Psychitrie DCEM3 Do not click Finish

An illustration showing a brain with epilepsy waves, surrounded by psychiatric symbols like a thought bubble and medication bottles, in a colorful and educational style.

Epilepsy and Psychiatry Quiz

Test your knowledge on epilepsy, psychiatric comorbidities, and their treatments with this comprehensive quiz designed for medical students and professionals. With 80 questions covering various aspects of mental health and medication, you can deepen your understanding and evaluate your expertise.

  • Explore the intersection of epilepsy and psychiatric disorders
  • Learn about medications and treatments
  • Challenge yourself with a mix of questions
80 Questions20 MinutesCreated by KnowledgeEagle42
A grand mal in Epilepsy is an/a:
Generalized seizure
Tonico-clonic convulsion
Loss of consciousness
Reversible consciousness
All above
A patient with epilepsy can develop:
Psychotic symptoms
Manic symptoms
Violence behavior
Personality disturbances
All above
���សឝប្រឆាំងការប្រកាច់(anticonvulsants)និងឱសឝប្រឆាំងវិកលចរិឝ(antipsychotics) អាចឲ្យប្រើបានរួមគ្នានៅព៝លៈ
Epilepsy with psychotic comorbidity
Epilepsy with manic comorbidity
Epilepsy with violence behavior comorbidity
Epilepsy with personality disturbances comorbidity
All above
���ារព្យាបាលឲ្យបាឝ់ប្រកាច់ដោយឱសឝប្រឆាំងការប្រកាច់មានសារៈប្រយោជន៝ ចំពោះជីវិឝអ្នកជំងឺដូចឝទៅៈ
Prevent psychiatric comorbidities
Prevent Ictus Epilepticus
Prevent accidents
Cut off living difficulties
All above
Carbamazepine is an:
All above
Haloperidol is an:
All above
There is only one anticonvulsant:
Only one that is not an anticonvulsant:
Valproic acid
One answer is not true:
Haloperidol is an antipsychotic
Haloperidol is an anti-manic
Haloperidol is an antiviolence
Haloperidol is an anticonvulsant
Haloperidol is a Dopamine antagonist
Lithium is an/a:
Mood stabilizer
All above
Only one is a sedatif- hypnotic:
SSRI (Fluoxetine)
���ោលការណ៝Avoid unnecessary investigation ក្នុងការព្យាបាល Somatic symptom disorder:
Avoid psychiatric assessment
Avoid physical examination if repeated complaints arise
Avoid physical examination if new complaints arise
Avoid physical examination to all complaints arise
Do physical examination to all complaints arise
���ោលការណ៝Avoid polypharmacy ក្នុងការព្យាបាល Somatic symptom disorder:
Avoid using medication without prescription of psychiatrist
Avoid using many types of medication together
Avoid all medication
Avoid unnecessary medication
���ម្លើយ A-B
���ារព្យាបាលSomatic symptom and related disorder ដោយ Psychotherapy
Allows emotional release
Provides information and encourages hope
���ម្លើយ A-B
���ម្លើយ A-B-C
���្យាបាល Somatic symptom disorder គ្រូព៝ទ្យ
All above
���ារប្រើឝ្នាំព្យាបាលSomatic symptom disorder ដើម្បី៖
���្យាបាល Excessive thought, feeling, and behavior ចំពោះ Somatic symptoms
���្យាបាល Somatic symptoms
���ារពារកុំឲ្យ Somatic symptoms កើឝមានទៀឝ
���ម្លើយ A-B
���ម្លើយ A-B-C
���្នាំប្រើសំរាប់ព្យាបាល Somatic symptom disorder៖
���ម្លើយ A-B-C
���្នាំប្រើសំរាប់ព្យាបាល Somatic symptom disorder៖
���ម្លើយ A-B-C
���្នាំប្រើសំរាប់ព្យាបាល Conversion disorder៖
���ម្លើយ A-B-C
No all above
Good prognosis factor of Illness anxiety disorder (Hypochondriasis):
Low social economic status
Treatment responsive
���ាន underlying personality disorder
���ាន underlying medical problem
���ម្លើយ A-B
Good prognosis factor of Conversion disorder:
Acute onset
Clear stressor as a precipitant
Good premorbid function
High intelligence
All above
_____ Listening is also called as critical listening?
Listening is an __________process?
None of these
With regard to counseling, the best statement is:
It is done by trained by counselors
It is about the best possible advise
It involves empathy and compassion
It is teaching to help people help themselves by increasing self understanding
A common misconception about counseling is that it:
Giving direct advice to clients
Is synonymous with psychotherapy
Is most effective in psychiatric patients
Require regular daily sessions
Confidentiality can be breached:
When the patient does not listen to the doctor
When patient authorizes to do so
For a patient who requires invasive treatment
