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New submissions in physics on Tue, 30 Mar 21
[2103.14647] Emil Khalisi: Did a Series of Solar Eclipses Inspire the Nazca Lines?
[2103.14648] Claire L. Davies: Sharing the great conjunction
[2103.14678] Kenan Qu, Nathaniel J. Fisch: Generating optical supercontinuum and frequency comb in tenuous plasmas
[2103.14680] Francesco Viola, Valentina Meschini, Roberto Verzicco: Effects of stenotic aortic valve on the left heart hemodynamics: a fluid-structure-electrophysiology approach
[2103.14681] W. Scandale, G. Arduini, F. Cerutti et al.: Double-crystal measurements at the CERN SPS
[2103.14710] Christina Boemer, Dietrich Krebs, Andrei Benediktovitch et al.: Towards novel probes for valence charges via X-ray optical wave mixing
[2103.14714] Chao Yan, James C. McWilliams, Marcelo Chamecki: Overlapping boundary layers in coastal oceans
[2103.14728] Bo Zhao, Sid Assawaworrarit, Parthiban Santhanam et al.: High-Performance Photonic Transformers for DC Voltage Conversion
[2103.14732] Alexei A. Mailybaev: Solvable intermittent shell model of turbulence
[2103.14740] Dudong Feng, Eric J. Tervo, Dragica Vasileska et al.: Spatial profiles of photon chemical potential in near-field thermophotovoltaic cells
[2103.14745] Marco Cogoni, Giovanni Busonera: On the stability of traffic breakup patterns in urban networks
[2103.14752] Collin Dannheim, Luke Ignell, Brendan O'Donnell et al.: Looping Pendulum: Theory, Simulation, and Experiment
[2103.14758] R. Schupp, L. Behnke, Z. Bouza et al.: Characterization of angularly resolved EUV emission from 2-$μ$m-wavelength laser-driven Sn plasmas using preformed liquid disk targets
[2103.14767] Kasra Rouhi, Robert Marosi, Tarek Mealy et al.: Exceptional Degeneracies in Traveling Wave Tubes with Dispersive Slow-Wave Structure Including Space-Charge Effect
[2103.14782] Ryota Tanomura, Rui Tang, Toshikazu Umezaki et al.: Scalable and Robust Photonic Integrated Unitary Converter
[2103.14798] David M. Roberts, Aaron P. Clements, Rowan McDonald et al.: Mid-Range Wireless Power Transfer at 100 MHz using Magnetically-Coupled Loop-Gap Resonators
[2103.14813] Quynh M. Nguyen, Dean Huang, Evan Zauderer et al.: Tesla's fluidic diode and the electronic-hydraulic analogy
[2103.14814] Shashank Acharya, Sourav Halder, Wenjun Kou et al.: A Fully Resolved Multiphysics Model of Gastric Peristalsis and Bolus Emptying in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
[2103.14818] M. Santos-Moreno, G. Fernández-Anaya, C.V Valencia-Negrete: Conformable 1D steady-state Navier-Stokes equations to describe flow through porous media
[2103.14822] H.Q. Zhanga, Z.M. Wang, F.J. Luob et al.: Gain and charge response of 20 inch MCP and dynode PMTs
[2103.14842] Shiva P. Pudasaini, Michael Krautblatter: The Mechanics of Landslide Mobility with Erosion
[2103.14854] Marios-Andreas Nikolaidis, Petros J. Ioannou: Synchronization of Low Reynolds Number Plane Couette Turbulence
[2103.14876] Massimiliano Alvioli, Michele Santangelo, Federica Fiorucci et al.: Rockfall susceptibility and network-ranked susceptibility along the Italian railway
[2103.14879] Zhenxing Wang, Andreas Hemmetter, Burkay Uzlu et al.: Graphene in 2D/3D Heterostructure Diodes for High Performance Electronics and Optoelectronics
[2103.14880] Satender Kataria, Stefan Wagner, Jasper Ruhkopf et al.: Chemical vapor deposited graphene: From synthesis to applications
[2103.14889] Donglai Gao, Patrice Meunier, Stéphane Le Dizès et al.: Zonal flow in a resonant precessing cylinder
[2103.14897] Ting Wang, Huajie Chen, Aihui Zhou et al.: Layer-splitting methods for time-dependent Schrödinger equations of incommensurate systems
[2103.14904] Davide Faranda, Tommaso Alberti, Maxence Arutkin et al.: Interrupting vaccination policies can greatly spread SARS-CoV-2 and enhance mortality from COVID-19 disease: the AstraZeneca case for Fra...
