Career & Course Path Evaluation

Create an image of a vibrant and engaging career guidance scene with students discussing their academic results, surrounded by books and a chalkboard filled with various career paths.

Career & Course Path Evaluation Quiz

Discover your potential career paths and educational opportunities with our comprehensive quiz designed specifically for SPM candidates.

Gain insights into your strengths and preferences:

  • Assess your academic results
  • Explore relevant courses
  • Plan your career journey
26 Questions6 MinutesCreated by ExploringPathways42
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SPM 2020 - Trial Results
Credit (A/B/C)
Not Credit (D/E/G/T)
Not applicable
Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris
Pendidikan Islam
Bahasa Tamil
Bahasa Cina
Pendidikan Moral
Pendidikan Seni Visual
Prinsip Perakaunan
Pendidikan Al-Quran & As-Sunnah
Pendidikan Syariah Islamiah
Sains Rumah Tangga
Sains Komputer
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