Omnizoa's Political Alignment Quiz

A colorful political landscape featuring symbols of various political ideologies, diverse people discussing ideas, and a backdrop of a vibrant city skyline.

Omnizoa's Political Alignment Quiz

Discover your political alignment with Omnizoa's engaging quiz! Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to reveal where you stand on key political issues.

  • Explore your views on government, social issues, and economics.
  • Understand how your opinions fit into the broader political landscape.
  • Gain insights into your political beliefs and values.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by DebatingEagle515
The State...
...should be abolished. a hierarchy which should be abolished. an implicit part of any society.
The Government should be run by...
...the majority of people.
...a minority of people. person.
By "the majority of people" you mean...
...everyone including non-citizens.
...everyone qualified to vote on the particular subject.
By "a minority of people" you mean...
...elected representatives.
...appointed representatives. elite ruling class of the highest pedigree.
By "one person" you mean... elected sovereign. appointed sovereign. absolute sovereign of the highest pedigree.
By "the highest pedigree" you mean...
...those of royal blood.
...those sanctioned by my religion.
Another state has joined your cause, we should...
...create a central government to manage both states.
...create a central government which both our states can manage.
...remain separate, but allied.
Of land, labour, and capital, we should...
...seize the means of production.
...leave all three to the invisible hand.
...capture the value of land only.
Legislation should be checked by...
...a robust constitution. elected congress or parliament.
...popular referendums.
...should be abolished.
...should be abolished in favor of a barter system.
...should shift to the gold standard.
...should shift to a cryptocurrency.
...should be anything the market is willing to use as currency. the means by which we measure value.
Social stratification is primarily caused by...
...the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat.
...the strong rising above the weak.
...noble blood protecting it's lineage.
...state-granted monopolies.
...discrimination. forces.
Labour unions should be...
...the frontline of the revolution.
...a way for workers to bargain for better conditions.
...a democracy.
...public, not private.
Healthcare should be...
...subsidized for disabled, elderly, and/or military patients.
...made generally more affordable through subsidies, tax credits, or price fixing.
...made generally more affordable through a national insurance program.
...a privilege of the elite ruling class.
Education should be...
{"name":"Omnizoa's Political Alignment Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover your political alignment with Omnizoa's engaging quiz! Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to reveal where you stand on key political issues.Explore your views on government, social issues, and economics.Understand how your opinions fit into the broader political landscape.Gain insights into your political beliefs and values.","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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