Are You an Imperialist?

Do you believe the United states has a right to put military bases in other countries in exchange for wartime assistance?
Sure why not.
No thats wrong and unjust
Do you believe in Social Darwinism?(conflict between societal groups leads to social progress)
Yes of course.
No not at all.
How do you feel about American Exceptionalism?
Its completely correct and everyone should follow it.
Why in the world would people believe in that. Everyone is the same.
Do you believe that the annexation and administration of third-world tropical areas would mean the abandonment of American ideals?
Yes of course.
No thats ridiculous.
Do you believe that American citizens should not support the federal government when it violated such American ideals as liberty, free speech, and representative government when invading other countries?
Yes, those are human rights, not rights granted by a government.
No, only citizens of the US have those rights.
Do you believe in the "White Man's Burden"?
Yes, its the White mans responsibility to bring order, reason, and culture to the native peoples of less-developed regions.
No, everyone is the same once you look past their skin color.
Do you believe the The American Anti-Imperialist League was doing the right thing by battling the American annexation of the Philippines?
Yes of course.
No, the US had a right to take over the Philippines and take Britain's place.
Do you believe that United States was inherently responsible for bringing concepts such as industry, democracy, and Christianity to less developed “savage” societies?
Yes, whites are the superior race.
No, everyone has their own right to how their country works.
Was it right for the United States to have political, social, and economic control over countries such as the Philippines, Cuba, Germany, Austria, Korea, and Japan?
Yes, world dominance and power is important.
No, we have enough power already.
Since the United States wanted to control the seas in the Western Hemisphere, was it okay to just take the foreign land we wanted to build bases on?
Yes, more bases more power, it doesn't matter who we have to step on to get there.
No, we can purchase the land or trade of it. But we have no right to just take it.
How do you feel about the fact that in places such as Guam and Samoa, the US just took over for the sake of more territory and military presence rather than actual governing?
I think it was a great idea, they wouldn't have survived without our help.
It was wrong and immoral.
Do you believe that social Darwinism can be used to justify imperialism and that the concept of a white man's burden is done out of a desire to help those who cannot otherwise secede?
Yes, it doesn't matter if the countries ask for help, we have a right to intrude.
No, we have no right to take over if they don't ask first.
Do you agree with this quote, "Take up the White Man's burden— Send forth the best ye breed— Go bind your sons to exile— To serve your captives' need." -Rudyard Kipling
Yes, its pure genius.
No, its absurd.
Do you believe that its the United State's responsibility to take care of under developed countries?
Yes, even if they dont ask for the help.
Only if the other countries ask for the help and we leave when we're done.
Do you agree with this quote, "It should, it seems to me, be our pleasure and duty to make those people free, and let them deal with their own domestic questions in their own way. And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land." -Mark Twain
Yes, completely.
No. That is absurd.
{"name":"Are You an Imperialist?", "url":"","txt":"Do you believe the United states has a right to put military bases in other countries in exchange for wartime assistance?, Do you believe in Social Darwinism?(conflict between societal groups leads to social progress), How do you feel about American Exceptionalism?","img":""}
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