Remember to answer questions honestly according to your behaviour, that is according to what you do - not what you think

The following survey was created by Murdoch University student Shannon Nagy, for the purpose of measuring behavioural change through education.


The survey is designed to increase your awareness, knowledge, and motivation on the issue of waste management. To participate in this study you will be required to complete this 18 question survey as well as another in one weeks’ time.


Contact Shannon if you would like more information

Click ‘next’ to continue



The following survey was created by Murdoch University student Shannon Nagy, for the purpose of measuring behavioural change through education.


The survey is designed to increase your awareness, knowledge, and motivation on the issue of waste management. To participate in this study you will be required to complete this 18 question survey as well as another in one weeks’ time.


Contact Shannon if you would like more information

Click ‘next’ to continue



Thank you for participating in this project.

The aim of this survey is to measure your current recycling behaviour
That means each question should be answered instinctively according to your actions not your thoughts or feelings
Please answer honestly and take time to read the information included after each question
This is the first of two surveys, the second will be sent to you in a weeks' time to provide feedback on how your recycling behaviour has changed
Thank you for participating in this project.

The aim of this survey is to measure your current recycling behaviour
That means each question should be answered instinctively according to your actions not your thoughts or feelings
Please answer honestly and take time to read the information included after each question
This is the first of two surveys, the second will be sent to you in a weeks' time to provide feedback on how your recycling behaviour has changed
What bins do you currently use at your house?
Green Top Bin
Green and Yellow Top Bin
Green, Yellow, and Red Top Bin
Red and Yellow Top Bin
If you have a red top bin please consider this to be your general waste bin (as it is) and not the green top bin (as it says in the questions)
If you have a red top bin please consider this to be your general waste bin (as it is) and not the green top bin (as it says in the questions)
Including when you are not at home (eg. At work, shopping, visiting friends), how do you dispose of the following items?
How often do you dispose of a SODA CAN in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Did you know? "Aluminium is 100% recyclable and experiences no loss of properties or quality during the recycling process. Recycling aluminium also uses only 5% of the energy used to created new aluminium and emits only 5% of the greenhouse gases." (Australian Aluminium Council 2013)
That’s 95% less resources used in recycling a can compared to producing a new one!
Did you know? "Aluminium is 100% recyclable and experiences no loss of properties or quality during the recycling process. Recycling aluminium also uses only 5% of the energy used to created new aluminium and emits only 5% of the greenhouse gases." (Australian Aluminium Council 2013)
That’s 95% less resources used in recycling a can compared to producing a new one!
How often do you dispose of a PLASTIC BAG in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material

Soft plastics can be recycled for South Metropolitan Regional Councils.

Australians dump 429,000 plastic shopping bags into landfill every hour! That equates to just under 120 bags every second, and they "don’t go away; they just break up into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic, taking between 15 and 1,000 years to break down in the environment” (Department of Environment and Conservation)

It is best if soft plastics (plastics which can be scrunched) are returned to major supermarkets which participate soft plastic recycling. Find a drop-off point near you at:


Alternatively, avoid using petroleum-based plastic bags by bringing your own bags to the shops and when necessary bioplastics offer a more sustainable option, these differ from ‘biodegradable’ bags in that they do not break down into harmful microplastics.

Soft plastics can be recycled for South Metropolitan Regional Councils.

Australians dump 429,000 plastic shopping bags into landfill every hour! That equates to just under 120 bags every second, and they "don’t go away; they just break up into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic, taking between 15 and 1,000 years to break down in the environment” (Department of Environment and Conservation)

It is best if soft plastics (plastics which can be scrunched) are returned to major supermarkets which participate soft plastic recycling. Find a drop-off point near you at:


Alternatively, avoid using petroleum-based plastic bags by bringing your own bags to the shops and when necessary bioplastics offer a more sustainable option, these differ from ‘biodegradable’ bags in that they do not break down into harmful microplastics.

