
What are two stands of studying personality
Pathology and individual difference
Medical model and healing
The inability to meet basic needs as a child, and poor parenting were the reason why a childs personality did not develop properly
Yes, everyone experiences these anxieties, how ever when they are to a great extreme neurosis develops
No, childhood neurosis is biological
What are the characteristics of a healthy development according to horney
A warm, loving and consistent experience with parents
Postive regard, incongruence, sympathy
The environment we are in influences who we are and how we behave according to Karen Horney
Yes, we are social being and we are dependent on how we socialise with others
No, only our home eviroment and the relationship within the family is important
Being insecure, distrustful, dependent and isolation are examples of basix anxiety getting out of hand
Parents can be either overly stick and overly permissive and this will cause
Inferiority complex and superiority complex
Neurotic traits are
Unconscious, rigid and compulsive
Conscious, flexible and controllable
What are the tyranny of should ?
Charaters from game of thrones
The development of a ideal selfs and contingencies that have to be met by a neurotic person.
What is the difference between detached types and aggressive types?
Social attention and recognition
The desire to isolated
What is the similarity between complaint types and aggressive types
They both depend on others perception
They are humble
What is arbitrary rightness
The desire, and goal to be right all the time
To not take a side, so they are right
What is female masochism
The belief that female get pleasure from being submissive and enduring pain
Females feeling jealous of men having the penis and there wanting be like men
What are some weakness of hornets theory
It was general in terms of normal behaviour and also takes about abnormal development and how it begins
It had little research, it was difficult to measure, it is too parsimonious
Who proposed the social learning theory and also the concept of self efficacy
Albert bandura
Rollo may
What components had to be available for observational learning to be effective
Attractives, status, admiration
Unattractiveness, punishment, difficult tasks
Motivational process of observational learning is
Physical mimicry
Seeing value in a behaviour
Which of the two pertains to encoding bevaiour into memory
Rententional process
Attentional process
Which of the two has to do with observing characteristics and the resources active cognitively
Attentional process
Motor reporduction process
Internal rewards are more beneficial than external rewards according to Bundura
Psychopathology is caused by faulty learning and incorrect anticipation, what are some byproduct of dysfunctional expectancy
Depression, helplessness, inability to perform
Helpfulness, performance ability, and courage
Who proposed that the personality may alter in a situation causing a different form of behaviour, this person also proposed the consistency paradox, which states that we need to understand both the situation and the personality y inorder to accurately predict behaviour
Water michelle
Walter mischel
Behavioural specificity proposes that our behaviour is determined by the situation
Walter mischel
Threat = aggressiveness
The concept that behaviour influences the environment and that the environment influences behaviour is a concept of
Reciprocal determinism
Motivational mimicry
The concept that different people focus on different components of the same situation is a defined as
Encoding strategy
Reciprocal determinism
The evaluation of the outcome and weather or not to perform or omit a behaviour
What if I cheat on my exam
When we evaluate our own performance an then use this evaluation to adjust our behaviour
Self regulatory system by walter mischel
Self reinforcement system
They system whereby we monitor our own behaviour and punish or reward ourselves
Self regulatory system
Self reinforcement system
The idea of clustering common factors with the sam latent drive which was don by cattell and other lexical researchers
Factor analysis
Cluster buster
The comparison of three people and using two similar and one different is
Rep grid test
Contract theory
G. Kelly proposed that we create our own hypothesis about situation and test them out, however our test are not very reliable because they are based by social environment that we like, what did kelly propose about psychological problems
They are due using unhelpful contracts, invalid contrast do define our environment
We need to change our hypothesis through counselling
Collaborative elaboration is
The process of challenging and changing the unhelpful contracts we use
Exploring motivation of contsructs
Pschologycial disturbances are due to improper use of rational and irrational thinking was a concept proposed by
Ablert ellis
Albert bundura
Ellis believes which of the flowing statements about the world to be rational
The world is a fair and just place
People have a preference for fairness
When human do what is their best interest even when they seen like they are considering other is an example of
Ellis theory
Enlightened self interest.
The ABC model of behaviour proposes
That there is an activating event and the individuals belief system about that even is what is possibly responsible for the consequences they experience
The disputation and distraction is the key to changing ones perspective
What to the letter B and D stand for in the ABC model
The belief the client has has has to be deconstructed and the dysfunctional beliefs have to be challenged
Dysfunction and behaviour
What are two sources of psychological disturbance
Ego disturbance and discomfort disturbance
Unfulfilled goals and too many conditions of worth
What are similarities between the theory proposed by Albert Ellis and the one proposed by Kelly
The focus on uniqueness, testability, insight oriented.
