The Amazing Trivia Challenge

A colorful and playful illustration of a diverse group of people having fun while taking a trivia quiz, surrounded by quirky animals and interesting objects that represent trivia questions.

The Amazing Trivia Challenge

Test your knowledge and discover fascinating facts about friends, family, and fun experiences! This engaging quiz features 31 thought-provoking questions designed to entertain and enlighten you.

  • Learn quirky trivia about people you know
  • Challenge your memory and knowledge
  • Perfect for group gatherings or solo fun
31 Questions8 MinutesCreated by CuriousCat47
What is Trudy’s role when scary animals are found in her house?
She is the first one to jump on the table and call for help. Since this happened a lot, Trudy can now say she’s an excellent jumper.
Trudy and her family do not believe in scary animals. To them, all animals are to be loved. So whenever they find one, they will make it their pet.
She is the one that has to scare these animals away. Spiders, bats (yup, bats.. really), birds, etc., are all chased out of their house by her. Maybe you can call her if you need scary animals to be chased out of your house.
Whenever she sees one, she runs like hell. Probably explains why she is so fast.
For what vehicle does Trudy have a license for?
A boat
A motor
A truck
A glider (zweefvliegtuig)
Trudy can be a competitive person. Her husband can tell… With what has she beaten him?
She can jump higher than he can. Probably because of all the scary beasts.
She has beaten him in a quarter marathon, by three minutes. Maybe also because of the scary beasts?
They did a bake off and she won, because of ‘best pie’
She has beaten him with cycling.
What is Trudy’s connection with fashion?
She knows where you can find the best discounts
She used to design her own dresses
She used to be a catwalk model.
Hugo Boss is a distant family member
Hyam used to excel at a certain sport when he was younger. What sport was that?
Football (he was a goalkeeper)
Darts (after a couple of beers)
Swimming (100m butterfly)
Hyam used to have his ears pierced. How many earrings could fit in his ears?
12 (but for a short while, since his ears got all stretched out)
Trick question! He didn’t have any pierced ears!
What’s the deal with Vera? How come..
She has to wash her hands that often? Apparently, even she didn’t know until her roommate told her that. Not aware of her (mild version of?) mysophobia!
She starts singing every time she’s in the bathroom? A study showed that people sing because they’re happy. Maybe there’s a link?
She can run so fast? Maybe because she used to volunteer as neighborhood watch and was chasing criminals all the time? A bit of a Batman Vera.. Bat-Vera!
She can bake these great pies and deserts, which she then give to her colleagues on her birthday? Apparently, she comes from a long line of proud pie bakers from Maasluis.
What’s Vera’s true passion?
Magic. Ever since she has seen David Copperfield on television, the only thing she ever wanted is to make a bunny appear from a hat.
Kizomba. She travels to anywhere just to dance this dance (Paris, Bordeaux, Lisboa).
Beer. Not so much drinking it, but making it. She has a little brewery in her home. It’s illegal so don’t tell anyone.
Photography. Photography of cactuses to be specific.. Or is it cacti? Anyway, she thought it was sad that no photographer took an interest in these plants. To her, no plant is more beautiful than a cactus.
What was Ryan’s first job at Rotterdam University?
For a while Rotterdam University had its own Zumba programme. He was the instructor. With spandex clothing.
He used to be a chef cook. His signature dish was groentesoep.
He used to work as a peer coach.
He was a librarian. Really! Just ask him about any book and he can pinpoint you exactly where it is!
What is Marissa’s favorite sport and club or athlete?
Football! Her favorite team is Barcelona, which she’s going to visit in two weeks
Ice skating. Her biggest hero was Rintje Ritsma, the bear from Lemmer. She was president of his fan club.
Horse riding. Ankie van Grunsven was the best according to Marissa, but only with Bonfire, because it wasn’t all about the mony like it was when she had Salinero.
Beer pong. It’s sport, Marissa claims: if you can compete, it’s a sport. No matter if you’re drunk.
Who did Martine meet in Villa la Angostura in Argentina (such a random question)?
Messi’s old coach. Unfortunately, things went downhill after Messi and he works as a janitor in the villa now.
Maxima’s brother. I mean, why not?
Rutger Castricum. Turns out he’s nice guy. Who would have known?
Her boyfriend and now husband. Best. Trip. Evah!
Martine also has an artistic side to her. Guess what it is
She carves little figurines from wood
She used to play in an opera.
She combines yoga with juggling
She likes to paint pictures of tennis balls.
What academic accomplishments has Martine earned?
She has won the title ‘best thesis’ for writing a thesis on the difference in communication between cat and dog lovers.
She used to make her teacher cry (also an academic accomplishment according to her).
She has one bachelor and three master titles.
She has two bachelor and two master titles.
In what Country was Maria’s father born?
Erika has worked abroad in different countries. Which ones?
Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Nicaragua
France, Switzerland and Belgium. Something with chasing good chocolate..?
Siberia, Russia and Sweden. Because she likes the weather.
Trick question. Just Germany, because of superior bureaucratic systems. This trip is a dream come true for her!
What did Katri wanted to be as a grown up, when she was a child? (get it?)
An astronaut. She spent a lot of time looking at starts and planets with her binoculars and her walls were covered with stellar maps. She can still tell where north is by looking at the night sky in the northern hemisphere. So if we get lost, Katri can help us out!
A grants and subsidy officer. What? Some children have very mature and realistic dreams!
A food chemist. Chemistry and food where her passions. To mix these two would be a dream come true.
A dancer, breakdance that is. Ask her to ‘bust a move’ and you’ll be amazed!
