A very long mess

A vibrant, colorful abstract representation of personality traits and emotional responses, with elements symbolizing self-discovery and introspection.

Discover Your True Self

Are you ready to take a journey into your inner self? This quiz is designed to uncover your personality traits, preferences, and emotional responses in various situations.

Join us and find out more about:

  • Your social tendencies
  • Your emotional coping mechanisms
  • Your values and priorities in life
52 Questions13 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveJourney247
Are you introverted or extraverted?
Would you describe yourself as being genuine (in other words, you MOSTLY present yourself to others the way you are inside)?
You have been invited to a very important party where many rich guests will be in attendance. You have received news that you are required to go. What do you do?
Dont go. It sounds boring. Who cares if its required?
Take a friend! Eat and have fun with them. It might make the party worthwhile
Go but in all likelihood you wont have any fun. You'll probably just sit around eating and not talking to anyone
Go and socialize! This is the perfect opportunity to make new friends!
Go. Talk to people if you have to but try to keep to yourself.
What is your dream home like?
A cottage near the woods
A chic loft
A cozy apartment
A house with a porch and white picket fence
A grand victorian house
A small one-story house
In the upper level of a store you run
An old-fashioned house in a quiet neighborhood
A townhouse
It doesn't matter what kind of house it is. It'd just be nice to have a safe space to call your own
What does the word "family" mean to you? In other words, when you hear the word "family", what do you first think of?
An abstract feeling of belonging you wish you had
A set of rules and expectations that you don't want to follow
It doesn't really mean much
Someone who cares for you and protects you
Your friends, who love and understand you
A terrifying, authoritative force
Someone to care for and protect
An awkward group of incompatible people
Neglectful people and troubles dealt with alone
Mutual support and comfort. Someone you'd do anything for and who'd do anything for you
What is your preferred method of social media/communication?
I use almost everything regularly and have no preference
I'm not really that involved with any social media
What's your favorite time of day?
You're going on vacation! Where would you MOST wanna go?
Somewhere tropical, with a beach
An amusement park
Somewhere snowy and mountainous
The countryside
A lakeshore
A bustling city
A city rich with history and full of museums
A desert resort
You'd probably prefer to stay at home, actually
You go to the mall. Where would you want to go first?
Food court
Novelty store
Toy/stationary store
Movie theatre
Candy store
Shoe store
Photo booth
You'd probably just wander around at first
What kind of movies do you generally most enjoy?
Animated films
Historical dramas
Action flicks
Horror movies
Romantic dramas
You prefer books
You prefer tv shows
Which animal do you like best?
You like all animals
If you really liked someone and haven't yet confessed your feelings, what would you attempt as a romantic gesture?
Take them out for food and dancing, just the two of you
Comfort them when they're sick or feeling sad
They can do better than THAT, right? Don't make any moves. Best not get your hopes up.
Be polite: open doors for them and compliment them frequently.
Stop keeping the feelings a secret. Confess as soon as possible! Life is short!
Don't make it too obvious! If they found out, it'd be humiliating!
Flirting is a safe bet
Romance isn't really your bag
Go for grand, huge displays of romantic intent. Go big or go home, right?
How are you most likely to confess your feelings in the previous situation?
How about never in no way?
Just go and say it. No matter the result, it's best to spit it out and be honest.
Probably on accident somehow.
When it seems the feelings are mutual
You'd probably just end up blurting it out and embarrassing yourself
Set everything up perfectly to make the moment memorable
Romance doesn't interest you.
Only after they do
Say it with feeling to let them know you mean it
You find comfort and enjoyment out of something that your parents disapprove of for whatever reason. What do you do?
Listen to your parents. They probably know best.
Listen. You don't wanna piss off your parents or make things worse.
Your parents aren't very involved in your life so this situation doesn't seem very in character
Listen. Even if you disagree, it isn't a child's place to argue with a caretaker
Tell your parents you've stopped but keep doing it anyway
Try to discuss it with them. Maybe you can work something out
Who cares what they think? Do it anyway
You'd probably listen while under their care but you'll do whatever you want when you're on your own.
Your parents wouldn't disapprove of something that made you happy
You don't know because you've never come across a situation like that
Would you be able to hurt someone who really cares about you irreparably (emotionally) if it meant that they could be happier in the future without you, never knowing why you did what you did?
Yes. If they'd be happier without you
No. Better to be honest with the person and if they really care about you, they wouldn't really be happier without you
In what kind of situation would this ever be necessary? You can't ever see this happening in real life!
Which best describes your fashion sense?
Pick TWO of the following colors:
In general, which of these concerns you most in your life?
Losing the people you love
Being hated by those you hold dear
Being an outcast
Feeling underestimated and insignificant
Losing your identity
Being controlled
Living an unchangeable and unescapable routine
Being caught in the middle of a conflict when you care for both sides
Feeling helpless
Being pushed away
Which of these is most accurate in describing you?
Which of these is most accurate in describing you?
Tunnel visioned
Easily disappointed
You're going through some bad feelings today. Which of the following is most likely something you'd do to console yourself?
Go someplace high where you can see the view of your town or another pretty sight
Escape in books and other fiction
Go out to eat and drink your woes away
Talk to a good friend about it
Forget about it. It's probably not important
Mope by yourself. Wallow in self-pity
