#1. Young children sometimes literally interpret sentences like "Do you know where your mommy is?" by answering "Yes." They failed to understand the ________ of the question.
Propositional representation
#2. Don tells Ray that he wants to get a new sports car. Ray immediately understands why, because he is familiar with the common characteristics of sports cars and knows what makes them different from family cars. Ray is using mental categories called ________.
#3. Emotion has been defined as having three elements. Please identify which choice below is NOT one of the three elements.
Physical arousal
Behavior that reveals the feeling to the outside world
Cognitive dissonance for the exhibited behavior
inner awareness of feeling
#4. What did Terman's groundbreaking study of gifted children accomplish?
It proved that gifted children and adults are more prone to mental illnesses or odd behavior than other groups.
It put to rest the myths that existed about genius in the early part of the twentieth century.
It demonstrated that they also have more than their share of failures.
It demonstrated that genius is the only factor that influences real success in life.
#5. Desperate for help with her computer, Dana calls her fiancé, thinking that he will know what to do because he is a man, and men are natural fixers. Dana's thinking in this instance is an example of ________.
Schema error
benevolent sexism
negative stereotyping
#6. Primary drives are caused by ________.
learned behaviors
Stimuli outside the body
Stimuli within the body
Exceptions to the drive-reduction principle
#7. You are walking in the forest and see a bear. According to the Cannon-Bard theory, what happens next?
You experience physiological changes and a feeling of fear simultaneously.
You experience physiological changes followed by fear.
You experience physiological changes and context appraisal followed by fear.
You feel fear followed by physiological changes.
#8. Which two different terms best describe Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion?
behavior and genetics
arousal and physiology
Nature and nurture
Arousal and context
#9. What percent of the population has an intelligence quotient below 100?
10 percent
50 percent
75 percent
35 percent
#10. Drives that are learned through experience are called ________ drives.
#11. Psychology has many terms for human sexuality concepts. What is an alternative term for hermaphroditism?
gender specific
#12. The ________ system is to boys as the ________ system is to girls.
Flynn; Stausberg
Stausberg; Flynn
Müllerian; Wolffian
Wolffian; Müllerian
#13. According to Robert Sternberg, which type of intelligence is least likely to predict success in an academic environment?
Analytical intelligence
Practical intelligence
None of these
Creative intelligence
#14. Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ________.
Analytical, creative, and practical intelligence
Verbal and mathematical abilities
General intelligence and specific abilities
crystallized and visual-motor abilities
#15. Based on the studies of girls who were exposed to androgens before birth, which of the following statements is true?
When these girls grew up, they became more typically "female" in their desire for marriage and motherhood.
The girls were found to prefer feminine activities during early childhood.
There were no noticeable effects of the androgen exposure.
The majority of the girls grew up to be lesbians.
#16.Lashley (1938) stated that the thalamus would have to be pretty sophisticated to make sense of all the possible emotions and relay them to the proper areas of the cortex and body. Which theory of emotion was Lashley criticizing?
Schachter and Singer's
#17. Schachter and Singer proposed that two things have to happen before emotion occurs: ________ and ________.
Cognition; behavior
physical arousal; fight or flight
Behavior; physical arousal
Physical arousal; labeling
#18. Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of culture-fair tests?
They should be composed of items that vary from culture to culture.
They should measure values based on a person's cultural background.
They should minimize or eliminate the use of language.
They should not attempt to measure intelligence.
#19. Extrinsic motivation is defined as ________.
The pursuit of an activity for external reward
the pursuit of an activity for its own sake
The pursuit of an activity to relieve the state of tension caused by deprivation
the pursuit of an activity in order to increase one's competence and skills
#20. Bobby is a very active 5-year old compared to others in his class. He appears to seek a great deal of stimulation, and is very playful, curious, and explorative. Bobby's seemingly unlearned motives, which are likely to increase stimulation, are called ________.
Stimulus motives
cognitive motives
Developmental motives
exploratory motives
#21. Maslow's work has had an impact on the field of ________.
Pizza delivery
#22. According to Ekman, which of the following is NOT one of the universal facial expressions?
#23. Which is the best explanation of the Cannon-Bard theory?
Emotion is nothing but a reflexive response based on instincts.
Bodily arousal and emotional experience occur simultaneously.
Bodily arousal occurs before emotional response.
Emotions arise from learned triggers.
#24. ________ can vary from culture to culture and are socially acceptable ways of showing emotion in public settings.
Facial grids
Expressional norms
Display rules
#25. Which of the following statements would best be associated with Carol Dweck?
The best way to succeed is to always have the right answer.
Failure is a good way to learn.
Looking smart is better than being smart.
Never fail, no matter what.
#26. Which of the following statements about gifted people is true?
