How much do you know about School Refusal that is elicited by Cyber Bullying?

Define Cyber Bullying:
Forms of bullying that use technology
Forms of bullying that use social media
Forms of bullying that happen at school
Forms of bullying that happen outside of school
How is Cyber Bullying different from traditional Bullying?
Cyber Bullying is repeated adverse behaviour
Cyber Bullying can be a specific, one time, incident
Cyber Bullying only happens inside school
Cyber Bullying is usually justifiable
...technological forms of detrimental “__________________________ … [may cause] severe difficulty [for Cyber Bullying victims] in attending school” (Thambirajah, Grandison, Karen & De-Hayes, 2008, p. 26)
Emotional upset
Political turmoil
Student wellbeing
Cyber Bullying
Can Cyber Bullying influence a students willingness to attend school?
What is a best practice, pre-preventative approach that a school can implement to reduce instances of School Refusal?
Develop a single-level program
Phone call the parents/guardians of frequently absent students
Develop a whole-school policy
Contact the police for truancy
What methods can a school take to assess the problem of Cyber Bullying elicited School Refusal?
Staff surveys
Phone calling parents
Opt-in student interviews
All of the above
A teacher plays a critical role in promoting a ______________________________ that is inclusive of all students.
Classroom culture
Whole school
Learning environment
Boring space
What sample classroom activity is suggested to potentially reduce instances of School Refusal?
Anyone That
Anyone When
Anyone Will
Anyone Who
Why are structured, whole-class social activities encouraged to reduce School Refusal?
Because all students like to play games instead of doing work
Because students that feel valued in a classroom may be less likely to refuse school
Because students typically work better as a whole-class
Because all students are social and require frequent opportunities to communicate
...a victim and/or perpetrator will be unlikely to be “absent from school sporadically … [or] develop a pattern of non-attendance” (Thambirajah, Grandison, Karen & De-Hayes, 2008, p. 26) because they feel __________________________________ in the classroom.
Supported and valued
Respected and valued
Intelligent and superior
Engaged and determined
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