How bigoted are you?

A thought-provoking illustration showing a diverse group of people engaging in a conversation about societal norms and biases, with a background of symbolic imagery such as scales of justice and cultural icons.

Are You Bigoted?

Take this thought-provoking quiz to explore your personal biases and beliefs. It consists of a series of questions that challenge societal norms and encourage self-reflection.

  • Assess your views on social issues.
  • Understand how your beliefs may align or conflict with societal expectations.
  • Gain insights into your own mindset.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingTruth32
If somebody offered you a slave, you would say...
No thank you
Yes thank you
Did your mother ever cook for you?
Should your local foreign streetfood vendors be required to speak to you in your country's language?
Do you believe terrorism is linked to Islam?
No that's racist
Yes they shout Allahu Akbar
Are you naturally inclined to be attracted to the opposite sex (as set by society)?
Do you believe the gulags are a hoax designed to lesser the importance of the Holocaust?
Which trait is worse?
Satanic inclinations
Do you believe a woman should walk through a shady part of town at 4 AM in a mini skirt?
Do you believe war is ever the lesser of evils?
Do you think we should intervene with military force to save innocent civilians from their oppressive dictators?
Who is better looking?
Brad Pitt
Lil Wayne
What would you eat on a trip to Mexico?
Normal food
Whose life is more important: a starving African child's or your family members and friends' combined?
African child
Family and friends combined
Should the death penalty be allowed for the most severe cases?
Yes, for the most severe cases
Should Donald Trump be assassinated asap?
Yes he incites to violence
No I'm a fucking nazi moron
{"name":"How bigoted are you?", "url":"","txt":"Take this thought-provoking quiz to explore your personal biases and beliefs. It consists of a series of questions that challenge societal norms and encourage self-reflection.Assess your views on social issues.Understand how your beliefs may align or conflict with societal expectations.Gain insights into your own mindset.","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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