Chapter Review

A whimsical and surreal illustration featuring a quirky character resembling a blend of humor and creepiness, surrounded by bizarre elements like flying books and peculiar landscapes, evoking a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

The Ultimate Chapter Review Quiz

Dive into a deep exploration of your thoughts and feelings about the latest chapter you read! This engaging quiz will help you reflect on various aspects such as the likability of the narrator, the level of weirdness, humor, and much more.

In this quiz, you'll:

  • Assess the writing quality
  • Evaluate your emotional responses
  • Share your predictions for what’s next
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CharmingWriter42
What is your name?
How likable was the narrator?
I hate them in the biblical sense.
They were tolerable. Barely.
I could see where they were coming from, and don't agree with them.
Part of me likes them, and I don't like that part of me.
I can empathize with them.
They were likable.
I wish there were more people like them.
I very strongly identify with them and feel like we'd be BFFs in real life.
10 out of 10, would recommend.
Please Specify:
How weird was this chapter?
Not at all.
It was only weird once I had time to think about it.
It was a bit weird at times.
It was weird.
It was extremely weird.
The author was on acid.
Lewis Carroll? Is that you?
Please Specify:
How funny was it?
I haven't read anything less funny in my life.
Sure, if you're a sicko.
I laughed. And then I felt extreme remorse for my actions.
I'm embarrassed to say that yes, it was funny.
Now that was my kind humor!
I haven't read anything funnier in my life! I'm still laughing now!
Please Specify:
How creepy was it?
I find horror movies funny so I'm not the kind of person you should ask.
I think the author was trying to be creepy and failed.
... Not?
It seemed more or less normal.
A little creepy.
It was creepy.
I would not recommend reading this any later than 12 PM.
I skipped sections of it.
I may or may not have thrown the book across the room. Or turned off my monitor as the case may be.
Please Specify:
How uncomfortable did it make you?
Uncomfortable? I felt warm a fuzzy inside!
It was pretty normal.
A little bit.
I wouldn't read this without taking valium first.
I find your lack of trigger warnings disturbing.
If this didn't make you uncomfortable, I'm legitimately scared of you.
Please Specify:
Did you learn something?
No. It had a sort of... Sponge bob effect.
Not really. It didn't strike me as educational in nature.
I think so.
I now have a new perspective on life.
Please Specify:
Was this chapter well written?
A chimpanzee with a type writer could do better than this trite.
It was... Sub par.
It was okay I guess.
It was average.
It was better than a lot of the popular books nowadays.
Yes and I think it should be made into a movie or a TV show!
I think after the author has died and the work has been forgotten, someone will find a copy and declare it a classic.
Please Specify:
How likely are you to keep reading?
Someone please pass the bleach. I need to wash my eyes and brain.
Not at all.
I'll think about it.
Honestly, I'm apathetic. If I was on a long and boring flight I probably would.
Pretty likely.
Very likely.
I'm reading the next chapter now even though you said not to. [:P
I read the whole thing and am answering these retroactively and with great bias.
Please Specify:
How likely are you to recommend the book to others as of this chapter?
I'd recommend it to my enemies and destroy it if I saw one of my friends reading it.
I wouldn't, even if you paid me.
I would with sufficient bribe money. ;)
They'd need to be a particular kind of person. Or we'd need to be really close friends. I don't want to scare anyone or make them think I'm a creep.
I would yes.
I'm promoting it on social media right now!
If you haven't read it we can't be friends, uncultured swine!
Please Specify:
What questions has this chapter left you with?
What questions need to be answered sooner rather than later?
What do you think will happen next?
Are there any other thoughts you would like to add?
Did you spot any errors or inconsistencies? Plot holes perhaps?
{"name":"Chapter Review", "url":"","txt":"Dive into a deep exploration of your thoughts and feelings about the latest chapter you read! This engaging quiz will help you reflect on various aspects such as the likability of the narrator, the level of weirdness, humor, and much more.In this quiz, you'll:Assess the writing qualityEvaluate your emotional responsesShare your predictions for what’s next","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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