Test On Adhkaar- 1

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Test Your Knowledge of Adhkaar

Welcome to the Adhkaar Quiz! Test your understanding of beautiful supplications and Islamic phrases. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your knowledge, this quiz offers a perfect mix of questions to challenge you.

  • Engaging questions about supplications and their meanings.
  • Multiple choice and matching formats for a fun quiz experience.
  • Evaluate your understanding of religious practices and prayers.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by PrayingSoul256
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1.Match the following.

a) أَشْهَدٝ 1) alone
b) وَحْدَهٝ 2) his slave
c) شَريـكَ 3) I bear witness
d) عَبْـدٝهٝ 4) partner
8a-2;b-4; c-1; d-3
A-3; b-1; c-4; d-2
A-3; b-1; c-2; d-4
2. Match the following
a) اللّهٝـمَّ 1) make me
b) اجْعَلنـي 2) among those who purify themselves
c) مٝنَ التَّـوّابينَ 3) O Allah
d) مٝنَ المتَطَهّـرين 4) among those who repent
A-3 ; b-1; c-4 ; d-2
a-3 ; b-1; c-2 ; d-4
3.Meaning of "أَسْتَغْٝٝرٝكَ"
I seek Forgiveness
I seek Your Forgiveness
I turn to you in repentance
4.Meaning of "أَتوبٝ إٝلَـيْك"
I seek Your forgiveness
I turn in repentance to you
5.Which of the following are the supplcations recited after wudu?
بٝسْمٝ الله
أَشْهَدٝ أَنْ لا إٝلَـهَ إٝلاّ اللهٝ وَحْدَهٝ لا شَريـكَ لَـهٝ وَأَشْهَدٝ أَنَّ مٝحَمّـداً عَبْـدٝهٝ وَرَسـولٝـه
اللّهٝـمَّ اجْعَلنـي مٝنَ التَّـوّابينَ وَاجْعَـلْني مٝنَ المتَطَهّـرين
الله أكبر
سٝبْحـانَكَ اللّهٝـمَّ وَبٝحَمدٝك أَشْهَـدٝ أَنْ لا إٝلهَ إٝلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْٝٝرٝكَ وَأَتوبٝ إٝلَـيْك
سٝبْـحانَكَ اللّهٝـمَّ وَبٝحَمْـدٝكَ وَتَبارَكَ اسْمٝـكَ وَتَعـالى جَـدّٝكَ وَلا إٝلهَ غَيْرٝك
6. Meaning of "الدّعْـوَةٝ التّـامَّة"
The Perfect Call
7.Meaning of "آتٝ"
8.Arrange the meaning of the supplication "سٝبْـحانَكَ اللّهٝـمَّ وَبٝحَمْـدٝكَ وَتَبارَكَ اسْمٝـكَ وَتَعـالى جَـدّٝكَ وَلا إٝلهَ غَيْرٝك" in order
a) And Praise
b) And Lofty is Your position
c) Glory be to You.O Allah
d) And None has the right to be worshipped except you
e) blessed be your Name
c > b > e > a> d
C > a > e > b > d
c > e > a > b >d
9. Match
a) سٝبْـحانَ 1) The Magnificient ;The Supreme
b) رَبّٝـيَ 2) The Most High;The Exalted
c) الْعَظـيم 3) Glory be to YOU
d) الأَعْلـى 4) My Lord
10.Meaning of "سَمٝـعَ اللهٝ لٝمَـنْ حَمٝـدَه"
Allah listens to the one who praised him
Our lord, for You is all praise
11. Match
a)حَمْـداً  1) blessed
b)كَثـيراً 2) excellent
c) طَيّٝـباً 3) praise
d)مٝـبارَكاً 4) abundant
A-3 ;b-2 ; c-1 ; d-4
A-3 ; b-4 ; c-2 ; d-1
A-1 ; b-4 ;c-1 ; d-3
a) الوَسيـلةَ 1) the virtue
b) الَْٝضـيلَة 2) You promised
c) وَابْعَـثْه 3)The right of intercession
d) وَعَـدْتَه 4)and raise him up to
13.a) وَاهْدٝنـي; (b)وَاجْبٝرْنـي ;(c)وَعاٝٝنـي
A)and guide me;b)and pardon me;c)and strengthen me
A)and guide me;b)and strengthen me;c)and pardon me
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