[2103.14906] Yogesh Verma, Satyajit Jena: Jet characterization in Heavy Ion Collisions by QCD-Aware Graph Neural Networks
[2103.14921] Victorita Dolean, Pierre Jolivet, Pierre-Henri Tournier et al.: Large-scale finite-difference and finite-element frequency-domain seismic wave modelling with multi-level domain-decomposition pr...
[2103.14923] Xin-Lei Zhang, Heng Xiao, Guo-Wei He et al.: Assimilation of disparate data for enhanced reconstruction of turbulent mean flows
[2103.14939] Orrin Kigner, Monjurul Meem, Brian Baker et al.: Monolithic all-Silicon Flat lens for broadband LWIR Imaging
[2103.14947] David Ziemkiewicz: Numerical analysis of grasshopper escapement
[2103.15014] Pengju Zhang, Conaill Perry, Tran Trung Luu et al.: Observation of intermolecular Coulombic decay in liquid water
[2103.15019] Qiang Li, Huangwei Zhang: Forced ignition of laminar premixed spherical flames in evaporating fuel droplet mists
[2103.15020] Tong Ye, Yongzhuo Li, Junze Li et al.: Interlayer-Exciton Based Nonvolatile Valleytronic Memory
[2103.15065] Marco Viceconti, Luca Emili, Payman Afshari et al.: Possible Contexts of Use for In Silico trials methodologies: a consensus-based review
[2103.15071] Margarita Safonova, Alfia Saini: The Curious Case of Argon
[2103.15083] Massimo Gurioli, Zhiming Wang, Armando Rastelli et al.: Droplet Epitaxy of Semiconductor Nanostructures for Quantum Photonic Devices
[2103.15092] Simona Checcucci, Thomas Bottein, Jean-Benoit Claude et al.: Titania-Based Spherical Mie Resonators Elaborated by High-Throughput Aerosol Spray: Single Object Investigation
[2103.15111] GERDA collaboration: M. Agostini, G. R. Araujo, A. M. Bakalyarov et al.: Characterization of inverted coaxial $^{76}$Ge detectors in GERDA for future double-$β$ decay experiments
[2103.15132] Alessandro Del Buono, Giovanni Bernardini, Alan Tassin et al.: Water entry and exit of 2D and axisymmetric bodies
[2103.15169] Michele Bellingeri, Francesco Scotognella: MaPBI3 and 2D hybrid organic inorganic perovskite based microcavities employing periodic, aperiodic and disordered photonic structures and with the pos...
[2103.15173] M. Aureli, J. A. Hanna: Exterior dissipation, proportional decay, and integrals of motion
[2103.15177] Gregory L. Eyink: The Josephson-Anderson Relation and the Classical D'Alembert Paradox
[2103.15187] Francesco Viola, Vamsi Spandan, Valentina Meschini et al.: FSEI-GPU: GPU accelerated simulations of the fluid-structure-electrophysiology interaction in the left heart
[2103.15210] Shih-Han Wang, Hemanth Somarajan Pillai, Siwen Wang et al.: Infusing Theory into Machine Learning for Interpretable Reactivity Prediction
[2103.15272] Vincent R. Daria: Holographic photonic neuron
[2103.15315] Yongzheng Zhu, Xuan Bai, Guoqing Hu: A mesoscale model for quantitative phospholipid monolayer simulations at the air-water interface
[2103.15321] Lixiu Su, Xindong Meng, Yu Xiao et al.: Generation of transversely oriented optical polarization Möbius strips
[2103.15359] Geva Arwas, Sagie Gadasi, Igor Gershenzon et al.: Anyonic Parity-Time Symmetric Laser
[2103.15366] Xinrui Lei, Aiping Yang, Peng Shi et al.: Photonic spin lattices: symmetry constraints for skyrmion and meron topologies
[2103.15377] Genki I. Prayogo, Hyeondeok Shin, Anouar Benali et al.: Importance of van der Waals interactions in hydrogen adsorption on a silicon-carbide nanotube revisited with vdW-DFT and quantum Monte Carlo
[2103.15405] Jiaguo Zhang, Marie Andrae, Rebecca Barten et al.: Design and first tests of the Gotthard-II readout ASIC for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
[2103.15415] Evgenii Glushkov, Noah Mendelson, Andrey Chernev et al.: Direct growth of hexagonal boron nitride on photonic chips for high-throughput characterization
[2103.15435] Jean-Hugues Fillion, Rémi Dupuy, Géraldine Féraud et al.: Vacuum-UV photodesorption from compact Amorphous Solid Water : photon energy, isotopic and temperature effects
[2103.15461] Sun-Goo Lee, Seong-Han Kim, Chul-Sik Kee: Mechanisms to control light diffraction beyond the subwavelength limit
[2103.15506] Tonghui Shi, L. Wei, H.H. Wang et al.: Influence of Micro-turbulence on Neoclassical Tearing Mode Onset
[2103.15517] Miriam Wollenhaupt, Christoph Schran, Martin Krupička et al.: Force-induced Catastrophes on Energy Landscapes: Mechanochemical Manipulation of Downhill and Uphill Bifurcations Explains Ring-ope...