When Rosalie was four, she and her family moved to another place, but still stayed in the same house. How’s that possible?
Her father had his own construction company. He tore down their house and build the exact same one, with almost the same material, in their new place of residence.
They used to live in a trailer. But weren’t trash!
She used to live on a boat. No way of getting Rosalie sea sick now!
They moved their house entirely with a special truck. They forgot their dog when it happened, but he was asleep the whole time, so nothing happened.
What did Enny name her dogs after?
Natural phenomena: Orkaantje, Storm, Tsunami, Typhoon
Her favorite Lord of the Ring characters: Smeagol (I wonder which one has that name), Frodo, Arwen and the Witch-King of Angmar (that one also made me curious).
Her favorite fruits: Appel, Peertje, Sisi (short for Sinaasappel) and Loenie (short for Meloen)
Neighbors she used to have and like: Arie van Dongen, Joke Zijlstra, Meneer Harmsen and Gerard van der Berg. You can say, in some way, they are still around.
Menno hates sports but loves playing music. What instrument does he perform a lot with?
The guitar. But only electric, since he tend to lose his plectrum a lot inside the acoustic guitar.
The flute. Hey can play it all, from ‘Vader Jacob’ to ‘I like to move it’, there’s no stopping when he’s getting started.
Drums.. you’ll have seen a little demonstration last week haven’t you?
Actually, he pretends that he can play five instruments, but in fact, he can't play any of them properly at all.
What was Ingrid’s childhood like?
She was a committed football player. Sometimes a bit too committed considering all the tackles she had injured many rivals with
She went to a private school and even had her private chauffeur.
She loved to write stories. Her main theme was apocalyptic worlds ruled by dancing robots
She used to fish a lot. But only for crab. And sometimes, just for fun, she threw the crabs at her friends.
What artistic quality does Frank have?
He plays a little bit of guitar.
He can dance.. Dance like the wind!
He loves to paint! His main themes are the C&A stores.
He can sing just like Frans Bauer.
What does Tanya like to do, but never got her diploma for?
Designing clothes
Tie her shoelaces
Karaoke (yes you can get a diploma for that in some countries)
So next to being an alumni expert, what else is Martina an expert in?
Playing poker. She has won lots of tournaments worldwide and is saving her money for another passion: her figurine collection
A martial arts expert, Tai chi, sword katas, karate and judo - black belt. Or at least she was until she came to the Netherlands.
She’s an expert in determining who is a liar. She almost joined the police.
An expert of accents. Try to speak in any accent to her, English that is, and she can immediately tell you where it’s from.
Elly R. Used to work with somebody famous. Who was that person?
Hans van der Toch. Elly was almost his ‘bordje-omdraai-meisje’ when he got the job for Rad van Fortuin (wheel of fortune).
Tiësto. He was not so big back then, but Elly always knew he would make it.
Ali B. Elly taught him how to rap. But his moves, those are his own moves. Which Elly doesn’t agree with by the way.
Rene Froger. The song ‘Een eigen huis, enz enz enz’ was dedicated to Elly.
What vehicle is Véronique licensed to operate.
A traktor. She had a summer job on a farm driving that thing.
A small yacht. She goes fishing in the Maas.
A motorcycle. She had her license already in 1995, way before Menno got his (is what she mentioned).
A Cessna Aircraft. She takes people in the air who want to go sky diving.
What did Jessica do on the Euromast?
She abseiled from the Euromast.
She watched the view and had dinner. That’s it.
She organized a party in the Euromast.
She used to control the big lift.
Jet used to play some instruments. Which ones?
Keyboard. She used to play techno with her keyboard. At least, that is wat I would imagine.
Trumpet and Clarinet. She used to play techno with her Trumpet and Clarinet. At least, that is wat I would imagine.
Harmonica. She used to play techno with her harmonica. At least, that is wat I would imagine.
The harp. She used to play techno with her harp. At least, that is wat I would imagine.
What are the most fun and smartest animals in the world, according to Elly S.?
Rats. She had them as a pet for a while. Can you imagine how happy she was when Ratatouille came out?
Dolphins. Because of their grace, kindness and intellect, she decided to work as a trainer for a while. They still have a move named after Elly (it’s called ‘de kleine Elly’).
Snakes. She has a lot of them, but she doesn’t know where they are anymore. But they’re still in her house, because you can hear them every now and then. Who’s up for a visit?
Stick insects (wandelende takken). She is just amazed by how close these creatures got to actual sticks.
What relation does Fiona have with McDonalds?
She hates them and joins any protest there is against them
Around seven years ago, she used to be a very enthusiastic McDonalds coworker. She even wrote her thesis (HES) about their recycling policy.
She knows where every McDonalds is. Not because she likes them so much, but to avoid them when driving with her kids.
She was the cowriter of the McDonalds song (McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Pizza Hut).
What was Fiona’s passion between the ages of 11 and 14
Feyenoord. She used to sing their songs and was even a member of their fan club
George Michael. She used to sing his songs and was even a member of his fan club.
Horses. Everything was horses for Fiona. Her bedsheets, book covers, wallpapers.. You name it and it got horses.
Ballroom Latin dance. She can even teach you some salsa moves if you ask nicely.
When Biswa still lived in his student apartment building, he found a garbage bag in his hallway (in front of his door), that was there for a couple of weeks already. He decided to open it and found something spooky. What was it?
Dolls. Lots of dolls. But with no hair.
The bag was full with movies. But one of them had a recording of Biswa on it.
Paintings of walls.
Used mouse traps. Can you imagine the blood everywhere?
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