How often do you dispose of FOOD SCRAPS in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Organic materials will contaminate recycling which can cause complications with processing and exportation of materials. It is important that you wash recyclables before disposal.
Organic materials will contaminate recycling which can cause complications with processing and exportation of materials. It is important that you wash recyclables before disposal.
How often do you dispose of PAPER in the GENERAL WASTE? (green top bin)
I never use this material
"Each tonne of paper that is recycled saves almost 13 trees" (Clean Up 2015)
Western Australia recycles and exports over 50 thousand tonnes of old newsprint every year (Waste Authority 2017). That's over 650,000 trees as well as oil, electricity, land, and water which are saved by recycling!
Cleanup Australia offers free 'NO JUNKMAIL' stickers to reduce paper waste visit:
Contact the Australian Direct Marketing Association to stop junk mail at your address:
Ph: 1800 646 664
"Each tonne of paper that is recycled saves almost 13 trees" (Clean Up 2015)
Western Australia recycles and exports over 50 thousand tonnes of old newsprint every year (Waste Authority 2017). That's over 650,000 trees as well as oil, electricity, land, and water which are saved by recycling!
Cleanup Australia offers free 'NO JUNKMAIL' stickers to reduce paper waste visit:
Contact the Australian Direct Marketing Association to stop junk mail at your address:
Ph: 1800 646 664
How often do you dispose of a LIGHT BULB in the GENERAL WASTE? (green top bin)
I never use this material
Lightbulbs, particularly fluorescent lighting contain mercury and should be taken to your nearest household hazardous waste site.
Lightbulbs, particularly fluorescent lighting contain mercury and should be taken to your nearest household hazardous waste site.
How often do you dispose of a GLASS BOTTLE in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Most glass including bottles, jars, and broken glass can be recycled. The glass collected from the south metropolitan regional council is used to create bitumen roads. When it is mixed with organic materials however, it contaminates the compost which devalues the product sold into agriculture.
Most glass including bottles, jars, and broken glass can be recycled. The glass collected from the south metropolitan regional council is used to create bitumen roads. When it is mixed with organic materials however, it contaminates the compost which devalues the product sold into agriculture.
How often do you dispose of STYROFOAM (eg. Foam cup, meat tray etc.) in the GENERAL WASTE? (green top bin)
I never use this material
Styrofoam and Polystyrene cannot be recycled at your local resource recovery centre. These materials are commonly used for packaging, takeaway containers, meat trays, foam cups, and beans in beanbags.
Polystyrene can be recycled if dropped off at:
CLAW Environmental 5 Forge Street, Welshpool
Styrofoam and Polystyrene cannot be recycled at your local resource recovery centre. These materials are commonly used for packaging, takeaway containers, meat trays, foam cups, and beans in beanbags.
Polystyrene can be recycled if dropped off at:
CLAW Environmental 5 Forge Street, Welshpool
I dispose of an empty PIZZA BOX in the RECYCLING (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Food packaging can often be recycled, remember to separate food scraps before disposal. Although cardboard is biodegradable, it is more valuable when recycled.
Food packaging can often be recycled, remember to separate food scraps before disposal. Although cardboard is biodegradable, it is more valuable when recycled.
How often do you dispose of a MILK CARTON in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Milk and juice cartons are made from liquid paperboard, which is recyclable.
It consists mostly of cardboard with layers of plastic and sometimes aluminium foil. The level of contamination from these additional materials is minor however It is important to remove any plastic lids to reduce this contamination.
Milk and juice cartons are made from liquid paperboard, which is recyclable.
It consists mostly of cardboard with layers of plastic and sometimes aluminium foil. The level of contamination from these additional materials is minor however It is important to remove any plastic lids to reduce this contamination.
How often do you dispose of empty AEROSOL CANS in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Empty aerosol cans are safe to put in your recycling bin. Separate plastic lids and follow directions on the product for specific disposal advice.
Empty aerosol cans are safe to put in your recycling bin. Separate plastic lids and follow directions on the product for specific disposal advice.
How often do you dispose of PLASTIC BOTTLES in the GENERAL WASTE? (green top bin)
I never use this material
Plastic bottles which aren't sent to recycling will end up in the environment as landfill or litter. In landfill degradation takes up to 600 years, a long time for a product that is often single-use.
'Mineralization' is the full degradation of a product into its original compounds, for plastic debris this never occurs instead it breaks down into microplastics which pose a threat to ecosystems and human health. (NOAA 2017)
Remember to remove lids and recycle them separately, so that bottles can be compacted at the recycling centre
Plastic bottles which aren't sent to recycling will end up in the environment as landfill or litter. In landfill degradation takes up to 600 years, a long time for a product that is often single-use.
'Mineralization' is the full degradation of a product into its original compounds, for plastic debris this never occurs instead it breaks down into microplastics which pose a threat to ecosystems and human health. (NOAA 2017)
Remember to remove lids and recycle them separately, so that bottles can be compacted at the recycling centre
How often do you dispose of PLASTIC CONTAINERS (eg. yogurt, berry punnet etc.) in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Plastic items need to be recycled. "Since the 1950s almost every single plastic item we have made remains in our environment in some form" (Waste Authority).
For Perth Metropolitan Councils that includes 9,702 tonnes of plastic which was recycled in 2015-16 and now form a variety of new products.
Plastic items need to be recycled. "Since the 1950s almost every single plastic item we have made remains in our environment in some form" (Waste Authority).
For Perth Metropolitan Councils that includes 9,702 tonnes of plastic which was recycled in 2015-16 and now form a variety of new products.
How often do you dispose of TEXTILES (eg. rags, clothes etc.) in the RECYCLING? (yellow top bin)
I never use this material
Old clothes and textiles can be donated to op shops such as the salvation army, otherwise they should be disposed of with bulk rubbish collection. They should not go into the general waste or recycling as they can cause complications with the sorting processes.
Old clothes and textiles can be donated to op shops such as the salvation army, otherwise they should be disposed of with bulk rubbish collection. They should not go into the general waste or recycling as they can cause complications with the sorting processes.
Where do you think Perth Metro residents send most of their waste?
For 2015-16: 337kg of waste was sent to landfill per personand a further 204kg of waste was recovered for recycling. (Waste Authority Census 2016)
For 2015-16: 337kg of waste was sent to landfill per personand a further 204kg of waste was recovered for recycling. (Waste Authority Census 2016)
What stops you from recycling properly? (tick a box/boxes)
It is inconvenient
Recycling bins are unavailable
I don't think it makes a difference
I forget
Nothing stops me
Other (please specify on next page)
Other (optional)
What motivates you to recycle properly? (tick a box/boxes)
Reduce waste in the environment
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced from landfill and manufacturing
Reduce resources used for manufacturing raw materials
Value to the economy in exports, savings, and jobs
All of the above
Other (please specify on next page)
Other (optional)

