
Create an educational and engaging graphic depicting various phrases and idioms with dynamic and colorful illustrations.



  • 15啝㝮靸択肢㝋ら㝪るクイズ
  • 自分㝮ペース㝧学㝹る
  • 間靕㝣㝟啝題㝯復習㝧㝝㝾㝙
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by VerbNoun274
He thinks he's so popular. That's why he ______ ______ __me.彼㝯自分㝌人気㝠㝨思㝣㝦㝄る㝋ら秝㝮㝓㝨を見下ゝ㝗㝦㝄る。
Over down on
Looks down on
Thinks down on
Falls down on
I just can't ____ ___ _____ her rude behaviour any more.(も㝆彼女㝮㝲㝩㝄態度㝫㝯耝㝈られ㝪㝄㝮よ。)
Put up with
Get along with
Make up with
Fake on with
John and Kate had a fight last week and they _______ __ ____ each other today.(ジョーン㝨ケイト㝯先週喧嘩㝗㝦〝今日別れ㝟㝿㝟㝄㝠よ)
Broke up with
Break up with
Got up with
Came up with
I often ___ ___ ___ my boyfriend,he's just ridiculous.(秝㝯よ㝝彼氝㝨喧嘩㝙るゝ。馬鹿馬鹿㝗㝄も㝮)
Fall in with
Break down with
Chill out with
Fall out with
The quizzes are so difficult, I can't _____ __ ___ my classmates.(クイズ㝌難㝗㝙㝎㝦クラスメート㝟㝡㝨㝤㝄㝦㝄㝑㝪㝄よ。)
Come up with
Keep up with
Get on with
Stay close with
It seems like the runners ___ ____ __ energy before the end of the race.(レース㝌終ゝる剝㝫靸手㝟㝡㝯力を使㝄切㝣㝟よ㝆㝠。)
Get out of
Gave up of
Ran out of
Pass out of
Don't ___ ____ __ me!(秝㝫坣答㝈㝙る㝪=)
Hang out to
Talk back to
Pass out to
Bad mouth to
You need to ___ _____ __ chocolate.(ポョコレート控㝈㝟㝻㝆㝌㝄㝄よ。)
Pass down on
Look up on
Cut down on
Less down on
I'm going to ____ __ __ May and her new baby.(メイ㝨彼女㝮赤㝡ゃんを見㝫行㝣㝦㝝㝾㝙。)
Look in on
Pass in on
Visit in on
Take in on
My boyfriend and I ___ _____ very well.(彼㝨㝯順調よ。)
Put together
Play along
Stick along
Get along
Mike ____ ____ __ breaking the window with the cricket ball.(マイク㝯 クリケットボールを使㝣㝦窓を壊㝗㝟㝓㝨を誝ゝ㝟。)
Took up to
Made up to
Owned up to
Admitted on by
When I ____ _____ __ what I did, I feel pretty stupid.(自分㝮㝗㝟㝓㝨を思㝄返㝙㝨〝ポカ㝠㝣㝟㝪㝂㝨㝤㝝㝥㝝思㝆よ。)
Refresh back on
Go back on
Think back on
Go through on
______ ____ __ pedestrians when you drive a car.(車を靋転㝙る㝨㝝㝯歩行者㝫気を㝤㝑㝪㝕㝄。)
Bring out for
Look out for
Take care of
Look alert for
He's the kind of manager who will always _____ ___ _____ his staff.(彼㝯自分㝮スタッフを守㝣㝦㝝れるよ㝆㝪マポージャー㝠よ。)
Stand up of
Take up for
Look up for
Stand up for
This singer's concert didn't _____ __ __ my expectations.(㝓㝮歌手㝮コンサート㝯期待外れ㝧㝗㝟。)
Made it to
Get in to
Live up to
Live on to
{"name":"3語以上㝮坥動詞クイズ", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"㝓㝮クイズ㝧㝯〝英語㝮3語以上㝋ら㝪る熟語(フレーズ動詞や坥動詞)を学㝶㝓㝨㝌㝧㝝㝾㝙。坄質啝㝫答㝈㝦〝㝂㝪㝟㝮知識をテスト㝗㝾㝗ょ㝆=15啝㝮靸択肢㝋ら㝪るクイズ自分㝮ペース㝧学㝹る間靕㝣㝟啝題㝯復習㝧㝝㝾㝙","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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