[2103.15524] Admasu Abawari, Dr. Yitagesu Elfaged: Computation of Thermodynamic and Hydrodynamic Properties of the Viscous Atmospheric Motion on the Rotating Earth in 2D Using Naiver-Stokes Dynamics
[2103.15557] Timothy Getscher: Comparing Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents and Lagrangian Descriptors for identifying phase space structures in a simple two-dimensional, time-periodic double-gyre model
[2103.15562] Roxane Letournel, Ludovic Goudenège, Rémi Zamansky et al.: Revisiting the framework for intermittency in Lagrangian stochastic models for turbulent flows: a way to an original and versatile num...
[2103.15570] Boris Čulina: An Analysis of the Concept of Inertial Frame
[2103.15577] José F. Fontanari: A stochastic model for the influence of social distancing on loneliness
[2103.15582] Peter Lebedev-Stepanov: Sessile liquid drop evaporation: analytical solution in bipolar coordinates
[2103.15583] Pedro Calvo, Iván Podadera, Daniel Gavela et al.: Beam stripping interactions in compact cyclotrons
[2103.15654] Paolo Scarabaggio, Massimo La Scala, Raffaele Carli et al.: Analyzing the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Energy Demand: the Case of Northern Italy
[2103.15697] Hyungki Shim, Francesco Monticone, Owen D. Miller: Fundamental limits to the refractive index of transparent optical materials
[2103.15729] Ipsita Mandal, Emil J. Bergholtz: Symmetry and Higher-Order Exceptional Points
[2103.15732] H. Faller, D. Geneste, B. Dubrulle: A model of interacting Navier-Stokes singularities
[2103.15735] Matthew Tivnan, Grace Gang, Wenchao Cao et al.: High-Sensitivity Iodine Imaging by Combining Spectral CT Technologies
[2103.15736] Azade YazdanYar, Léa Buswell, Delphin Pantaloni et al.: Interactions of Tris with rutile surfaces and consequences for in vitro bioactivity testing
[2103.15759] Massimo Germano: Turbulence: from Complexity to Variety
[2103.15762] Arno Förster, Lucas Visscher: GW100: A Slater Type Orbital Perspective with ADF
[2103.15765] Akshaya C Nikumbh, A. Chakraborty, G. S. Bhat et al.: Multiscale interactions between monsoon intra-seasonal oscillations and low pressure systems that produce heavy rainfall events of different ...
[2103.15777] Carolina Mattsson, Frank W. Takes, Eelke M. Heemskerk et al.: Functional structure in production networks
[2103.15786] Qiang Luo, Chen Yang, Zhenzhong Hao et al.: On-chip erbium-doped lithium niobate waveguide amplifiers
[2103.15802] Hendrik Andresen, David A. Hills, Matthew R. Moore: Representation of incomplete contact problems by half-planes
[2103.15807] L. Poley, A. J. Blue, C. Buttar et al.: Mapping the in-plane electric field inside irradiated diodes
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 30 Mar 21","img":""}
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