A 6 years old child has a cycloplegic refraction OD +6.00 D, OS +2.00 D. What is the best way to manage the anisometropia?
. Partial correction
. Pleoptic therapy
. Give +4.00 D both eyes and occlude left eye
. Full optical correction
. Prescribe atropine eye drop and full optical correction
A low vision patient uses a +16 D stand magnifier which locates 6.25 cm from the book. What is the magnification?
. 2X
. 6X
. 5X
. 4X
. 3X
The average posterior chamber intraocular lens power in an adult is
. +20.00 D
. +30.00 D
. +17.00 D
. +27.00 D
. +23.00 D
Transposition: Identify the incorrect answer:
. – 3.00 / - 1.25 x 180 = - 4.25 / + 1.25 x 180
. +2.00/ -4.00 x 180 = -2.00/ +4.00 x 90
. + 1.00 / + 3.00 x 90 = + 4.00 / - 3.00 x 180
. + 5.00 / - 1.00 x 75 = + 4.00 / + 1.00 x 165
. - 6.00 / + 2.50 x 125 = - 3.50 / -2.50 x 35
Using Spherical Equivalent: Identify the incorrect answer
+ 5.00 / -1.00 x 75 = + 4.50
. -1.50/ +3.25 x 45 = +0.25
. – 3.00 / - 1.25 x 20 = + 1.75
. + 2.00 / - 4.00 x 180 = plano
. – 6.00 / + 2.50 x 125 = - 4.75
The best way to measure the patient’s strabismus with intermittent XT is :
. Hirschberg test
. Brucker test
. Prism and cover test
. Maddox rod test
Krimsky test
Which of the following muscles does NOT originate from the annulus of Zinn?
. Lateral rectus
. Inferior rectus
. Medial rectus
. Superior oblique
. Superior rectus
Mutations in the rhodopsin gene are associated with which inherited ocular disease?
. Retinitis pigmentosa
Optic nerve pit
. Juvenile glaucoma
. Leber optic neuropathy
Stargardt disease
. Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is a disease with the mode of transmission of:
Autosomal recessive
Mitochondrial transmission
Autosomal dominant
X-link dominant
X-link recessive
10. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is characterized by: except
Secondary cataract
Bilateral occurrence
A dehiscence in the posterior lens capsule
Spontaneous intraocular hemorrhage
•90 percent of the cornea is made up of:
€� Bowman’s layer
• Endothelium
€� Epithelium
• Descemet’s membrane
• Stroma
Which one is not the Cornea characterize :
€� High density of nerves supply
€� Nutrition by nutrients from Tear and AH
€� Avascular
€� Transparence
• Nutrition by nutrient from Vitreous
€� The clarity of the Cornea due to from:
€� Corneal Stroma
• Endothelium of cornea
€� Epithelium of cornea
• D/Transparent of AH
• C/Tear film
The Nasolacrimal duct exists into:
€� inferior meatus
• inferior canaliculus
€� superior meatus
€� middle-meatus
• superior canaliculus
• The only extraocular muscle that does not originate from the annulus of Zinn is the:
€� inferior rectus
• superior oblique
€� medial rectus
• inferior oblique
• superior rectus
• Purulent conjunctival discharge is usually seen in:
€� fungal keratoconjunctivitis
€� viral conjunctivitis
€� allergy conjunctivitis
• bacterial cojunctivitis
€� none of the above
•Clarity in vision requires:
€� an attached retina
€� a functioning visceral cortex
€� no media opacity
€� intact optic nerve
• all of the above
•The ethmoid sinus is intimately related to what wall of the orbit?
€� superior wall (floor)
€� lateral wall
• medial wall ‘
€� inferior wall (floor)
• all of the above
•The first and probably the most important part of the eye examination is:
€� external eyes examination
€� the visual acuity measurement
• finger tonometry
€� visual field assessment
• pupil examination
•The floor of the orbit is made up of the bones:
• greater wing of the sphenoid, zygomatic
€� frontal, lesser wing, sphenoid
€� maxillary, lacrimal, ethmoid
€� maxillary, zygomatic, palatine
€�Exposure keratitis is a complication of
• ptosis
€� Entropion
• Ectopion
€� trichiasis
• Bell ( -)eye
•Fungal keratitis is the most difficult to treat cause by :
• Powerful toxic of fungal organism to corneal tissue .
