Culture facts

Name two comedy authors
Name one historian
Name another
Name two more
Name an author of orations
Name three lyric poets
Name an epic poet
Who write epigrams
What did Pliny the younger write?
Who wrote novels?
Name one of Plautus' works
Name one of Terence's works.
Name three of Ciceros works
Who did lesbia receive letters from?
Name three of vergils works.
Name 2 of Horace's works.
Name 2 of ovids works.
Name One of Livys works.
Name one of Petronius' works
Who wrote the annales
Name one of Suetonius' works.
Who are the nine muses?
Who was forced to suffer eternal hunger and thirst?
Who was the famous cyclops?
Who built the labyrinth? What was his sons name and how did he die?
Who killed Achilles? What was his mothers name?
The Titans were the children of who?
Who is the messenger goddess?
What shield was used by Athena and Zeus?
Who gave fire to humans? What was his punishment?
Who was Orpheus? Who Eurydice? What happened to them?
Who were Baucis and Philemon? What did they do?
What was Perseus famous for?
Who is Aeolus?
Who was the daughter of of Epimetheus? Who was the son of Prometheus?
Who was Bellerophon?
Translate "always prepared."
Translate . I came, I saw, I conquered. And when was it said?
Translate "a sound mind in a sound body"? And who said it?
Who said "we can't all do everything.". Translate into Latin.
Translate seize the day? And who said it.
Translate "out of many one." What is it the motto for?
Translate "time flies" and who said it.
Translate "to the stars through difficulties". What is it the motto of?
Translate "make haste slowly"
Translate "thus always to tyrannis" and what is it the motto of?
Translate "to err is human" and who said it?
Translate "the die has been cast" and who said it when?
What does S.P.Q.R stand for?
Who shouted "I found it!" (Translate)
Translate "oh the times! Oh the customs!" Who said it, during what?
"I think, therefore I am"
"Beware of the dog". When was this seen?
"We about to die, we salute you."
"Let the buyer beware"
"In wine, the truth."
Translate "even you, Brutus?" When was it said by and who?
"The truth"? What is it the motto of?
"One hand washes the other?" And who said it?
What is the motto of the U.S. Marines?
What do "a.m" and "p.m" stand for?
Translate nothing is swifter than rumor" and who said this quote?
What are the three periods of Roman governments and the dates?
Who was the first king of Rome? Who did he kill?
Who was the second king if Rome? What did he do?
Who was the third King of Rome? What did he do?
Who was the fourth King of Rome?
Who was the fifth King of Rome? What did he do?
Who was the sixth King of Rome? What did he do?
Who was the last king of Rome? Describe him.
What name was Romulus given after being deified?
What happened in 390 B.C. That was so important?
When were the Punic wars fought?
Who destroyed what in 146 B.C? (It's two people)
Who fought a civil war? And when?
When was the first triumvirate formed?
Who was a part of it?
When was the second triumvirate formed?
Who was a part of it?
Who was involved in the battle of actium?
What kind of battle was it?
What did it establish?
Who were the first five emperors? What were they collectively know as?
What emperors were known as the Flavian emperors?
Who were know as the five good emperors?
When did mount Vesuvius erupt?
What towns did it destroy?
Who were the first two Co-consuls of the roman republic?
What hills was Rome surrounded by?
What happened in 64 A.D? Who was emperor at the time?
Under who, was the Roman Empire at its greatest territorial extent?
Who did Constantine defeat in 312 A.D?
Which symbol did he see? What words did he hear? (Latin and English)
Who was the last Roman emperor?
{"name":"Culture facts", "url":"","txt":"Name two comedy authors, Name one historian, Name another","img":""}
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