Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 19 Apr 22
[2204.07586] Justus L. Gibson, Nicolas Lehner, Benjamin D. Oppenheimer et al.: The COS CGM Compendium. IV. Effects of Varying Ionization Backgrounds on Metallicity Determinations in the z < 1 Circumgalactic Medium
[2204.07587] Harsh Kumar, Rahul Gupta, Divita Saraogi et al.: The long-active afterglow of GRB 210204A: Detection of the most delayed flares in a Gamma-Ray Burst
[2204.07588] R. Kondapally, P. N. Best, R. K. Cochrane et al.: Cosmic evolution of low-excitation radio galaxies in the LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey Deep Fields
[2204.07592] A. Colombo, O. S. Salafia, F. Gabrielli et al.: Multi-messenger observations of binary neutron star mergers in the O4 run
[2204.07597] E. Spitoni, V. Aguirre Børsen-Koch, K. Verma et al.: Disc dichotomy signature in the vertical distribution of [Mg/Fe] and the delayed gas infall scenario
[2204.07621] Christian Aganze, Adam J. Burgasser, Matthew A. Malkan et al.: Beyond the Local Volume II: Population Scaleheights and Ages of Ultracool Dwarfs in Deep HST/WFC3 Parallel Fields
[2204.07627] Joseph P. Mullen, Massimo Marengo, Clara E. Martínez-Vázquez et al.: Metallicity of Galactic RR Lyrae from Optical and Infrared Light Curves: II. Period-Fourier-Metallicity Relations for First Over...
[2204.07632] Niranjan Kumar, Vladimir V. Sokolov: Mass Distribution and "Mass Gap" of Compact Stellar Remnants in Binary Systems
[2204.07646] Michael Eickenberg, Erwan Allys, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah et al.: Wavelet Moments for Cosmological Parameter Estimation
[2204.07668] Andrea Addazi, Salvatore Capozziello, Qingyu Gan: Induced Gravitational Waves from Multi-Sound Speed Resonances during Cosmological Inflation
[2204.07677] Michael A. Fedderke, Peter W. Graham, Bruce Macintosh et al.: Astrometric Gravitational-Wave Detection via Stellar Interferometry
[2204.07681] Eric R. Moseley, Romain Teyssier, B. T. Draine: Dust dynamics in RAMSES -- I. Methods and turbulent acceleration
[2204.07732] Durgesh Tripathi, A. N. Ramaprakash, Aafaque Khan et al.: The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard Aditya-L1
[2204.07745] Hikmet Çakmak, Yüksel Karataş: A Dynamical Evolution Study of the Open Clusters: Berkeley 10, Berkeley 81, Berkeley 89 and Ruprecht 135
[2204.07762] Z. F. Li, X. Cheng, F. Chen et al.: Three-dimensional Magnetic and Thermodynamic Structures of Solar Microflares
[2204.07778] S. Zavala, J. A. Toalá, E. Santamarí et al.: 3D mapping of the Wolf-Rayet nebula M1-67: clues for post-common envelope evolution in massive stars
[2204.07901] Matthias.R. Schreiber, Diogo Belloni, Monica Zorotovic et al.: Magnetic dynamos in white dwarfs -III: explaining the occurrence of strong magnetic fields in close double white dwarfs
[2204.07959] Daniel Wrench, Tulasi N. Parashar, Ritesh K. Singh et al.: Exploring the potential of neural networks to predict statistics of solar wind turbulence
[2204.07968] P. Pappa Kalaivani, O. Prakash, A. Shanmugaraju et al.: Kinematic study of radio-loud CMEs associated with solar flares and DH type II radio emissions during solar cycles 23 and 24
[2204.07973] Dilpreet Kaur, N. D. Ramesh Bhat, Shi Dai et al.: Detection of frequency-dependent dispersion measure toward the millisecond pulsar PSR J2241-5236 from contemporaneous wide-band observations
[2204.08016] E.-A. Kolonia, C. J. A. P. Martins: Observational constraints on nonlinear matter extensions of general relativity: Separable trace power models
