Maths-Whizz Product Knowledge

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Which of the following is not a core component of Maths-Whizz?
Real-time reports
Teachers' Resource
Problem Solving Workshop
Virtual Tutor
Which components of Maths-Whizz does a single school get access to?
Tutor, Real-time reports and Central Reports
Tutor and Real-time reports
Tutor, TR and Central Reports
Tutor, TR and Real-time reports
Which of these customer types is most likely to use Central Reports?
Multi-academy trust
Tutoring centre
A school
How many Topics does the Maths-Whizz curriculum have? Tick all that apply.
As many as the National Curriculum
Maths-Whizz has learning objectives, not Topics
How are lessons ordered within a Topic?
In accordance with the National Curriculum
Lessons are not ordered; it's the right lesson at the right time
By difficulty
To the nearest 50, how many lessons are there in the Maths-Whizz curriculum?
Which of these statements about curriculum alignment is true? Tick all that apply.
Maths-Whizz covers 96% of the National Curriculum for England learning objectives
96% of Maths-Whizz lessons are relevant to the National Curriculum
The Maths-Whizz curriculum changes every time a new curriculum is introduced
Maths-Whizz aligns to the child's ability
What is the first part of a Maths-Whizz lesson called?
Teaching Section
Which part of the lesson is most interactive?
All of it
None of it
How many questions usually appear in a test?
No consistent number.
In which Topics do tests never appear?
Lower-age Topics
Rapid Recall
Place Value
What is the guiding design principle for the Maths-Whizz Tutor?
Make teaching efficient
Simulate a human tutor
Empower the learner
How many Topics appear in the initial diagnostic assessment?
Between 4 and 10
Jonny sees 6 Topics in his initial assessment (this does not include interactive exercises that appear for home users). For how many Topics is Jonny assigned an assessed Maths Age?
Definitely 6
At least 6 and probably more
Definitely 16
To the nearest 5 minutes, how long does the assessment take on average?
Alice is older than Bob. Which of the following is always true? Tick all that apply.
Alice will be assessed in more topics than Bob
They will be assessed in the same number of topics
In the assessment, Alice will start the first Topic at a higher quarter than Bob
Bob will find the assessment harder than Alice
Which of these factors influences how many lessons of each Topic appears in Tutor? Tick all that apply.
The student's Maths Age in that Topic compared to other Topics
Topic Focus
The number of lessons in the Topic compared to others
Where the student is in that Topic relative to other students
When Topic Focus is set, how many Progressions does it keep appearing until?
Within Topic Focus, what options are available to a teacher? Tick all that apply.
Which Topic to direct the Tutor to
Which lessons to direct the Tutor to
Number of Progressions
In a class of 30 students, how many students will receive Measures if it is set as Topic Focus?
Depends on the age of the students
Depends on the Maths Age of the students in Measures
Up to the teacher
Which of these statements most accurately describes a single Progression in Tutor?
Passing both the exercise and test
Attempting an exercise and test
Passing the exercise
The blue bars on the topic profile
How are Jumping policies determined?
Fixed policy of 3/3 or better
Depends on the child's learning profile
Depends on the individual lesson
Depends on the Topic
Why doesn't every lesson have Jumping enabled?
We haven't gotten around to it yet
Proved too expensive
Jumping is only appropriate for the selected lessons
Students complained so we disabled Jumping for 400 exercises
What is the effect of skipping an exercise?
Student makes a progression
Student Jumps to the test
Student passes the exercise with 70%
Student only has to do 5 questions
What does regression correspond to?
A failed test
A failed exercise
Getting the first few questions right but the rest wrong
Scoring between 30% and 69%
How many lessons is the Tutor able to regress back?
Which of these corresponds to a static? Tick all that apply.
Passing the exercise and test
Passing the exercise but failing the test
Scoring between 30% and 69% on the exercise
Passing a lesson in regression
What does the term 'rounded learning profile' mean?
Student is at a similar level in all Topics
All students in a class are at a similar level
Student has a Maths Age of 10 in every Topic
Student is strong in Place Value
Which of these components is not found in the Student Experience?
Themed worlds
Instagram feeds
Which area houses lower-age lessons in each Topic?
Topic Challenge
Space World
All three
Where can students access lessons passed in Tutor?
Avatar area
All three
Where can students access more advanced lessons?
Topic Challenge
All three
Where is the Challenge function found?
In Tutor
In Topic Challenge
Weekly Dashboard
How can students earn credits? Tick all that apply.
Hitting weekly goals
Passing tests
Cashing in their virtual pets
Sending messages to Buddies
Which reporting period will always be the longest?
Since Last Assessment
Last 7 days
Full History
Topic Focus period
Which of these reporting periods corresponds to a timespan of 0.02 years?
Since Last Assessment
Last 7 days
Full History
Topic Focus period
What is the expected Maths Age of a student who is just starting Year 6?
