Which SBI house are you? (Percentages)

A colorful and inviting collage depicting different houses symbolizing personality traits, with visual elements representing friendship, conflict resolution, and personal values.

Discover Your SBI House: A Personality Quiz

Have you ever wondered how your personal traits align with various houses in the SBI framework? This engaging quiz invites you to explore your values and decision-making styles through a series of thought-provoking questions.

  • Find out which SBI house reflects your personality.
  • Answer multiple choice questions based on real-life scenarios.
  • Gain insights into your beliefs and preferences.
16 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CleverWolf234
You walk out of class and your best friend is getting beat up in front of you. The problem is the person beating them up is much stronger than you, what do you do?
Who gives a shit if they're stronger than me, they hurt my friend, they hurt me. I'm going in guns blazing.
I would try to figure out why my friend is being beaten up, if I find out what the problem is, I try to sort it out with words.
I'll find someone to help, as the person I find goes to find a teacher, I step in and try to solve the problem with words. If working it out with words doesn't work, violence is always an answer.
I don't care what reasoning is for my friend being beaten up, it's not acceptable to do that to anyone, I'm going to step in and solve it with words.
You see that your close group of friends is hanging out without you, doing your favorite thing ever. you:
Text them and ask them why they didn't invite you.
Ignore it, they probably just forgot to ask
They did invite you, you just didnt see the message
Ask them if they had fun next time you see them
You are going on a road trip. What is your role?
Sleeping in the back seat
Snack bringer
Paying for the trip
Packed the car
Calling shotgun
Personal power to me is:
With my own skill and charisma I can affect others around me
With my strength and courage, I can show others my abilities
To be able to fight for what I believe in and succeed in doing so
To have confidence in myself while still following my personal morals and ideals
Which of these do you believe/rely on most?
Fate - everything is already set in stone, there is no way of changing it
Destiny - everything you do affects the outcome your life in some way (butterfly affect))
Chance - The influence of positivity on the actions you make (a role of the dice))
Coincidence - things happen to be the same even if there is no coorelation
It is better to:
Fight fair
Fight dirty
Do you insist on payment when you lend money to a friend?
Yes, and I hold them accountable so they do not forget
Yes, but I am flexible about how
No, although it would be really nice to be repaid
No, they owe me a favor
Your nation is at war, and your community is threatened with invasion. you:
Quickly grab what you can to protect for those you care about
Defend the area with the rest of your community
Make the first move and attack your opponent while they are at their weakest
Take your time, your plan needs to be flawless
If guilty, would you confess to the crime?
Yes, and I would face the consequences
No, and I would try to prove my own innocence
No, I would try and get out of my situation but if I were caught I would face the reproductions
No, I would try and get out of if, even if I was caught.
You have to make a hard decision, how would you process your possible actions?
In order to not get overwhelmed I would take some time alone to look at my choices and see the pros and cons, then go from there.
I would try and see the opinions of others, but if it was something I was super attached to I would react immediately.
In the moment, I would look at all the possibilities of my actions, mainly focusing on how my actions would affect myself.
I would take some time out of the moment to deliberate, thinking about how my actions would affect not only myself but others as well.
You have two job offers. One pays more, but the other is secure and steady. Which do you choose?
The more enriching one; doing the secure one sounds like a waste of my time and skill.
Most likely the enriching one, though I'd make sure to look into the secure one as a back-up.
The secure one, unless the other job was incredibly enriching and a good use of my skill.
The secure one of course; I find it's better to plan for the long term.
After you have died, what would you most like people to do when they hear your name?
Think about all the positive interactions I did and know I made a lasting impact.
Continue to ask about my everlasting achievements.
Think with admiration and awe of all I'd been able to accomplish.
What people think of me when I have passed doesn't matter; it's what people think of me when I'm alive that counts.
Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?
The people I care about ignoring me.
The cold.
People calling my opinions wrong without reason.
Not being able to properly express my thoughts to others.
Not being able to be confident in the ideals I follow.
The inability to do something in a situation I care deeply about.
Having to watch the people I care about in pain and not being able to do anything about it.
Being forced to do something that I'm not comfortable/okay with.
One of your friends has used their phone during a test. Now they have become top of the class, putting you in second. The teacher comes to ask you about it with the suspicion they have cheated. What do you do?
Lie and say you don't know (but hope that somebody else tells the teacher the truth).
Tell the teacher that they ought to ask your classmate (and resolve to tell your classmate that if they don't tell the truth, you will).
Tell the teacher the truth. If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, they deserve to be found out.
You would not wait to be asked to tell the teacher the truth. If you knew that somebody was using a phone to cheat, you would tell the teacher before the test started.
Night or day?
Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?
{"name":"Which SBI house are you? (Percentages)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered how your personal traits align with various houses in the SBI framework? This engaging quiz invites you to explore your values and decision-making styles through a series of thought-provoking questions.Find out which SBI house reflects your personality.Answer multiple choice questions based on real-life scenarios.Gain insights into your beliefs and preferences.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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