Red, Blue, Freelancer, or Mercinary?

Do you believe morality to be subjective or objective? Is it a matter of opinion or are there clear rules defining what is good or bad?
Subjective- morality is a human construct with no clear definition.
Subjective- no human can claim to fully understand the true consequences of their own actions.
Objective- you're right or you're wrong. Everything has a consequence.
Objective- It's a broad spectrum, but regardless, everything has a place on it.
Do you feel the need to plan what you'll do in difficult situations beforehand? Why/why not?
I make plans based on what I want to get out of a situation.
I think it's important to take into account the skills or and weaknesses of everyone involved before going through with a plan.
I don't make plans because I find following through with a plan to make situations more stressful.
I find planning useless because I can't be sure what's going to happen beforehand. I work better when I focus on what's happening in the present.
Does working with people you dislike on a personal level hinder your performance?
All that matters is that they're competent. Whether I like them or not isn't a factor.
On the contrary. Working with people I like outside of work with distracts me from the task at hand.
I prefer working with people I have a good relationship with, but I can cope with people I dislike.
I get far less work done when I'm with someone I dislike.
Does the presence of emotion often hinder your ability to make good decisions?
I can think logically regardless of how I feel.
I often to let my emotions get in the way of my rational thinking skills.
I make decisions based on how I feel at the time and it usually works out for me.
I try not to let my emotions get in the way and I usually succeed, but when I don't, I make bad, spur-of-the-moment decisions.
Do you particularly care about whether people think you're a good person?
I don't think it matters whether other people think what I'm doing is right.
I'd only care about the opinions of people I respect or look up to.
If they view me as the antagonist, they're probably bad people themselves.
Yes. I'd assume they'd have a good reason to think so if they didn't.
Do you care about whether people think you're annoying?
For the most part, I don't care. I actually go out of my way to annoy certain people.
If they dislike me because they think I'm annoying- not because they think my behaviour is immoral or dangerous- they're probably not the kind of person worth listening to anyway.
Yes. Coming across as likeable is important if you want others to deem you trustworthy.
I want people to like me on a personal level, so yes.
Does your behavior change depending on who you're trying to impress?
Greatly. I'm seldom noticed if I don't try to perform or behave better around people I want to be in good terms with.
I'll try to befriend the people who matter.
I don't come across as genuine when I try to impress people. It's better to just be myself.
I don't think you should have to be someone you aren't just to gain someone's respect.
When you choose to do work for someone else, what's usually your motivation?
Compensation. They either pay me or do me a favor in return.
Praise and recognition.
I'm willing to work for free if someone's in need of help.
I rarely choose to do work. I'd more often do it out of necessity.
What are usually your reasons for befriending the people you do?
Having already spent a lot of time together through work or school.
Sharing a common interest.
Admiration of skills/knowledge they have.
Wanting to be part of their social circle.
What do you do in time-sensitive situations?
Find a way to make more time.
Panic and turn to others for help.
Focus completely on finishing the task I've been given.
Give up.
Are you actively trying to improve yourself as a person or are you satisfied with who you are?
I'm not exactly satisfied, but I think I'm the best I can be at the moment.
I'm not satisfied with myself, and I know that. I'm trying very hard to improve.
I think I'm fine as I am, but I'm always trying to learn and improve.
I'm fine as I am.
Which of these qualities do you think best describe you?
How do you behave when you're trying to persuade someone to your point of view?
I'm aggressive and confrontational.
Lighten the mood, crack a few jokes. Try to charm them.
I'll try to tear down the person's own beliefs before I defend mine.
Try to understand the other person's point of view and present my views as calmly as possible.
When the rules don't allow for something you want or need to do, what do you do?
Break the rules.
Find a loophole.
Follow the rules and don't do it.
Try to change the rules to allow for it.
What do you call those things that are like, frozen juice on a stick
Ice pops
Ice block
Ice lolly
{"name":"Red, Blue, Freelancer, or Mercinary?", "url":"","txt":"Do you believe morality to be subjective or objective? Is it a matter of opinion or are there clear rules defining what is good or bad?, Do you feel the need to plan what you'll do in difficult situations beforehand? Why\/why not?, Does working with people you dislike on a personal level hinder your performance?","img":""}
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