The needs that are physiological
Deficiency needs
Growth needs
When maslow described self actualisers he defined people who he had arbitrarily chosen to have B cognition
What are differences between mallows conception of self actualisation and rogers conception
Rogers believed that childhood experience is a main determinant of weather or not we actualise. He proposed that congruency between our actual self and our ideal self would lead to actualisation. To actualise is to grow to ones full potential in the right environment
Maslow believed that to actualise one had to have the power to lookout the world from a non judgemental stand point. To actualise to to first satisfy all the prior basic needs.
What is d cognition
What are conditions of worth
To have either fewer conditions between your idealised self and your real self. Or alternatively to have greater a greatr conditions of worth between your real self and idealised self
To be low functioning or to be high functioning
What are the consequences of high conditions of worth
Psychological illness , discontentment, antisocial behaviour
Contentment, congruency, and mental health
What are rogers core conditions of counselling
Addressing incongruence, positive regard, counsellor congruence, insight
Postive regard, empathy, insight,
What three conditions have to considered when understanding traits
Frequency, intensity, range
Situation, nomothetic, ideographic
Which is the best trait order to reflect influence on behaviour from greatest influence to the least
Secondary, central and cardinal
Cardinal, central an secondary
What did gordon all port believe was the contributor to the self
The combination of traits
The interaction of the environment and the proprium
What are the two types of traits that gordon all port made a distinction between
Source and surface
Environmental or genetic
What is the nature of extraversion _ and what is the nature of sociability_
Surface and source
Source and surface
What is the dynamic lattice and what does it belong to
It belongs to further subdivision of traits and the lattice is divided into attitudes, ergs, and sentiments
The hypothetical constructs expressing our instincts, our innate drives and our opinions
How many traits were in hans eysnecks model of traits
What were the three traits in hans eysnecks model
Psychotic, extraversion and neuroticism
Machavelianism, narcissism, psychotics
What is the order of traits according to hans eysneck
Specific responses, habitual responses, traits and super traits
Extraversion, sociability, initiating conversation, telling a joke
According to harness biological differences were responsible for personality variation an the environment helped express them
The ascending reticulular activating system
Reticula cortico which deals with th arousal from incoming stimulus
Reticula limici deals with the emotional stimuli
Extraverts have
Low reticulo cortico and seek more stimulation
High reticulo portico and avoid situations
People who are condition by reward and seek activities with a potential reward, who also have a higher chance of being impulsive
People who are motivated to avoid situations, they are sensitive to punishment, and potential danger, and also have a higher potential to be anxious are
What biological factors influence intelligence
Brain size
Blood to brain ratio
Who believed that traits were stable through time
The improvement of human genes through the sterilisation of people and selective breeding
Who proposed factor analysis by understanding the existence of a g factor and specific domain factors
Who believed that they were seven clusters of intelligence and PMA, primary mental abilities
Thurstone the PMA
Gardner hippie
Who proposed that there were other forms of intelligence such as spiritual intelligence, existential and moral intelligence
Gardener the 8 man
Gardner the hippie
Who proposed that there were three types of intelligence, analytic, creative and practical
Sternberg the creative pragmatics
Sternberg the analytic psychologist
Who created a test for tp identify children who are struggling to cope, and created an IQ test = mental age devided by chronological age
Alfred hospital for kids binet
Who administered or created the army alpha and army beta tests, and was interested in cutting out the feeble minded
Yerkes mr 60minutes test
Why was ravens so special
Developed tests that did not require the use of english
Used pictures, shapes, patterns
Thorndike the mechanist like the dude pragmatist sternberg believed in personality having three factors
Practical, analytic and creative
Mechanical, social and abstract
Who proposed that there were two type of intelligence, fluid and crystal
Raymond cattell
Cattle raymond
Who proposed the three general facts of intelligence, gv, gr, gap
General visual, general retrieval and general speed processing
General raymond cattell
Who proposed the CAS, cognitive assessment system to understand the brain area that was responsible for a type of cognitive functioning
Pass theorists
Who proposed matrices that focused of abstract abilities, the use of test without language and using test that could measure intelligence cross culturally
Revan patten lady
Cattell 16 man
What theory posits that people are getting smarter from generation to generation, there are rising scores in iq and that the way we have learn to compartmentalise data has helped us up our id scores from generation to generation. This genius also proposed that greater nutrition, technologicaldevelopment and less infectious deceases were possible variables that contributed to this process
