Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 20 Jul 20
[2007.08526] Kevin J. Kelly, Pedro A.N. Machado, Stephen J. Parke et al.: Back to (Mass-)Square(d) One: The Neutrino Mass Ordering in Light of Recent Data
[2007.08529] Martin Hoferichter, Javier Menéndez, Achim Schwenk: Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering: EFT analysis and nuclear responses
[2007.08537] Huai-Ke Guo, Kuver Sinha, Daniel Vagie et al.: Phase Transitions in an Expanding Universe: Stochastic Gravitational Waves in Standard and Non-Standard Histories
[2007.08542] Henning Bahl, Philip Bechtle, Sven Heinemeyer et al.: Indirect $\mathcal{CP}$ probes of the Higgs-top-quark interaction: current LHC constraints and future opportunities
[2007.08546] Benjamin Fuks, Mark D. Goodsell, Dong Woo Kang et al.: Heavy dark matter through the dilaton portal
[2007.08733] D. Costa: Simple anomaly-free $U(1)$ extensions of the Standard Model
[2007.08768] Basabendu Barman, Debasish Borah, Rishav Roshan: Effective Theory of Freeze-in Dark Matter
[2007.08834] C. Han, M.L. López-Ibáñez, A. Melis et al.: Lepton flavour violation from an anomaly-free leptophilic axion-like particle
[2007.08863] Blaz Bortolato, Jernej F. Kamenik: Light Majorana Neutrinos in (Semi)invisible Meson Decays
[2007.08867] Rikkert Frederix, Timea Vitos: Electroweak corrections to the angular coefficients in finite-$p_T$ $Z$-boson production and dilepton decay
[2007.08881] Tobias Huber, Javier Virto, K. Keri Vos: Three-Body Non-Leptonic Heavy-to-heavy $B$ Decays at NNLO in QCD
[2007.08957] Phung Van Dong, Cao H. Nam, Duong Van Loi: Canonical seesaw implication for two-component dark matter
[2007.09100] A. Kusina, T. Ježo, D.B. Clark et al.: Impact of LHC vector boson production in heavy ion collisions on strange PDFs
[2007.09105] Yohei Ema, Filippo Sala, Ryosuke Sato: Dark matter models for the 511 keV galactic line predict keV electron recoils on Earth
[2007.09143] Tetiana Obikhod, Ievgenii Petrenko: Searches for heavy Higgs bosons in the framework of 2HDM model
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 20 Jul 20","img":""}
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