Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 27 Oct 20
[2010.12680] Luca Riz, Francesco Pederiva, Diego Lonardoni et al.: Spin Susceptibility in Neutron Matter from Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations
[2010.12703] Krishnan Raghavan, Prasanna Balaprakash, Alessandro Lovato et al.: Machine learning-based inversion of nuclear responses
[2010.13003] Renato Higa, Pradeepa Premarathna, Gautam Rupak: Coupled-channel treatment of $^7\mathrm{Be}(p,γ)^8\mathrm{B}$ in effective field theory
[2010.13194] E. Krotscheck, J. Wang: Variational and parquet-diagram calculations for neutron matter. III. S-wave pairing
[2010.13354] Hana Gil, Young-Min Kim, Panagiota Papakonstantinou et al.: Constraining the density dependence of the symmetry energy with nuclear data and astronomical observations in the KIDS framework
[2010.13487] J. Ferretti, J. Kotila, R. I. Magaña Vsevolodovna et al.: $β$-decay rates of $^{(115,117)}$Rh into $^{(115,117)}$Pd isotopes in the microscopic IBFM-2
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nucl-th on Tue, 27 Oct 20","img":""}