Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 1 Apr 22
[2203.16541] Iraj Vaezzadeh, Elke Roediger, Claire Cashmore et al.: Resilience of Sloshing Cold Fronts against Subsequent Minor Mergers
[2203.16544] Jakob Stegmann, Fabio Antonini, Fabian R. N. Schneider et al.: Binary black hole mergers from merged stars in the galactic field
[2203.16545] Seunghwan Lim, Ryley Hill, Douglas Scott et al.: Constraints on galaxy formation from the cosmic-infrared-background$\,-\,$optical-imaging cross-correlation using $\boldsymbol{Herschel}$ and UNIONS
[2203.16546] Kyle A. Corcoran, Ellorie M. Corcoran: "My Rhodopsin!": Why Adding Dark Mode to Journals Could Make Us All Better Astronomers
[2203.16547] Carl L. Rodriguez, Zachary Hafen, Michael Y. Grudić et al.: Great Balls of FIRE II: The evolution and destruction of star clusters across cosmic time in a Milky Way-mass galaxy
[2203.16551] Gagandeep S. Anand, Zachary R. Claytor, Ryan Dungee: Worry No More, The Hubble Tension is Relieved: A Truly Direct Measurement of the Hubble Constant from Mooniversal Expansion
[2203.16552] Patryk Iwanek, Igor Soszyński, Szymon Kozłowski et al.: The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars. Nearly 66,000 Mira stars in the Milky Way
[2203.16554] P. Nazari, B. Tabone, G. P. Rosotti et al.: Importance of source structure on complex organics emission II. Can disks explain lack of methanol emission from some low-mass protostars?
[2203.16556] BICEP/Keck Collaboration: P.A.R. Ade, Z. Ahmed, M. Amiri et al.: The Latest Constraints on Inflationary B-modes from the BICEP/Keck Telescopes
[2203.16559] Oliver Just, Sajad Abbar, Meng-Ru Wu et al.: Fast Neutrino Conversion in Hydrodynamic Simulations of Neutrino-Cooled Accretion Disks
[2203.16560] Dhruv K. Desai, Daniel M. Siegel, Brian D. Metzger: Three-Dimensional General-Relativistic Simulations of Neutrino-Driven Winds from Rotating Proto-Neutron Stars
[2203.16561] Luke J. Shingles, Andreas Flörs, Stuart A. Sim et al.: Modelling the ionisation state of Type Ia supernovae in the nebular-phase
[2203.16563] Mark R. Lovell: Could fresh lava be (warm) dark matter?
[2203.16565] A. Drlica-Wagner, P. S. Ferguson, M. Adamów et al.: The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey Data Release 2
[2203.16566] Bret D. Lehmer, Rafael T. Eufrasio, Antara Basu-Zych et al.: Elevated Hot Gas and High-Mass X-ray Binary Emission in Low Metallicity Galaxies: Implications for Nebular Ionization and Intergalactic ...
[2203.16567] K. R. Ferguson, A. J. Anderson, N. Whitehorn et al.: Searching for axion-like time-dependent cosmic birefringence with SPT-3G
[2203.16568] Unnati Kashyap, Manoneeta Chakraborty, Sudip Bhattacharyya: Probing spectral and temporal evolution of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1724-30 with AstroSat
[2203.16584] Prerana Biswas, Narendra Nath Patra, Nirupam Roy et al.: The GMRT ARChIve Atomic gas survey (GARCIA)-I. Survey definition, methodology and initial results from the pilot sample
[2203.16593] F. Rosas-Portilla, K.-P. Schröder, D. Jack: On the physical nature of the Wilson-Bappu effect: revising the gravity and temperature dependence
[2203.16598] Christian Eistrup, Łukasz A. Tychoniec, Iris Nijman et al.: Taurine in Taurus. An Over-Caffeinated Search for Coffee in Space
[2203.16607] Benjamin R. B. Saliwanchik, Anže Slosar: A Self-Learning Neural Network Approach for RFI Detection and Removal in Radio Astronomy
[2203.16609] William J. Roper, Todd L. Cook, Violetta Korbina et al.: COWS all tHE way Down (COWSHED) I: Could cow based planetoids support methane atmospheres?
