Smart Solutions Quiz

Create an image of a digital marketing professional surrounded by icons representing Smart Bidding, Smart Shopping, and digital advertisement trends, with a computer displaying a quiz interface.

Smart Solutions Quiz

Test your knowledge on Smart Solutions in digital advertising with our engaging quiz! From Smart Creatives to Smart Bidding and Seasonal Adjustments, challenge yourself to see how well you understand these essential concepts.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice and checkbox questions
  • Immediate feedback on your answers
  • Suitable for marketers and advertisers
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by OptimizingAd230
SMART CREATIVES: How many DSA should you have live as a minimum?
SMART CREATIVES: Select the 2 that apply. RSA ad strength reporting is useful because
The ad strength column provides an estimated percentage of how strong your ad is
The ad strength column will rate your ad from 'poor' to 'excellent' so you know what level it is working at
The ad strength improvements column advises exactly which assets can be improved
The ad strength improvements column provides a number 1-10 on how many improvements you have to make for 100% score
SMART CREATIVES: What is the best practice for RSA assets that recieve 0 impressions?
Slightly alter the text/punctuation and resubmit
Pin to a certain position
Move it to another position
Remove and replace the asset
SMART CREATIVES: What's the best report to use to understand which groupings of assets perform best for RDA?
Combinations report
Asset report
Ad level report
Ad strength report
SMART BIDDING: Select 2 that apply. Which automated bidding strategies are not Smart?
Target Impression Share
Maximise Conversion Value
Maximise Conversions
Maximise Clicks
SMART BIDDING: Is granular campaign/ad group segmentation by dimension necessary for Smart Bidding?
SMART BIDDING: What would you set as your Target CPA in a portfolio bid strategy for 3 category campaigns that are achieving CPAs of £40, £50 and £60?
SMART BIDDING: How would you adjust your CPA target to drive more volume?
SMART SHOPPING: Which days are the suggested evaluation period?
Days 15-28
Days 14-28
The 2 weeks after day 28
Days 1-28
SMART SHOPPING: Select the 2 that apply. What are some things you should avoid when creating Smart Shopping campaigns?
High ROAS targets
Very small product feeds
Manual bidding strategies
SMART SHOPPING: What’s one thing that's likely to happen if you increase your ROAS target on a Smart Shopping campaign?
Higher traffic volumes
Not any change
4. Suddenly all your client campaign data will be stolen by GDPR anarchist ninjas and sold on the black market
Lower traffic volumes
SMART SEASONALITY: What should you expect during a seasonal peak?
Decreased conversion rate
Decreased conversion value
Increased traffic
Increased competition
SMART SEASONALITY: What should you do if you expect a large traffic increase to your website?
€� Uncap budgets
€� Adjust your CPA/ROAS targets
€� No action required
€� Run with your normal budgets
SMART SEASONALITY: What seasonality adjustment would you apply if you expect a short spike in CVR from 3% to 6%?
SMART SEASONALITY: What adjustment would you make to your ROAS target if you expect a short spike in CVR from 4% to 8%?
TROAS x 2.5
TROAS x 1.5
TROAS x 0.5
{"name":"Smart Solutions Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on Smart Solutions in digital advertising with our engaging quiz! From Smart Creatives to Smart Bidding and Seasonal Adjustments, challenge yourself to see how well you understand these essential concepts.Key Features:Multiple choice and checkbox questionsImmediate feedback on your answersSuitable for marketers and advertisers","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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