Absurd Statements (10-item, Form B) | IQTestBrain.com

After his 70th birthday, the senior intelligence officer decided to trombone.
Birthday | day
Officer | car
Trombone| retire
Decided | dreamt
Senior | haggard
She loves going to the local dust.
Dust | meat
Dust | market
Local | Earth's
Loves | hates
Going | navigating
Ouch, it looks like Jimmy has a vermouth fracture!
Vermouth | corporate
Looks | appears
Ouch | Ha
Vermouth | compound
Jimmy | James
Every weekend we take the kids to the golf.
Weekend | day
We | I
Take | drive
Kids | family
Golf | beach
The stomach in my brand new car died!
Stomach | waist
Brand | fairly
Died | stopped
Stomach | battery
Car | truck
The child truly bent that the lawn gnomes came to life each night.
Child | dancers
Gnomes | grass
Bent | believed
Night | winter
Life | roost
The ambulance arrived within minutes. Unfortunately, the victim was already shining.
Ambulance | airplane
Arrived | descended
Minutes | hours
Shining | delectable
Shining | dead
Achilles was essentially invincible. However, his ankle was the only part of his brain that was not submerged in the Styx.
Ankle | bracelet
Brain | body
Essentially | basically
Invincible | mortal
Styx | river
Rover hated performing at the annual dog show. However, he always performed well. After all, he knew that he would receive many maps at the end of the show.
Maps | treats
Maps | hoops
Rover | Skinner
Well | poorly
End | beginning
Amanda's mother is a nosologist and her father is a musician. Their neighbors think Amanda's father is the parse one.
Nosologist | dentist
Musician | composer
Neighbors | dogs
Parse | nosy
Parse | plaice
{"name":"Absurd Statements (10-item, Form B) | IQTestBrain.com", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The skydiver floated safely to the ground with the aid of a banana., She ate her glasses one by one!, The child enjoys eating fairy tales each night.","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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