[2203.16611] Wanying Kang, Suyash Bire, John Marshall: The role of ocean circulation in driving hemispheric symmetry breaking of the ice shell of Enceladus
[2203.16625] Wanying Kang, Malte Jansen: In icy ocean worlds, size matters!
[2203.16647] D. Souropanis, A. Chiotellis, P. Boumis et al.: Linking the properties of accreting white dwarfs with the ionization state of their ambient medium
[2203.16652] Finn A. Roper, Kyle A. Oman, Carlos S. Frenk et al.: The diversity of rotation curves of simulated galaxies with cusps and cores
[2203.16655] Patrick M. Drew, Caitlin M. Casey: No Redshift Evolution of Dust Temperatures from $0 < z < 2$
[2203.16671] Andrea Marlar, Ohad Shemmer, Michael S. Brotherton et al.: Can X-ray Observations Improve Optical-UV-based Accretion-Rate Estimates for Quasars?
[2203.16672] Nycole Wenner, A. P. Sarma, E. Momjian: Long-term variability of Class I methanol masers in the high mass star forming region DR21(OH)
[2203.16675] Ivanna Escala, Karoline M. Gilbert, Mark Fardal et al.: Kinematics and Metallicity of Red Giant Branch Stars in the Northeast Shelf of M31
[2203.16683] Kyle Akira Rocha, Jeff J. Andrews, Christopher P. L. Berry et al.: Active Learning for Computationally Efficient Distribution of Binary Evolution Simulations
[2203.16716] S.K. Ocker, J.M. Cordes, S. Chatterjee et al.: Radio Scattering Horizons for Galactic and Extragalactic Transients
[2203.16727] Harshitha K. Bhat, Nadeen B. Sabha, Michal Zajaček et al.: Mid-Infrared studies of dusty sources in the Galactic Center
[2203.16734] Cheongho Han, Andrew Gould, Ian A. Bond et al.: KMT-2021-BLG-1077L: The fifth confirmed multiplanetary system detected by microlensing
[2203.16735] Feng Long, Sean M. Andrews, Giovanni Rosotti et al.: Gas Disk Sizes from CO Line Observations: A Test of Angular Momentum Evolution
[2203.16740] Yu-Ling Chang, Bruno Arsioli, Wenlian Li et al.: Searching for neutrino emissions from multi-frequency sources
[2203.16790] Yun-Yan Lee: The initial state of Pluto-Charon with Tidal Evolution
[2203.16813] Zhenping Yi, Jia Li, Wei Du et al.: Automatic detection of low surface brightness galaxies from SDSS images
[2203.16833] Dajeong Jang, Deokkeun An, Kris Sellgren et al.: Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Galactic Center. II. Seeing Through the Ice-rich Envelopes
[2203.16842] Gregor Rauw: X-ray emission of massive stars and their winds
[2203.16846] Stefano Bianchi, Vincenzo Mainieri, Paolo Padovani: Active Galactic Nuclei and their demography through cosmic time
[2203.16855] Ce Cai, Wangchen Xue, Chengkui Li et al.: Insight-HXMT dedicated 33-day observation of SGR J1935+2154 I. Burst Catalog
[2203.16856] Engin Keles, Matthias Mallonn, Daniel Kitzmann et al.: The PEPSI Exoplanet Transit Survey (PETS) I: Investigating the presence of a silicate atmosphere on the super-Earth 55 Cnc e
[2203.16876] J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, L. Li et al.: Evidence for the transition of a Jacobi ellipsoid into a Maclaurin spheroid in gamma-ray bursts
[2203.16918] A. Rowlinson, J. Meijn, J. Bright et al.: Search and identification of transient and variable radio sources using MeerKAT observations: a case study on the MAXI J1820+070 field
[2203.16925] B. Adebahr, A. Berger, E. A. K. Adams et al.: The Apertif science verification campaign - Characteristics of polarised radio sources
[2203.16950] Yulan Liu, Joris P. W. Verbiest, Robert A. Main et al.: Long-term scintillation studies of EPTA pulsars. I. Observations and basic results
[2203.16958] Bo Liu, Hongyan Zhou, Xinwen Shu et al.: Broad Emission and Absorption Line Outflows in the Quasar SDSS J163345.22+512748.4