They are often skilled leaders.
They are socially unskilled.
They are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses.
They are physically weaker than non-gifted persons.
#27. Alfred Binet designed the first ________ test.
#28. Paul Ekman and his colleagues gathered abundant evidence supporting the universality of ________ basic facial expressions of emotion.
#29. When men and women view erotic pictures, the ________ are more strongly activated in men than women.
Pons and hindbrain
hippocampus and cingulate gyrus
Visual cortex and thalamus
Amygdala and hypothalamus
#30. Obesity is defined as the condition of being at least _____ percent over the ideal body weight.
#31. Social ________ theory emphasizes the role of cognition in motivation and the importance of expectations in shaping behavior.
#32. Talia is looking for her cat by methodically searching each room and then closing the door. She is using what type of problem solving strategy?
a heuristic
An algorithm
a hunch
a means-end strategy
#33. Which of the following statements is true about infants?
By the time they are 9 months old, they can recognize only the phonemes in the language they are being brought up in.
By the time they are 12 months old, they can recognize only the phonemes in the language they are being brought up in.
They are not born with the ability to recognize all phonemes.
By the time they are 2 months old, they can recognize only the phonemes in the language they are being brought up in.
#34. Which of the following statements has research found to be accurate with regard to androgynous people?
They have a greater likelihood of having a non-heterosexual orientation.
They are socially inept because they cannot relate effectively to people of their own or the opposite sex.
They are highly functioning and effective because they do not limit themselves to one set of gender rules.
They have greater difficulties in adolescence as a result of peer teasing.
#35. Traditional views of gender roles are more likely found in ________.
None of these
individualistic cultures
Collectivist cultures
Countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and England
#36. A culture's expectation of masculine and feminine behaviors can be defined as ________.
Gender typing
Gender roles
#37. Thirst, sexual desire, and hunger are examples of ________ drives.
#38. ________ is a disorder in which the person either prefers to, or must, achieve sexual arousal and fulfillment through sexual behavior that is unusual or not socially acceptable.
Deviant sexual disorder
A paraphilia
Sensate psychosis
Traditional value erectile dysfunction
#39. Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of the GTD method discussed in your chapter?
Process, Organize, Capture, Do, Complete
Capture, Process, Organize, Complete, Do
Do, Process, Capture, Organize, Complete
Capture, Organize, Process, Do, Complete
#40. Which of the following questions would be more likely to produce divergent thinking?
"What does a stapler look like?"
"How many uses can you think of for a stapler?"
"What is a stapler?"
"How do you spell stapler?"
#41. Sydney said, "I don't care much about my grades as long as I'm the most popular girl in the class!" What need is this?
Need for affiliation
Need for power
need for achievement
Need for sex
#42. Equipment to measure physiological activity during sexual activity was designed by ________.
Masters and Johnson
#43. The concept of "comfort food" suggests that eating ________.
may release hormones and neurotransmitters that are comforting
Has some inherited quality that relaxes us
is reflexive
May be influenced by emotional factors
#44. The system of rules that governs how we assign meaning to the morphemes we use is called ________.
#45. Intrinsic motivation is one that propels a person to pursue an activity ________.
for its own sake
for external rewards
to relieve the state of tension caused by deprivation
in order to be judged favorably by others
#46. Lance is in the 12th grade and is presently dating the head cheerleader, Ava. Lance is attracted to Ava, who is very feminine in her mannerisms, and Lance reports that he is attracted to girls who are petite and athletic. He and his buddies like to go "cruising for girls" on the weekends, but he has never strayed from Ava and is thinking about proposing to her after they graduate. He has never been attracted to any other boys. Lance is considered ________ in terms of his sexual orientation.
#47. Which of the following is suggested by your authors as helping to substantially improve cognitive health?
a diet high in beta-amyloids
drinking one or two glasses of red wine at least twice each week.
The cessation of cigarette smoking
Physical exercise
#48. According to Abraham Maslow, developing one's potential to its fullest extent results in ________.
#49. According to Carol Dweck, this type of person believes that intelligence is fixed, unchanging, and independent.
External locus of control
Internal locus of control
#50. In familial retardation, the degree of intellectual disability is typically ________.
{"name":"PSYC 2301 FINAL TEST PREP 3", "url":"","txt":"#1. Young children sometimes literally interpret sentences like \"Do you know where your mommy is?\" by answering \"Yes.\" They failed to understand the ________ of the question., #2. Don tells Ray that he wants to get a new sports car. Ray immediately understands why, because he is familiar with the common characteristics of sports cars and knows what makes them different from family cars. Ray is using mental categories called ________., #3. Emotion has been defined as having three elements. Please identify which choice below is NOT one of the three elements.","img":""}
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