Reading Comprehension Practice with Bahasa Q&A

An illustration of a mountain gorilla in its natural habitat, surrounded by lush green forests and a scenic mountainous backdrop, with a focus on the animal's gentle demeanor and endangered status.

Mountain Gorilla Awareness Quiz

Test your knowledge about the mountain gorillas and their endangered status through our engaging reading comprehension quiz!

Explore the challenges faced by these gentle giants and understand the efforts of wildlife organizations to save them.

  • Improve your reading comprehension skills
  • Learn about mountain gorillas and their habitat
  • Understand conservation efforts
5 Questions1 MinutesCreated by CaringNature425

Read the text bellow for question 1-3!

Mountain gorillas are some of the most threatened animals on the planet. Only two groups of mountain gorillas remain. One population lives in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. The other group lives in the Virunga Mountains. This mountain range of extinct volcanoes borders the African countries of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. These gorillas are members of the primate family known as great apes. Other great apes are orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos. 

Today mountain gorillas face many threats. War and conflicts near the Virunga Mountains have disturbed their forest habitat. People fleeing the conflicts have moved into their habitat and cleared the forest to build farms. Mountain gorillas are also sometimes injured or killed by traps set for other animals. Human diseases are another serious threat to gorillas. Gorillas who come into contact with humans may become sick. This is because their immune system cannot fight human diseases.

Scientists estimate that there are only 880 mountain gorillas remaining in the wild. They are considered a critically endangered species. This means there is a very high risk they could disappear from the earth forever.

Wildlife organizations are working hard to protect these large and gentle animals. The number of mountain gorillas is slowly beginning to increase. Their future is still uncertain though. The race to save them is far from over.


Question 1:

The purpose of the text is to...

Give information related to the kinds of mountain gorillas
Discuss the almost-gone condition of mountain gorillas
Inform what wildlife organization and scientists have done for mountain gorillas
Persuade the readers to take care of mountain gorillas
Talk about extinct mountain gorillas
Scientists estimate that there are only 880 mountain gorillas remaining in the wild. They are considered a critically endangered species. This means there is a very high risk they could disappear from the earth forever.
Question 2:
Which of the following can best replace the word "endangered" ?
Today mountain gorillas face many threats. War and conflicts near the Virunga Mountains have disturbed their forest habitat. People fleeing the conflicts have moved into their habitat and cleared the forest to build farms. Mountain gorillas are also sometimes injured or killed by traps set for other animals. Human diseases are another serious threat to gorillas. Gorillas who come into contact with humans may become sick. This is because their immune system cannot fight human diseases.
Question 3:
According to the paragraph, mountain gorillas might be sick if... .
They are trapped by other animals
They are in contact with human
The war and conflicts near the Virunga Mountains
Other animal get in contact with them
Their immune system cannot fight human diseases
Read the text bellow to answer question 4-5!
There are two crucial points on the topic of education and training of future educational psychologists. They are: the space and context of the school/educational psychologist’s performance; and the psychology undergraduate course curriculum. On the first point, it is understood and defended that there is a big difference between being an educational psychologist on the staff of a school, and acting as a school psychologist in a private office outside the institution. Even though the profession is defined by education (degree) and the purpose of the work (responding to school’s demands), it is understood that the local/position in which the professional stands makes a big difference in the role of its actions. Consequently, different elements are required in the process of the individual’s education/training, such as: knowledge about educational policies, organization and laws; training to deal with institution dynamic and continued education, etc.

On the second point, it is defended that the school environment and the whole structure that delimits this space should be considered when choosing disciplines and the method of knowledge construction for undergraduate curricula design, thereby expanding the professional’s insight into other knowledge fields, such as education and politics, among others. About the curriculum related to the performance of educational psychologists outside (as consultants or autonomous professionals) and inside the school (as part of the teacher/functionary board), a discussion is proposed between the professional practice and the reflections enabled by the application of the Network of Meanings concept, which may show, among others, connections between elements.

Question 4:

What is the main idea of the 1st paragraph?

Discussing the two crucial topics of education and training of future educational psychologists
Introduce the topics of of education and training of future educational psychologists
Discussing the first crucial points on the topic of education and training of future educational psychologists
The difference between being an educational psychologist of a school, and of a private office
The context of undergraduate course curriculum
On the second point, it is defended that the school environment and the whole structure that delimits this space should be considered when choosing disciplines and the method of knowledge construction for undergraduate curricula design, thereby expanding the professional’s insight into other knowledge fields, such as education and politics, among others. About the curriculum related to the performance of educational psychologists outside (as consultants or autonomous professionals) and inside the school (as part of the teacher/functionary board), a discussion is proposed between the professional practice and the reflections enabled by the application of the Network of Meanings concept, which may show, among others, connections between elements.
Question 5:
The word "this" (in the 2nd line) refers to.... 
School environment and the structure
The structure
The school space
The whole structure that delimits
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