Lebrun james
Which test was designed to measure the intelligence of kids between grade 1 - 12. However was extended to measure up to 25 years old. The test measured academic achievement and the theorist has the same name as our lecture
Left hemisphere with consciousness and the right hemisphere with unconscious drives
Steph curry
Alexandra romanovich
Learning the sequence one has to go through to attain a certain goal is called
Successive processing
Simultaneous processing
Adding up related concepts of information to increase spacial awareness
Successive processing
Simultaneous processing
Pleasure is the highest good and humans should aim to maximise it and minimise pain
Which cluster contains paranoid, schizoid, schizotypical personalities
Cluster A
Cluster Away fro earth
Which cluster contains the emotional, dramatic, and erratic
Which cluster contains the mood swings, always looking for new situation, seeking attention , anxious, fearful, avoidant
Cluster crazy partner
Cluster C
Who is dominant more likely to get stressed, competitive and more likely to exploit
Type A
Type B
Higher levels of hostility are said to be toxic to one cardiovascular health and they are a component of which type of personality
Type A
Type B
What are the three characteristics of checks and balances
Need to maximise pleasure, the need to maintain self coherence and stability, interpersonal need, and positive esteem need
Cognitive experiential theory, CEST, all three needs be in balance and if one takes precedes the others get hungry
The need for autonomy, competence and relatedness is the basis of which theory
Self determination theory
Independent need, with intrinsic and extrinsic alteration
What are three levels of processing needs
Biological tissue needs, individual needs, and social needs
Food, competence, inter relations
Who was the first to empirically measure intelligence, specifically attitude and aptitude
Sir francis galton
Hans eysneck
Which theory pertains the three layers of the psychic , the ID, EGO, Super EGO
What is reaction formation
A defence mechanism used to overcome and impulse by overcompensating
A psychosomatic disorder
Whats conversion reaction
A defence mechanism by which psychological problems manifest into physical symptoms
Converting a pessimist into an optimist
Whats an example of undoing
To undo my bad luck I have to hold my collar till a dog walks past
If I work had enough and be positive I will achieve
What its primary process thinking
Using an innate, subconscious system
To thinking rationally using higher order cortices
What is an example of secondary process thinking
Dreams, subconscious
Rational thinking , precocious
What is libido
Mental energy a child is born with, which later motivates sexual drives
Sexual stamina which unconscious
What is an erogenous zone
And area that is sensitive to stimulation during development
The time when one is most likely to be themselves
What is fixation
The phenomenon when one over induces in a stage during development
When the person cannot concentrate on more than one object
What are the five stages of freuds childhood development theory
Oral, anal, phallic, genital, latent
Oral, rational, public,toilet training
The belief that all patients thoughts lead to something subconscious, resistance is the refusal for the client to let the therapist analyse their subconscious motives
Free association
Slips of the tough are an example of
Where the psycho sexual stages empirically valid
Was frauds theory , comprehensive, parsimonious, have heuristic value and applicable
What is the inferiority in in reference to alder jung and horney
The inability to compensate of anxieties caused by some childhood relationships
Feeling like you better than others
What is imaginary inferiority
Socially prescribed inferiority, these are societies standards that differ from culture to culture
Becoming overly obsessed with winning
Is becoming over obsessed with winning and example of inferiority complex
The goal to become superior according to alder is an example of
What is compensation in reference to inferiority complex
A method of countering inferiors created by our environment and society
Becoming obsessive with the opposite of your weakness
Which as is a persons style of life established
3 to 5
10 to 18
Does birth order change how you are treated by parents according to alder
Yes and it alters how you turn out as an adult
No parents love all their kids equally is an innate human trait
Who is more likely to be a high achiever but also have a high need for approval
The only child
First born child
Which theory covers the concept of the dethroned monarch
Alder birth order theory
Frued psycho sexual
Which are the characteristics of a neurotic personality
Machavelism, nassasicm, and anger
Unhealthy self perception,fear of challenge, excuse making and avoidance
What is to have a high social interest
To go on media platforms a lot
To be less self centred, less hostile and to cooperate and enjoy being part of the community
The understanding of ones life style, using the therapeutic approach, and understanding the perception of childhood are characteristics of
The adlerian approach to therapy
Carl rogers approach to therapy
The desire to be in power, have a lack of social interest, and exploit others is an example of
An avoidant personality
A ruling type of personality
Did frued and alder both agree that dreaming was a way to avoid displeasure and create cognitive balance
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