€� Organism are resistance with Anti – Fungal drugs.
€� All of Anti-Fungal are Fungal –static drugs and poor penetrate into cornea tissue.
€� Large corneal epithelial damage
€� General health of the patient is weaker
•Which one is the most common of microbial keratitis in Cambodia ?
• Viral keratitis
€� Mix organisms keratitis
€� Bacterial Keratitis
€� Fungal keratitis
€� Parasite keratitis
• Painful of Acantamoeba Keratitis due to from :
€� Ciliary muscle spasm and inflammation
€� large of epithelial defected
• Density of organisms in the area of stroma infected
€� Radial Kerato- neuritis of the corneal nerves
• Large stroma infiltration
€�Exophthalmos is a complication of
€� optic neuritis
€� diabetic retinopathy
• multiple sclerosis
€� myasthemia gravis
• Grave’s disease
•The following drugs can cause affect a patient’s visual acuity:
• Gentamycin
€� Ofloxacin
• Ethambutol
€� Na Sulfacetamide
• The most severe loss of vision is found in:
€� entropion
€� uvenitis
€� lagophthalmos
• glaucoma
• Microbial keratitis
€�Traumatic hyphema may cause of blind by:
€� Lens ligaments rupture
€� Glaucoma and corneal blood staining
€� Later cataract
€� Iris atrophy post traumatic
• Pupil dilated post traumatic
• What condition will present with infection of the lid margin with matting of the Eyelashes:
€� Pinguecula
€� Hodeolum
• Blepharitis
€� Chalazion
• pterygium
•The principal treatment of microbial keratitis except :
• Select the less side effected drugs to use .
€� Use all types of drugs(Anti microbial) the same time
€� Control infection agents
€� Control inflammation
€� Promote re-epithelialization of cornea
€� Which type of keratitis is the most lead of corneal perforation in microbial keratitis ?
• Mix infections (Viral and Parasite keratitis )
€� Bacterial keratitis
• Fungal keratitis
€� Viral keratitis
€� Parasite keratitis
•Which organism is the most leaded to neurotrophic dry eye after microbial keratitis ?
• Mix infection (Bacteria + Fungal )
€� Bacterial Keratitis
• Fungal keratitis
€� Viral keratitis
€� Parasite keratitis
• The most significant cause of red eye which requires immediate attention is:
• exposure keratitis
€� acute angle closure glaucoma
€� severe bacterial conjunctivitis
€� uveitis with conjunctival and scleral and hyperemia
•Thyroid related orbitopathies can happen when the serum thyroid hormone levels are:
• only hypothyroid and hyperthyroid serum level
€� hyperthyroid serum level
• hypothyroid serum level
€� euthyroid serum level
€� any of serum thyroid hormone level
•. The most common ocular complaint of a patient suffering from collagen vascularDisease such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing Spondylitis:
• retinal detachment
€� dry eyes
• uveitis
€� cataracts
€� glaucoma
•The following are seen in neurofibromatosis:
• café-au-lait spots
€� roth’s spots
€� lisch nodules
€� cherry red spot
• lisch nodules , café-au-lait spots
•Chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva with permanent papillary hypertrophy of the superior tarsus is seen in
€� Gonococcal conjunctivitis
€� trachoma
• Steven-Johnson syndrome
€� Giant papillary conjunctivitis
• Microbial keratitis
•The most common offending organism in canaliculitis is
€� Hemophilus sp
€� Staphylococcus sp
€� Actinomyces israelii
€� Strelptococcus Sp
• Pseudomonas Sp
•A mass from an elastotic degeneraton of conjunctiva and encroaches on the cornea And is common among individual who have a history of chronic sun exposure is known as a
€� caranculitis
€� pinguecula
• pterygium
€� conjunctival granuloma
• xanthelasma
€�Which of the following is the most common site of retinoblastoma spread outside the eyes?
• Distal bones
€� skull bones
• liver
€� lymph nodes.
€� Central nervous system (CNS)
•. Which of the following is the least common presentation for retinoblastoma?
• Leukocoria
€� Decreased vision
• Orbital cellulitis.
€�The most common cause of unilateral proptosis in children is:
• Rhabdomyoscarcoma
€� Acute leukemia
• Orbital cellulitis
€� Orbital pseudotumor
€� Thyroid ophthalmopathy
•The most common sign of Graves’ ophthalmopathy is:
€� Proptosis
€� lid retraction.
