Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 15 Oct 21
[2110.06926] Yoshiki Hatta, Takashi Sekii, Masao Takata et al.: Non-standard modeling of a possible blue straggler star, KIC 11145123
[2110.06930] Caitlin M. Casey, Jorge A. Zavala, Sinclaire M. Manning et al.: Mapping Obscuration to Reionization with ALMA (MORA): 2mm Efficiently Selects the Highest-Redshift Obscured Galaxies
[2110.06931] Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Kyle Cranmer: A neural simulation-based inference approach for characterizing the Galactic Center $γ$-ray excess
[2110.06935] Vedant Chandra, Hsiang-Chih Hwang, Nadia L. Zakamska et al.: The SNIa Runaway LP 398-9: Detection of Circumstellar Material and Surface Rotation
[2110.06936] Indranil Banik, Hongsheng Zhao: From galactic bars to the Hubble tension $-$ weighing up the astrophysical evidence for Milgromian gravity
[2110.06939] M. Laurenti, E. Piconcelli, L. Zappacosta et al.: X-ray spectroscopic survey of highly-accreting AGN
[2110.06944] Tetyana Pitik, Irene Tamborra, Charlotte R. Angus et al.: Is the high-energy neutrino event IceCube-200530A associated with a hydrogen rich superluminous supernova?
[2110.06945] Laura J. Prichard, Marc Rafelski, Jeff Cooke et al.: Lyman Continuum Galaxy Candidates in COSMOS
[2110.06946] C. Tortora, L. K. Hunt, M. Ginolfi: Scaling relations and baryonic cycling in local star-forming galaxies. III. Outflows, effective yields and metal loading factors
[2110.06947] A. Loureiro, L. Whittaker, A. Spurio Mancini et al.: KiDS & Euclid: Cosmological implications of a pseudo angular power spectrum analysis of KiDS-1000 cosmic shear tomography
[2110.06950] Ting S. Li, Alexander P. Ji, Andrew B. Pace et al.: $S^5$: The Orbital and Chemical Properties of One Dozen Stellar Streams
[2110.06952] F. D. Priestley, I. De Looze, M. J. Barlow: The impact of metallicity-dependent dust destruction on the dust-to-metals ratio in galaxies
[2110.06955] Behzad Tahmasebzadeh, Ling Zhu, Juntai Shen et al.: Deprojection of external barred galaxies from photometry
[2110.06958] Brandt A. L. Gaches, Thomas G. Bisbas, Shmuel Bialy: This Ionization Rate is Just Right: The Impact of Cosmic-Ray Attenuation on the Carbon Cycle Emission in Molecular Clouds
[2110.06969] Yosuke Kobayashi, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada et al.: Full-shape cosmology analysis of SDSS-III BOSS galaxy power spectrum using emulator-based halo model: a $5\%$ determination of $σ_8$
[2110.06971] Laurent Legrand, Anne Hutter, Pratika Dayal et al.: AstraeusIV : Quantifying the star formation histories of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization
[2110.06995] Q. Daniel Wang, Yuxuan Zeng, Akos Bogda et al.: Deep Chandra observations of diffuse hot plasma in M83
[2110.07025] Vladimir Zhdankin: Generalized entropy production in collisionless plasma flows and turbulence
[2110.07065] Marcus O. Thomas, Ohad Shemmer, W.N. Brandt et al.: Exploratory X-Ray Monitoring of Luminous Radio-Quiet Quasars at High Redshift: Extended Time-Series Analyses and Stacked Imaging Spectroscopy
[2110.07088] Ye Cao, Yan Gong, Zhen-Ya Zheng et al.: Calibrating photometric redshift measurements with the Multi-channel Imager (MCI) of the China Space Station Telescope (CSST)
[2110.07114] Le Zou, En-Wei Liang, Shu-Qing Zhong et al.: Comparison of the Characteristics of Magnetars Born in Death of Massive Stars and Merger of Compact Objects With {\em Swift} Gamma-Ray Burst Data
[2110.07119] Dylan L. Jow, Ue-Li Pen: Measuring lens dimensionality in extreme scattering events through wave optics
[2110.07164] Daichi Tsuna, Kazumi Kashiyama, Toshikazu Shigeyama: AT2018lqh: Black Hole Born from a Rotating Star?