[2203.16959] D. Specht, R. Poleski, M.T. Penny et al.: Kepler K2 Campaign 9: II. First space-based discovery of an exoplanet using microlensing
[2203.16982] Door van Flonkelaar, Bozef Jucko, Gudit Marg et al.: Social distancing between particles and objects in the Universe
[2203.17021] Estrella Florido, Almudena Zurita, Enrique Pérez-Montero: New calibrations for estimating the N/O ratio in HII regions
[2203.17026] Adam L. Schaefer, Christy Tremonti, Guinevere Kauffmann et al.: SDSS-IV MaNGA: Exploring the local scaling relations for N/O
[2203.17032] F. Wang, H.-W. Zhang, X.-X. Xue et al.: Probing the Galactic Halo with RR Lyrae Stars. II. The Substructures of the Milky Way
[2203.17034] Yuhang Gao, Hui Tian, Tom Van Doorsselaere et al.: Decayless oscillations in solar coronal bright points
[2203.17035] Hu Zou, Jipeng Sui, Suijian Xue et al.: Photometric redshifts and Galaxy Clusters for DES DR2, DESI DR9, and HSC-SSP PDR3 Data
[2203.17039] Reza Ansari: Current status and future of cosmology with 21cm Intensity Mapping
[2203.17064] Thomas R. Denman, Zoe M. Leinhardt, Philip J. Carter: Atmosphere Loss in Oblique Super-Earth Impacts
[2203.17075] John A Paice, Jack J|C Watkins: On the Possibility of Discovering Exoplanets within our Solar System
[2203.17086] Kenneth P. Dere: The temperature and emission measure distribution in the quiet and active solar corona: a Bayesian approach
[2203.17088] Nikita Rawat, J. C. Pandey, Arti Joshi et al.: A Step towards Unveiling the Nature of Three Cataclysmic Variables: LS Cam, V902 Mon, and SWIFT J0746.3-1608
[2203.17095] Eve Armstrong: The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf: Case Studies of Peer Review
[2203.17123] Henri M.J. Boffin: Follow the Index: A new proposal
[2203.17135] Robert Stein, Simeon Reusch, Anna Franckowiak et al.: Neutrino follow-up with the Zwicky Transient Facility: Results from the first 24 campaigns
[2203.17141] Erik Floden, Vuk Mandic, Andrew Matas et al.: Angular Resolution of the Search for Anisotropic Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background with Terrestrial Gravitational-Wave Detectors
[2203.17142] P. N. Appleton, B. Emonts, U. Lisenfeld et al.: The CO emission in the Taffy Galaxies (UGC 12914/5) at 60pc resolution-I: The battle for star formation in the turbulent Taffy Bridge
[2203.17175] Zhijie Qu, Dimitra Koutroumpa, Joel N. Bregman et al.: The Solar-Cycle Temporal Variation of the Solar Wind Charge Exchange X-ray Lines
[2203.17180] Michelle Belkovski, Juliette Becker, Alex Howe et al.: A Multi-Planet System's Sole Super-Puff: Exploring Allowable Physical Parameters for the Cold Super-Puff HIP 41378 f
[2203.17185] Sabina Sagynbayeva, Briley L. Lewis, Graham M. Doskoch et al.: First Detections of Exop(lan)ets: Observations and Follow-Ups of the Floofiest Transits on Zoom
[2203.17192] Ema Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello, Lucas Pinol: Primordial Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Anisotropies: in-in Formalization and Applications
[2203.17198] Arti Joshi, J.C.Pandey, Nikita Rawat et al.: Optical characterization of two cataclysmic variables: RBS 0490 and SDSS J075939.79+191417.3
[2203.17214] Hanyu Zhang, Lado Samushia, David Brooks et al.: Constraining galaxy-halo connection with high-order statistics
[2203.17222] Yi-Fan Wang, Alexander H. Nitz: Search for Coincident Gravitational Wave and Fast Radio Burst Events from 4-OGC and the First CHIME/FRB Catalog
[2203.17223] Floyd W. Stecker: Cosmological Neutrinos
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