Magical Moths - How well do you know them?
Moths can be found throughout Ireland. They are an important indicator species and their presence tells us about the health of the natural environment around us. Both moths and butterflies come from the same order of insects called Lepidoptera. More often than not, they have a duller pattern and colour than their butterfly counterparts but still play an equally important part as pollinators.
This quiz will run from the 7th February to the 16th. All completed responses with name and email details will be entered into the draw to win one of the following prizes:
bloomsbury moths guide
 - 1st Prize - Bloomsbury Wildlife Guides Concise Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland & Clearwing Moth Educational Sheet
fold out moth id chart
 - 2nd Prize - RSPB ID Spotlight Fold Out ID Chart on Moths & Clearwing Moth Educational Sheet
 - 3rd Prize - RSPB ID Spotlight Fold Out ID Chart on Moths
The winner will be drawn on the 18th of February, contacted directly via email, and announced on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

In the summer of 2021, Cork Nature Network conducted a survey of the Clearwing moth species in Cork. 

Ken Bond is an expert in Ireland’s Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and co-runs the Cork Nature Network Entomology Group. In 2021, he recommended that Cork  Nature Network apply for funding and carry out this survey as little is known about Ireland’s clearwing moth species (family Sesiidae). Clearwing moths are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, and for this reason, they are often not recorded by common moth survey techniques such as light traps. They are also usually quite small and can be mistaken for flies when they are seen in flight during the day.

We would like to take a moment to thank the National Parks and Wildlife Service for funding the prizes for this quiz and the Clearwing moth survey.

We would also like to thank Ken Bond and the volunteers who assisted him in the survey.


You can read the full report here 

1. How many moth species are there in Ireland?
Between 300 - 350
Between 500 - 640
Between 1050 - 1170
Between 1350 - 1500
2. Moths have a great sense of smell
3. How many miles away can a male moth smell a female moth?
4. Moths are one of the largest pollinator groups
5. What is the easiest way to tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly?
By their colouring
By their size
By their antenna
By the time of day/night you see them
6. How many moths to butterfly species are there in Ireland
1-2 moth species for every 5 butterfly species
42-43 moth species for every butterfly species
42-43 butterfly species for every moth species
1-2 butterfly species for every 5 month species
1-2 butterfly species for every 15 month species
1-2 moth species for every 15 butterfly species
7. The Atlas moth is the largest moth in the world, and can have a wingspan up to...
8. Pick the odd one out - Which species below is NOT a moth species?
Bordered Pug (Eupithecia intricata)
Forester (Adscita statices)
Rosy Footman (Miltochrista miniata)
Essex Skipper (Thymelicus lineola)
Barberry Carpet (Pareulype berberata)
Thrift Clearwing (Pyropteron muscaeformis)
9. Moths are great at camouflage - Which is NOT a way moths are known to camouflage themselves
Blend with the bark of branches.
impersonate twigs
Look like a bird dropping
take the shape of a bird
Can look just like a hornet or bee
10. What ways can you help protect the moth species of Ireland?
Retain unimproved areas of farmland, such as along hedgerows, small woodlands, ditches/sheughs and ponds with marginal vegetation and areas of unimproved grassland,
Create wildlife corridors
Use less pesticide
A wider diversity of plants in the landscape
Raise awareness of the important role moths play as pollinators
All of the above
{"name":"Magical Moths - How well do you know them? Moths can be found throughout Ireland. They are an important indicator species and their presence tells us about the health of the natural environment around us. Both moths and butterflies come from the same order of insects called Lepidoptera. More often than not, they have a duller pattern and colour than their butterfly counterparts but still play an equally important part as pollinators. This quiz will run from the 7th February to the 16th. All completed responses with name and email details will be entered into the draw to win one of the following prizes: - 1st Prize - Bloomsbury Wildlife Guides Concise Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland & Clearwing Moth Educational Sheet - 2nd Prize - RSPB ID Spotlight Fold Out ID Chart on Moths & Clearwing Moth Educational Sheet - 3rd Prize - RSPB ID Spotlight Fold Out ID Chart on Moths The winner will be drawn on the 18th of February, contacted directly via email, and announced on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In the summer of 2021, Cork Nature Network conducted a survey of the Clearwing moth species in Cork. Ken Bond is an expert in Ireland’s Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and co-runs the Cork Nature Network Entomology Group. In 2021, he recommended that Cork Nature Network apply for funding and carry out this survey as little is known about Ireland’s clearwing moth species (family Sesiidae). Clearwing moths are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, and for this reason, they are often not recorded by common moth survey techniques such as light traps. They are also usually quite small and can be mistaken for flies when they are seen in flight during the day. We would like to take a moment to thank the National Parks and Wildlife Service for funding the prizes for this quiz and the Clearwing moth survey. We would also like to thank Ken Bond and the volunteers who assisted him in the survey. You can read the full report here", "url":"","txt":"How many moth species are there in Ireland?, Moths have a great sense of smell, How many miles away can a male moth smell a female moth?","img":""}
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