Western Australia has a goal of working ‘Towards Zero Waste’ however our 2015 target of reaching a 50% recovery rate of municipal solid waste (from our kerbside bins) fell short by 276,000 tonnes, which equates to a recovery rate of only 33% (Waste Authority 2015-16).

For Western Australia to meet its sustainability goals we must all work towards decreasing waste, and recycling what we can.

Your local Material Recovery Facility diverts more than 95,000 tonnes of waste from landfill per year, this prevents around "70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gasses from entering the atmosphere" (RecycleRight 2017). Consider your waste disposal habits, and how they could be improved.

Rethink, reuse, and recycle offers a framework for reducing the waste you produce, beginning with how we can avoid wasteful products and behaviour. 
Check out some tips from Keep Australia Beautiful:


Western Australia has a goal of working ‘Towards Zero Waste’ however our 2015 target of reaching a 50% recovery rate of municipal solid waste (from our kerbside bins) fell short by 276,000 tonnes, which equates to a recovery rate of only 33% (Waste Authority 2015-16).

For Western Australia to meet its sustainability goals we must all work towards decreasing waste, and recycling what we can.

Your local Material Recovery Facility diverts more than 95,000 tonnes of waste from landfill per year, this prevents around "70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gasses from entering the atmosphere" (RecycleRight 2017). Consider your waste disposal habits, and how they could be improved.

Rethink, reuse, and recycle offers a framework for reducing the waste you produce, beginning with how we can avoid wasteful products and behaviour. 
Check out some tips from Keep Australia Beautiful:


16. What is one way you can reduce the amount of waste that goes into your green top bin?

Please enter your email so that the second survey can be sent to you in a weeks time. Your email will not be used for any other purpose.

Then, continue to check your results.
{"name":"RECYCLING HABITSRemember to answer questions honestly according to your behaviour, that is according to what you do - not what you think", "url":"","txt":"How many bins do you currently use at home?, Including when you are not at home (eg. at work, shopping, visiting friends), how do you dispose of the following items?","img":""}
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