€� Conjunctival injection over the horizontal rectus muscles.
• Superficial punctate keratitis (SPK)
• Diplopia in up gaz.
Which of the following statements about cataract surgery in patients with diabetes is correct?
€� Preoperative phenylephrine drops for dilation are contraindicated in patients with diabetes undergoing cataract surgery
Patients with diabetes enrolled in the ETDRS who underwent cataract surgery did not show an immediate improvement in visual acuity
€� Patients with diabetes with CSME should have cataract surgery performed prior to focal laser
€� Patients with diabetes and high-risk proliferative changes visible through their cataract should ideally have scatter laser immediately before cataract extraction
€� Patients with diabetes and high-risk proliferative change visible through their cataract should have scatter laser 1 to 2 months prior to cataract extraction
•Which of the following statements about punctate inner choroidopathy (PIC) is correct?
€� The condition is usually bilateral
€� The condition affects males and females with equal frequency
€� Punctate inner choroidopathy is more commonly seen in patients with the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
€� Disease involvement is associated with HLA-DR2 antigen
€� The condition is differentiated from MEWDS in that choroidal neovascularization is rarely seen in PIC
€�The following statement about diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis (DUSN) is correct:
€� The condition is seen only in individuals with a history of travel to endemic areas
€� The disease never occurs bilaterally
€� DUSN in a common cause of incorrectly diagnosed “unilateral retitis pigmentosa”
€� Eradication of the subretinal nematode often results in an intense inflammatory reaction
€� Visual loss typically continues after successful eradication of the subretinal nematode
€�The following statement is correct about pneumatic retinopexy:
• pneumatic retinopexy is contraindicated in failed scleral buckles
€� Pneumatic retinopexy works by mechanically reattaching the detached retina
€� Pneumatic retinopexy is contraindicated in patients with total retinal detachments
€� Pseudophakia is an absolute contraindication to pneumatic retinopexy
€� Chronic detachments are a relative contraindication for pneumatic retinopexy
•Features that may help distinguish CRVO from carotid artery occlusiv disease include all of the following except:
€� ophthalmodynamometry
€� dilated retinal veins
• tortuosity of retinal veins
• retinal artery pressure
€�Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS) is characterized by each of the following clinical features except:
€� enlargement of the physiologic blind spot on visual field testing
€� absence of cell in the anterior chamber
€� individual hyperfluorescent spots on fluorescein angiography arranged in a wreathlike pattern around the fovea
€� typically presents with unilateral photopsias and loss of vision in young females with myopia
• granular appearance of the fovea
•In a randomized, controlled clinical trial, pneumatic retinopexy:
• led to a worse outcome in patients who required an additional scleral buckle procedure for persistent or recurrent retinal detachment than if a scleral buckle procedure had been performed primarily
€� was superior to scleral buckle in the anatomic success rate of repairing macula-sparing rhegmatogenious retinal detachments in pseudophakic patients
€� provided slightly better visual outcome than scleral buckle in patients with macula- involving rhegmatogenous retinal detachments of less than 14-day duration
€� included patients with causative breaks in the inferior 90o of the retina
€�Patients with acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) may have all of the following clinical features except:
€� associated cerebral vasculitis
€� anilateral or asymmetric fundus involvement
€� recurrent or relentless progression of fundus lesions leading to permanent loss of central vision
• prompt response to oral steroids
€�All of these diagnostic tests are useful in evaluating a patient with a retained magnetic intraocular foreign body except:
€� magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
€� indirect ophthalmoscopy
• computed tomography
€� electrophysiology
• echography
•In phakic asymptomatic patients, which of the following types of retinal break is almost always treated, whereas the others rarely treated?
• retinal dialysis
€� operculated tears
€� lattice degeneration with or without hole
€� atrophic holes
{"name":"A 6 years old child has a cycloplegic refraction OD +6.00 D, OS +2.00 D. What is the best way to manage the anisometropia?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A 6 years old child has a cycloplegic refraction OD +6.00 D, OS +2.00 D. What is the best way to manage the anisometropia?, A low vision patient uses a +16 D stand magnifier which locates 6.25 cm from the book. What is the magnification?, The average posterior chamber intraocular lens power in an adult is","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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