[2204.08025] Ioulia Florou, Apostolos Mastichiadis, Maria Petropoulou: Hadronic supercriticality in spherically expanding sources: application to GRB prompt emission
[2204.08074] Jérémy Couturier, Philippe Robutel, Alexandre C.M. Correia: Dynamics of co-orbital exoplanets in a first order resonance chain with tidal dissipation
[2204.08088] Arun Kumar Pandey, Sunil Malik: Thermal SZ effect in a magnetized IGM dominated by interacting DM decay/annihilation during dark ages
[2204.08099] Megan Donahue, G. Mark Voit: Baryon Cycles in the Biggest Galaxies
[2204.08111] Tatsuya Takekoshi, Kianhong Lee, Kah Wuy Chin et al.: Material properties of a low contraction and resistivity silicon-aluminum composite for cryogenic detectors
[2204.08112] Eduardo J. de Mericia, Larissa Santos, Carlos Alexandre Wuensche et al.: Testing synchrotron models and frequency resolution in BINGO 21 cm simulated maps using GNILC
[2204.08124] F. Y. Wang, G. Q. Zhang, Z. G. Dai et al.: A repeating fast radio burst residing in a magnetar/Be star binary
[2204.08158] Jinyi Liu, Zeyang Sun, Jiakang Han et al.: Forecasts on CMB lensing observations with AliCPT-1
[2204.08177] Atsuhisa Ota: Cosmic microwave background spectral distortions from Rayleigh scattering at second order
[2204.08208] Yan Huang: Time dependent numerical model for the very high energy emissions of distant gamma-ray busrt GRB 201216C
[2204.08222] Sara Tomita, Yutaka Ohira, Shigeo et al.: Interaction of a Relativistic Magnetized Collisionless Shock with a Dense Clump
[2204.08225] Nienke van der Marel, Jonathan P. Williams, Giovanni Picogna et al.: High-resolution ALMA observations of transition disk candidates in Lupus
[2204.08267] Izaskun Jimenez-Serra, Lucas F. Rodriguez-Almeida, Jesus Martin-Pintado et al.: Precursors of fatty alcohols in the ISM: Discovery of n-propanol
[2204.08316] Wenshuai Liu: Imprint of primordial gravitational wave with extremely low frequency on gravitational lens system
[2204.08330] Tomohiro C. Yoshida, Hideko Nomura, Kenji Furuya et al.: A new method for direct measurement of isotopologue ratios in protoplanetary disks: a case study of the $^{12}$CO/$^{13}$CO ratio in the TW ...
[2204.08347] Johannes Heyl, Jonathan Holdship, Serena Viti: Using Statistical Emulation and Knowledge of Grain-Surface Diffusion for Bayesian Inference of Reaction Rate Parameters: An Application to a Glycine N...
[2204.08361] Michaela N. Villarreal, Jonathan W. Arenberg, Lauren Halvonik Harris: A Predictive Model for Micrometeoroid Damage to Gossamer Structures
[2204.08363] Yudai Suwa, Akira Harada, Masayuki Harada et al.: Observing Supernova Neutrino Light Curves with Super-Kamiokande. III. Extraction of Mass and Radius of Neutron Stars from Synthetic Data
[2204.08366] Maxim Lyutikov: On the nature of Fast Blue Optical Transients
[2204.08391] J. Peña, C. Fuentes: Colors of Irregular Satellites of Saturn with DECam
[2204.08425] Biswajit Pandey: Tomography of stellar halos: what does anisotropy in a stellar halo tell us?
[2204.08427] A. Omar: On energetics and progenitors of Odd Radio Circles
[2204.08448] X. Hernandez, L. Nasser: Quasi-spherical hydrodynamic adiabatic accretion in a Keplerian potential
[2204.08449] Clayton Miller: Pulsar skips: Understanding variations in the regular periods of rotating neutron stars
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 19 Apr 22","img":""}
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