Immerse yourself in nature (a walk or gardening)
Repress it. You might eventually blow up later
Go for a drive to clear your head, listening to music
Focus your energy on your work
Someone you care about tells you they hate you. What do you do?
Ask them why they said that. It's best to talk it out
Ignore what they said. They probably didn't even mean it
Say you hate them even more. Take that!
They'll think what they think. It doesn't change what YOU think
Let's be honest--you'd cry about it for days.
Argue them on it! You know it's a lie anyway
Respond with condescension. Maybe laugh about it!
"so?" is probably a good comeback. It's understandable that someone would hate you anyway.
Probably a good time to cry while bringing up that ONE time from three months ago
It hurts, but you stay calm and collected
Which type of area do you prefer?
Do you resent the way others perceive you?
Your preferred method of travelling long distances is:
Road trip in a car
By bus
By plane
On a train/metro
On a ship
Which of the following is a secret feeling you have?
You want to love and be loved
You want to genuinely be yourself
You hide negative feelings like anger and resentment
You're insecure about your appearance and personality
How do you deal with sadness?
Turn it into anger. It's easier to deal with that way
Let it build up
Set it aside and be optimistic
Focus your energy on something else
What kind of pie is best?
Creme (boston, coconut, chocolate, etc.)
Fruit (apple, cherry, blueberry, etc.)
Hearty (pumpkin, sweet potato, pecan, etc.)
Which subjects in school are/were your favorite?
English (grammar/literature)
Foreign language
Which appeals to you most?
A pub with messy bar food
A fancy five-star seafood restaurant
A fast food drive thru
A 50s style diner
An outdoor cafe with light food
A hole-in-the-wall place with underrated food
What makes for a more enjoyable ride?
Driving on highways
Driving through residential streets
Driving down dirt roads
Driving through mountain roads and ocean side roads
Driving through city streets
Which type of ride most appeals to you?
A sleek and modern car
A fast vintage car
A sturdy and practical car
A minivan or SUV
A motorcycle
Umm... A bike?
Do you think you have a high pain threshold?
Are you so petty that you'd drastically change a part of your life to prove a point to someone else?
Yes... I probably already have tbh
No... Why the hell would I do that?
How salty are you?
I am made of salt
I can be testy but not all the time
Im pretty chill usually, but don't piss me off
I'm a duck. I let almost everything slide by. No salt here
What do you say when someone asks for your favorite movie/music?
Say a specific film/band
Name a couple of movies/bands
Say a genre you enjoy the most
Shrug and say "i don't know"
How up to date are you on your memes?
I know every new meme and know exactly when memes are getting old
I might cling to older memes I love but I try to keep up
I have trouble keeping up and keep citing older memes and asking what new ones mean
I still use the forever alone meme regularly
Tea or coffee?
Hot tea
Iced tea
Sweet tea
Hot coffee
Iced coffee
I know they're both great but if you had to pick, which one would you choose?
Angsty hurt/comfort fics
Pure fluff fics
You can't pick. You love them both the same!
Thoughts on hair care?
You take meticulous care of your hair and have a daily routine for it
You try to keep it looking nice but you don't spend too much time on it
You don't care. Sometimes you even forget to brush it
Which suit do you like best in a deck of cards?
No preference
Which space formation do you like best?
Other/no preference
Which kind of plants do you like best?
Other/no preference
How edgy are you, really?
You are the ultimate edgelord
You may act edgy frequently, but you let it slip sometimes
You can be edgy but you usually aren't
You're so NOT edgy, you're a circle
Which refreshing drink do you like most?
Root beer
Sparkling cider
Fruit juice
Do people generally find you pleasant upon first meeting you?
Can't be sure
How much do you like to live a routine life?
You like to have a thoroughly scheduled day
You like your days moderately structured but keeping things flexible is important
You may have a generally consistent day but usually you just go with the punches
You enjoy living a spontaneous and unpredictable life
Which element most fascinates/resonates with you?
Which appeals to you most?
Going to a library
Sitting in a cafe
Strolling or driving through city streets
Staying at home by yourself
Going to a bar/club for drinks
Which is the most beautiful?
Seeing a city from up high at night, seeing of masses of people below and lights glowing all around you
Snow in the early morning light, when it's twinkling and sparkling and everything seems bright
The ocean at sunset, when the colors make the water look warm and pretty
A long, empty dark corridor with tile floors and high stone walls. Everything is calm and your footsteps echo
A small dusty bookshop. The books are all beautifully bound and the shelves are all made of pinewood
A countryside, with meadows full of wildflowers. The air is warm and the sun is out, with few people around
Long tree-lined streets, with sun glowing through the spaces between the leaves. The houses are all small and cozy and well-tended
Driving at night, with your car lit up and the street dazzling with lights. The sky is dark and everything blurs as you whiz by
A garden full of flowers and bushes and trees. There's bees and ladybugs flying around and everything is lush and full of life
A comfy room with mahogany furniture and fluffy blankets and pillows. There's a warm fireplace and some lamps emitting a cozy yellow light
Which sounds worse?
Living life without any loved ones, making your life lonely and cold
All of your loved ones get hurt because of their association with you
Which are you? Select all that apply
A sore loser
A sore winner
A friendly winner
A friendly loser
Couldnt care less either way, really
{"name":"A very long mess", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready to take a journey into your inner self? This quiz is designed to uncover your personality traits, preferences, and emotional responses in various situations.Join us and find out more about:Your social tendenciesYour emotional coping mechanismsYour values and priorities in life","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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