Personality and Class-Selection Based College Major Quiz
Find Your Perfect College Major
Are you uncertain about which college major to choose? This quiz will help you discover a path that aligns with your personality and interests. By engaging in scenarios and exploring class options, you’ll gain insights into which majors may suit you best.
- 10 Thought-Provoking Questions
- Reflect on Your Preferences
- Get Tailored Recommendations
The first half of this quiz will give scenarios and 6 different options for how you might respond. Read each one, and without overthinking, pick the choice, or choices, that sounds most like you. Scenario 1: It's the first day of class! You are a few minutes early and are waiting for the professor to arrive, what do you do in the meantime?
You talk to all the people around you, seeing if anyone has experience with the subject that would make a good study group to try and improve your grade.
You greet the people around you, but on the inside are worrying about how the workload is going to be.
You don't really know how to start a conversation, but you'll jump into one if someone else starts one. You are hoping the class isn't going to be too abstract.
You might greet the people around you, but you are mostly wondering how the class is going to be, you hope it's abstract and theoretical.
You find it easy to talk with the new people around you, you already have your color-coded notebooks out and ready.
You aren't engaged in too much small talk, you are hoping the class is going to be hands-on and not too abstract.
The Professor is announcing what the Mid-Term Project is going to be, what are you hoping for?
A group project with clear guidelines where we develop an argument for or against a concept
An individual project where we get to go out and do some field work
Writing a paper on any topic we choose
A group project where the most important part is the presentation
An individual project with straightforward guidelines where we design a prototype for a problem
An individual project where we get to generate lots of ideas on how to solve a problem
It’s Finals Week, how did your studying go?
I’ve spent a lot of time studying, but I think they’re going to be tough exams.
I’ve turned in my final papers, so I just have one test, but I did not study enough for it!
I’m nervous about finishing my projects, I did procrastinate studying a little bit, but I’m glad I don’t have too many finals to take.
I’ve spent a lot of time studying and I feel prepared.
I started studying later than I wanted, but I still hit the books a lot and I’m feeling ready.
I was hoping to start earlier, I ended up hanging out most of the weekend, but I’m not too worried.
It’s MegaFair, where nearly all the student organizations have tables set up for recruitment, what do you do?
Going up to the tables isn’t easy, but I’m drawn in by all the interesting and unique clubs they have here.
Going up to the tables isn’t easy, but I’d like to keep participating in some of my extracurriculars from high school.
I don’t have a problem going up and talking to the execs at the tables, I’m hoping to get to a leadership position as soon as possible.
I feel comfortable walking up to many different tables, even if I’m by myself, I’m hoping to start building my resume early.
I’d prefer to go with a group of people I know, going up to the tables isn’t easy but there are a couple clubs I really want to check out.
Seeing all of the tables is intimidating, I tend towards tables that already have groups of people there, but there are a few clubs I think would be good to join.
You have a big exam tomorrow and your friends text you inviting you to go to dinner Uptown, what do you do?
Dinner with friends sounds a lot better than studying right now, but I really do need to stick to my schedule and study so I’ll have to join them next time.
I respond yes, it will be nice to get my mind off of the exam, and study when I get back.
I respond yes right away, I’ll just move my last studying session to when I get back.
I could go either way, depending on the test, I might go, I might stay in and study.
Dinner with friends sounds a lot better than studying right now, I’ll go with them.
It sounds fun, but I have to stay in and study, I’ll grab something quick afterwards for dinner.
The second half of the quiz will present a list of 6 classes, select all, if any of them, that you think sound interesting or worthwhile. You can probably guess what majors they correspond to, but be honest with yourself when you pick them!
Identity, Race, Gender and Class
Principles of Investments and Security Markets
Brazilian Culture through Music and Film
Mechanics of Materials
International Security Issues
None of these
Which of these classes sounds interesting or worthwhile to you?
Evolutionary Biology
Visual Communication for the Theatre
Intro to European Literature
Building and Managing Strong Brands
Comparative Politics
Signals and Systems
None of These
Which of these classes sounds interesting or worthwhile to you?
Public Administration
Contemporary Physics II: Frontiers
Advanced Data Visualization
Digital Branding
Ancient Philosophy
International Economic Relations
None of These
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