Brand Cafe by LTTS

Identify the correct company logo
Option 01
Option 02
Option 03
Option 04
Identify the correct brand font
Open Sans
Comic Neue
Fira Sans
Identify the correct brand color pallete
Option 01
Option 02
Option 03
Option 04
What is our Brand positioning statement?
Engineer Is The Change
Engineering The Change
Engineer at Heart
Engineers Are The Change
Which shape is one of our Brand motif?
Identify the correct usage of Angle marks
Option 01
Option 02
Option 03
Option 04
Which of the above is not part of LTTS values
Being Purposeful
Culture of Learning
Choose the correct version of logo usage on LTTS T-shirts
Option A
Option B
Identify the correct LTTS e-mail signature
Option A
Option B
Identify the correct version of LTTS business card
Option A
Option B
{"name":"Brand Cafe by LTTS", "url":"","txt":"Identify the correct company logo, Identify the correct brand font, Identify the correct brand color pallete","img":""}
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