Which of these activities counts towards Usage? Tick all that apply.
Teaching Page
Weekly Journey Dashboard
Topic Challenge
Feeding pets
Under what circumstances can a Maths Age Improvement be negative? Tick all that apply.
Student is in Regression
Reassessment during the period
Student fails a test
Student fails in Replay
What are the three main panels on the Student Dashboard in reports?
Maths Age, Usage, Progressions
Tutor, Replay, Topic Bank
Maths Age, Lessons, Usage
Tutor, Replay, Total
What information is available for each exercise/test in Lesson History? Tick all that apply.
Date exercise/test was attempted
Whether the lesson was in Topic Bank
Timestamp for the lesson
Name of the Topic
Which of these can be inferred from a student's Topic profile? Tick all that apply.
Their current strongest and weakest Topic
The Topic they have improved in the most
Which Topic is coming up next in Tutor
Topics where they are in Regression
A school has two classes, A and B. Class A has 10 students, Class B has 2 students. How is average Maths Age across the whole school calculated?
((Average Maths Age of Class A) + (Average Maths Age of Class B))/2
Median Maths Age across school
Sum all Maths Ages and divide by 12
Sum all Maths Ages and divide by 2
Which 3 metrics are shown as default in Class comparisons?
Tutor/Replay/Topic Bank Usage
Maths Age, Usage, Progress Rate
Maths Age, Usage, Improvement
Maths Age, Usage, Progressions
Class A has an average weekly Usage of 35 minutes and an average weekly Progressions of 2.4. What is their status icon?
Which Topics are hidden from the default view in Class Topics?
Higher-age Topics
Topics covered by a majority of students
Topics covered by a minority of students
Least popular Topics
Which of these is available in the Curriculum Reports? Tick all that apply.
List of National Curriculum standards
List of every learning objective each student has completed within each standard
Proportion of each standard completed by each student
The Extension Problems related to each standard
Which of these metrics is available on the School layer of School Reports? Tick all that apply.
Total Usage
Average weekly Progressions
Average Progress Rate
Average Delta
Which of these user groups does not use Central Reports?
Customer Success Managers
School Advisors
Multi-Academy Trust maths leads
How is Progress Rate calculated?
Maths Age Improvement - Timespan
Maths Age Improvement / Timespan
Maths Age/Progressions
How is a Progress Rate of >1 interpreted?
Student is making accelerated progress
Student is making expected progress
Student is making less than expected progress
Student is finding Maths-Whizz too easy
How is Delta calculated?
Maths Age - Actual Age
Actual Age - Maths Age
Maths Age/Actual Age
Actual Age/Maths Age
In Central Reports, how does a school achieve a green tick? Tick all that apply.
Usage > 30
Progressions greater/equal 3
Progress Rate greater/equal 1
Delta >0
Which of the following actions can be taken in School Reports? Tick all that apply.
Send message to student's parent to remind them of homework
Print certificates to reward high Usage
Set Topic Focus for a class
Set an individual lesson for the class
How often are Automated Email Reports sent?
What information may be included in an Automated Email Report? Tick all that apply.
Best student
Best class
Top Tip
Class comparisons
Why is 45-60 minutes a good suggestion for recommended Usage?
Limits screen time
Historical data analysis shows that students in this range can expect accelerated learning
It fits into 2 sessions
It can be achieved with 10 mins/day
Why might the Usage guidelines not apply for an individual student? Tick all that apply.
Some students are slower than others
Assumes productive use of Maths-Whizz
Usage is not reliably captured
It is based on an older version of the product
As a general guide, how many Progressions should students be making each week?
In a Maths-Whizz school, who can access Teachers' Resource?
Maths leads
All of the above
How are the 1250 lessons organised in Teachers' Resource?
By the Maths-Whizz curriculum only
By a range of curricula
By Topic
How are the 1250 tests made available in Teachers' Resource?
As mixed tests
As printable worksheets
As exercises
They aren't available at all
What is the maximum number of Topics that can be selected in a Mixed Test?
Which resource in Teachers' Resource supports deeper learning?
Extension Problems
Mixed Tests
Interactive Whiteboard
Which resource in Teachers' Resource supports real-world problem solving?
Extension Problems
Mixed Tests
Interactive Whiteboard
Which of these tools is not available in Teachers' Resource?
Mixed Tests
Printable Worksheets
How often are parent emails sent?
From which of the following areas can parents sign up from?
School Reports
Notice Board
What can parents access in their dashboard? Tick all that apply.
Reports for all students in their child's class
Reports for their children
Feedback from teachers
Their own access to Tutor
Where can teachers find the usernames and passwords of their student accounts? Tick all that apply.
Manage Classes
Class Report
Bulk Upload
{"name":"Maths-Whizz Product Knowledge", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is not a core component of Maths-Whizz?, Which components of Maths-Whizz does a single school get access to?, Which of these customer types is most likely to use Central Reports?","img":""}
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