Welcome to the 5th edition of Socrates Christmas Quizz ! Type you NAME and SURNAME and enjoy ! Good luck !
Hedges have key roles on fields. Which sentence is FALSE on hedges?
They limit erosion, increase soil infiltration capacity and stabilizitation, while improving organic matter
They produce extra fruits and provide a revenue for farmers
They are acting as a windbreak!
They are a breeding site, a refuge and a food zone for wildlife
Were do our wonderful kiwis come from?
For how long have Danone been working with Hélène Biscond, an apple farmer in France?
10 years
15 years
20 years
For 2 years, Danone has been developing its ambition towards Agriculture and farming world. Regenerative Agriculture term was chosen to describe this ambition. On which pillars is it NOT based?
Protect soil, biodiversity and water
Respect Socrates Team Welfare
Respect animal welfare
Support generation of farmers
Danone in France chose a partner for suppliers transition to Regenerative Agriculture. The organization is named PADV. What does PADV means in french?
Stop Intensive Agriculture
For a Sustainable Agriculture
For a Living Agriculture
In 1979 were formalized the Five Freedoms for animals that outline five aspects of animal welfare under human control. Which one of the following is NOT part of the 5 freedoms?
Freedom from hunger and thirst
Freedom to be eaten
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from fear and distress
Freedom to express normal behavior
Freedom from pain, injury and disease
Today, 100% of wild fish we are using in our recipes are coming from sustainable sources. MSC certification guarantees a sustainable management of fish stocks, a minimum impact on marine ecosystems and an effective fisheries management. What does MSC mean?
Marine Stewardship Council
Marine Socrates Consortium
Mediterranean Sustainable Catch
In 2015, what was the percentage of organic farmland in the world?
Danone took the commitment that in 2026, 100% of the chicken we source will be from slow growing breeds. How long minimum are slow growing breeds chickens living?
30 days
80 days
120 days
Earthworms are soil engineers because
They eat soil pests
They neutralize harmful substances, like pesticide residues
They transform plant litter into organic matter giving nutrients to plants
{"name":"SOCRATES QUIZZ 2019", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the 5th edition of Socrates Christmas Quizz ! Type you NAME and SURNAME and enjoy ! Good luck !, Hedges have key roles on fields. Which sentence is FALSE on hedges?, Were do our wonderful kiwis come from?","img":""}
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