Level 5 - Unit 5 - Part 1,2

What does she do?
She's tennis player.
She's a player tennis.
She's a tennis hitter.
She's a tennis player.
She does a tennis player.
She's is a tennis player.
What does she do?
She's a movie shooter.
She's movie director.
She's a movie directer.
She's a movie director.
She's is a movie director.
She does a movie director.
What does she do?
She is a designer.
She is a desiner.
She is a designar.
She is designer.
She's is a designer.
She does a designer.
What does she do?
She is a hair stylish.
She is hair stylist.
She is a hair stylier.
She is a hair stylist.
She does a hair stylist.
She is a hair stylister.
What does he do?
He's a surgen.
He does a surgeon.
He's a surgeon.
He's a surgon.
He's surgeon.
He's is a surgeon.
What does she do?
She's a flight attendent.
She's a flight attandant.
She's flight attendant.
She's is a flight attendant.
She does a flight attendant.
She's a flight attendant.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် α€‘α€α€α€Ία€œα€»α€Ύα€±α€¬α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ α€‘α€α€α€Ήα€±α€œα€½α€Ία€¬α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'l do the laundry.
I'll do the laundry.
I'll will do the laundry.
I will the laundry.
I'll do the laundre.
I'll wash the laundry.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”α€Ία€™ ထမင်းစားပွဲ α€•α€Όα€„α€Ία€‘α€¬α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္မ ထမင္းစားပြဲ α€»α€•α€„α€Ήα€‘α€¬α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll sat the table.
I'll see the table.
I'll will set the table.
I'll set the table.
I'l set the table.
I will the table.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ထိပ်ရာ α€žα€­α€™α€Ία€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ထိပ္ရာ α€žα€­α€™α€Ήα€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll make the bed.
I'll mark the bed.
I'll save the bed.
I'l make the bed.
I will the bed.
I'll makes the bed.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် α€•α€›α€­α€˜α€±α€¬α€‚ တွေကို α€–α€―α€”α€Ί α€žα€―α€α€Ία€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ α€•α€›α€­α€±α€˜α€¬α€‚ ေတြကို α€–α€―α€”α€Ή α€žα€―α€α€Ήα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll duss the furniture.
I'll dust the furnichure.
I'll dust the furniture.
I'll dust the furnitur.
I'll will dust the furniture.
I'll dusts the furniture.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် α€€α€Όα€™α€Ία€Έ α€α€­α€―α€€α€Ία€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ၾကမ္း α€α€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll mope the floor.
I'll will mop the floor.
I'll mops the floor.
I'll mop the floor.
I'll map the floor.
I'll mup the floor.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ကား α€†α€±α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ကား α€±α€†α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll washes the car.
I'll washs the car.
I'll watch the car.
I wash the car.
I'll will wash the car.
I'll wash the car.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ထိမ်စာ α€œα€―α€•α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ထိမ္စာ α€œα€―α€•α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll do housework.
I'll make homework.
I'll will do homework.
I'll do homework.
I'll does homework.
I'll do homeswork.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ပန်းကန်တွေ α€†α€±α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ပန္းကန္ေတြ α€±α€†α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll watch the dishes.
I'll will wash the dishes.
I'll wash the diches.
I'll washes the dishes.
I'll wash the dishes.
I'll washs the dishes.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ကျွန်တော့် စားပွဲကို α€›α€Ύα€„α€Ία€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ကြၽန္ေတာ့္ စားပြဲကို α€›α€½α€„α€Ήα€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll cleans my desk.
I'll will clean my desk.
I'll clean my dask.
I'll clean mine desk.
I'll clean for my desk.
I'll clean my desk.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် α€”α€Ύα€­α€―α€Έα€…α€€α€Ί α€α€»α€­α€”α€Ία€‘α€¬α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ία€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ α‚α€­α‚ˆα€Έα€…α€€α€Ή α€α€Ία€­α€”α€Ήα€‘α€¬α€Έα€œα€­α€―α€€α€Ήα€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll sat the alarm.
I'll sit the alarm.
I'll will set the alarm.
I'll set the alarm.
I'll sets the alarm.
I'll set the alerm.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် ငါး α€žα€½α€¬α€Έ α€™α€™α€»α€Ύα€¬α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ ငါး α€žα€Όα€¬α€Έ α€™α€™α€½α€Ία€¬α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I won't fishing.
I won't not go fishing.
I will go fishing.
I won't go fishing.
I not will go fishing.
I won't go fish.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”α€Ία€™ α€›α€± α€žα€½α€¬α€Έ α€™α€€α€°α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္မ α€±α€› α€žα€Όα€¬α€Έ α€™α€€α€°α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I won't swimming.
I won't go swim.
I won't not go swimming.
I won't go swimming.
I will go swimming.
I not will go swimming.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”α€Ία€™ α€˜α€­α€―α€Έα€œα€„α€Ία€Έ α€žα€½α€¬α€Έ α€™α€€α€…α€¬α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္မ α€˜α€­α€―α€Έα€œα€„α€Ήα€Έ α€žα€Όα€¬α€Έ α€™α€€α€…α€¬α€Έα€˜α€°α€Έ ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I won't go play bowling.
I won't go bowlling.
I not will go bowling.
I won't not go bowling.
I won't go bowling.
I will go bowling.
Α€€α€»α€½α€”်တော် α€‘α€­α€•α€Ία€α€±α€¬α€·α€™α€šα€Ί ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ία€œα€­α€― α€•α€Όα€±α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? ( ကြၽန္ေတာ္ α€‘α€­α€•α€Ήα€±α€α€¬α€·α€™α€šα€Ή ။ < ဆိုတာကို α€˜α€šα€Ήα€œα€­α€― α€±α€»α€•α€¬α€›α€™α€œα€² ? )
I'll go to slept.
I'll go sleep.
I'll will go to sleep.
I'll to sleep.
I'll go to the sleep.
I'll go to sleep.
{"name":"Level 5 - Unit 5 - Part 1,2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What does she do?, What does she do?, What does she do?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/US/53-2053801/photo-1544298621-35a764866ff0.jpg?sz=1200"}
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