[2110.07185] Joshua Yao-Yu Lin, Dominic W. Pesce, George N. Wong et al.: VLBInet: Radio Interferometry Data Classification for EHT with Neural Networks
[2110.07227] X. J. Li, X. F. Dong, Z. B. Zhang et al.: Long and Short Fast Radio Bursts are Different from Repeating and Non-repeating Transients
[2110.07229] C. Crozza, S. Curelar, D. Dell'Aglio et al.: Review of the Classification and Properties of 55 Variable Stars in Scutum
[2110.07249] Xu-Run Huang, Shuai Zha, Lie-Wen Chen: Supernova Preshock Neutronization Burst as a Probe of Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions
[2110.07255] Keren Duer, Nimrod Gavriel, Eli Galanti et al.: Evidence for multiple Ferrel-like cells on Jupiter
[2110.07256] S. Dhawan, A. Goobar, M.Smith et al.: The Zwicky Transient Facility Type Ia supernova survey: first data release and results
[2110.07316] Y.Sophia Dai, Matthew M. Malkan, Harry I. Teplitz et al.: Spectroscopically Identified Emission Line Galaxy Pairs in the WISP survey
[2110.07326] Jake S Bennett, Debora Sijacki: A disturbing FABLE of mergers, feedback and mass biases
[2110.07329] Emilio Marfil, Hugo M. Tabernero, David Montes et al.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stellar atmospheric parameters of target stars with SteParSyn
[2110.07369] Johan Muhamad, Muhamad Zamzam Nurzaman, Tiar Dani et al.: Long-Term Evolution of Magnetic Fields in Flaring Active Region NOAA 12673
[2110.07373] Lidiia Zadorozhna, Anatolii Tugay, Nadiia Pulatova et al.: X-ray spectral features and classification of selected QSOs
[2110.07401] Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Roman Krivonos, Alexander Lutovinov et al.: Sgr B2 hard X-ray emission with INTEGRAL after 2009: still detectable?
[2110.07418] C.-H. Niu, K. Aggarwal, D. Li et al.: A repeating FRB in a dense environment with a compact persistent radio source
[2110.07427] Sara Konrad, Matthias Bartelmann: On the asymptotic behaviour of cosmic density-fluctuation power spectra
[2110.07463] C. B. Adams, G. Ambrosi, M. Ambrosio et al.: Prototype Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Commissioning the Optical System
[2110.07465] Caitlin A. Witt, Maria Charisi, Stephen R. Taylor et al.: Quasars with Periodic Variability: Capabilities and Limitations of Bayesian Searches forSupermassive Black Hole Binaries in Time-Domain Sur...
[2110.07466] J. P. Halpern, J. R. Thorstensen: Optical Studies of Ten Hard X-ray Selected Cataclysmic Binaries
[2110.07487] Eleni Bagui, Sebastien Clesse: A boosted gravitational-wave background for primordial black holes with broad mass distributions and thermal features
[2110.07488] Matteo Braglia, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Sachiko Kuroyanagi: Testing Primordial Black Holes with multi-band observations of the stochastic gravitational wave background
[2110.07539] Pierre Zhang, Guido D'Amico, Leonardo Senatore et al.: BOSS Correlation Function Analysis from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure
[2110.07559] Philip Lubin: PI -- Terminal Planetary Defense
[2110.07569] Javier de Cruz Perez, Joan Sola Peracaula, Adria Gomez-Valent et al.: BD-$Λ$CDM and Running Vacuum Models: Theoretical background and current observational status
[2110.07587] A. Spurio Mancini, A. Pourtsidou: KiDS-1000 Cosmology: machine learning -accelerated constraints on Interacting Dark Energy with CosmoPower
[2110.07590] Mansi Padave, Sanchayeeta Borthakur, Hansung B. Gim et al.: DIISC-II: Unveiling the Connections between Star Formation and ISM in the Extended Ultraviolet Disk of NGC 3344
[2110.07601] Marc G. Brouwers, Amy Bonsor, Uri Malamud: A road-map to white dwarf pollution: Tidal disruption, eccentric grind-down, and dust accretion
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 15 Oct 21","img":""}
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