yeh, I know, that's a ..........
Haunt; ball
Doom; bonkers
Godforsaken; bummer
Besotted; banger
To flirt.
To crack on somebody
To pander to sombody
To craddle sombody up
To chat somebody up
You can't understand the background of the refugees if you have not ...................
Felt it on your bare skin
Experienced it firsthand
Felt it firsthand
Experienced it firsthan
It's the ..... (last choice)
Last pick
Last take
Last catch
Last card
If you watch videos on you tube, there will be an advert ........ (immediately).
On the hit
On the hit of the middle
Slap-bang in the middle
Going on a binge; binge watching
Having a road trip; watching landscapes ecstatically
Overindulging in alcohol and food; watching multiple episodes of a television program in rapid succession
Exploring nature; watching series/TV shows while moving;
Going to big parties; watching landscapes ecstatically;
The ..... I received for the carpet was the highest throughout the whole .......
Lead; bargaining
Fib; bagaining
Bid; auction;
bargain; audition;
{"name":"English practice", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Soon after she got to the party, some strange man ..... her and wouldn't go away., Stop ....... her just because she's now an influencer!, You wish you paid an English lesson for ten quids, aren't you? You ....... !","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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