Ballet Gold Medal

In a rond de jambe en l'air, which part of the leg remains still?
Which joint executes the circular movement in a rond de jambe en l'air?
Why do we do battement fondu?
Name one group of steps Battement Frappe will assist building speed for?
What will petit battement help to develop?
Quick movements of the lower leg
Name one things that will assist in achieving greater height of legs in developpe?
Increased flexibilty
How should the supporting foot appear at the height of the releves?
Turned out
Is the accent up or down in releves?
What is the last thing to leave the floor and the first thing to touch the floor in a grand battement?
The big toe
What does a grand battement commence and finish with before closing?
A battement tondu
Does the supporting foot move when executing the 1/4 turn in grand battement?
As well as beautiful use of arms, head, eyes and expression what should we also see in port de bras?
Use of artistry
How do you define artistry?
Quality of movement. A combination of using good expression together with use of the upper body to enhance carriage of head and arms.
Name 3 attitudes
Ordinaire, Opposition and a deux bras
Name 3 arabesques
Ouverte, croise, a deux bras
Where can attitudes and arabesques be executed?
A terre and en l'aire
Which way do you turn in pirouettes en dehors?
Which way do you turn in pirouettes en dedans?
What type of pirouettes are pose coupe pirouettes?
En dedans
In pose coupe pirouettes what is required prior to movement?
An effective fondu on the supporting leg
In petit allegro enchainment do the jetes travel?
No, they are executed sur place
Are sissones a step of elevation?
How do we commence a sissone?
In a demi plie, push off from two feet at the same time
What is a ballone compose en avant
A soft bouncing step comprised of a ballone simple, a step forward, degage derrier and close in 5th position
In which famous ballet do you particularly see ballones?
Giselle-Act 1
{"name":"Ballet Gold Medal", "url":"","txt":"In grand plies, in which position do the heels remain flat throughout?, In a rond de jambe en l'air, which part of the leg remains still?, Which joint executes the circular movement in a rond de jambe en l'air?","img":""}
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