Photography for Dummies Quiz 1

Can a camera function without a lens?
No it cannot
Yes it can
More information required
What is the function of a lens in a camera system?
To focus light rays onto the image sensor
To spread light rays onto the image sensor
To block the light from entering the camera
To reflect light from the image sensor
All of the above
What is the purpose of the image sensor?
To gather light from the lens
To block light from the lens
To reflect light from the lens
All of the above
Do all digital cameras have image sensors?
Yes they do
No they do not
More information required
Can a camera take pictures when the image sensor is blocked?
Yes it can
No it can't
More information required
Suppose you put on your lens cover and then take a picture on your camera, what will you see in the resulting image?
Complete darkness
A white image
A red image
A gray image
Suppose you have a Canon camera and your friend has a Sony camera, you decide to switch lenses for the day. Select all the statements that are correct.
This is not possible, you cannot switch lenses between camera models from different manufacturers
Certain cameras that are made by the same manufacturer can share lenses
It will be a great day of shooting as any lens can work on any camera
Only lenses made by the same manufacturer as the body, or those made for that specific system work
{"name":"Photography for Dummies Quiz 1", "url":"","txt":"Can a camera function without a lens?, What is the function of a lens in a camera system?, What is the purpose of the image sensor?","img":""}

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