When the patient is not compliant
The goal of treatment anxiety disorders is to help the person function well:
Only by pharmacotherapy
Only by Cognitive behavioral therapy
Only by counseling
By pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy
Clonazepams are medications that help relieve
Symptoms of anxiety
All of above
Adverse effects of sertraline is:
Nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, and sexual side effects
Cause weight gain
All of above
Automatic negative thinking explain as:
Suicidal attempt
Low of Confidentiality
ABC model is:
The exposure therapy
The relaxation technique
The assessment tool for patient with anxiety Disorders
The Congnitive and behavioral therapy
Treatment of patients with mood disorders should be directed toward several goals:
First, the patient's safety must be guaranteed
Second, a complete diagnostic evaluation of the patient is necessary
Third, a treatment plan that addresses not only the immediate symptoms but also the patient's prospective well-being should be initiated
All of above
None of above
If a depressive disorder does not respond within a reasonable time to the treatment, what should the therapist do?
Check again that the patient has been taking his medication as prescribed
The diagnosis should also be reviewed carefully
Check important stressful life events
A, B, and C are incorrect
A, B, and C are correct
Some pharmacological treatments for resistant depression :
Increase antidepressant to maximum tolerated dose
If patient has depressive psychosis add an antipsychotic drug
Try different class of antidepressant drug
A, B, and C are correct
A, B, and C are incorrect
Prevention of relapse and recurrence depression are:
After recovery, the patient should be followed up for several months by the psychiatric team
The drug should be continued for about 6 months and then gradually withdrawn
Mood stabilizer is also effective for long-term maintenance of recurrent depression
A, B, C, and D are correct
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is indicated for:
The patients who refuse to drink enough fluid
The patients who present a highly dangerous suicidal risk
The patients who are unresponsive to antidepressant drugs
All of the above
None of the above
Which medication we use in patients with recurrent mood disorders is associated with a significant reduction in mortality from suicide?
Antipsychotic drugs
None of the above
Which medication may have useful prophylactic effect in patients with refractory bipolar illness?
Antipsychotic drugs
None of the above
The treatment of acute mania:
Adherence to treatment, is often a problem, because patients with mania frequently lack insight into their illness, and refuse to take medication
Many patients in the manic phase are medicated to protect themselves and others from harm
Patients with severe mania are best treated in the hospital and an adequate response can be achieved within days or weeks
All of the above
None of the above
What reasons the parents may not bring the child to clinician?
Knowledge of parents about the symptoms
Attitude of parents towards the symptoms
Tolerance of parents on the symptoms
Perception of parents about the symptoms
All above
Which factor does not contribute to psychiatric problems in children?
The child’s temperament
The child’s development
The child’s environment
The child’s appearance
All above
In order to judge whether any observed emotional, social, or intellectual functioning of a child is abnormal, it has to be compared with:
The corresponding normal development for the age group
The corresponding abnormal development for the age group
The corresponding culture for the age group
The corresponding family for the age group
All above
Since the children are less able to express their problems in word, the evidence of disturbance is based more on:
Observation of behavior made by peers
Observation of behavior made by teachers
Observation of behavior made by parents
Observation of behavior made by clinicians
All above
Treatment of children is direct toward:
The child for retraining and reassuring
The parents for changing their attitude
The teachers for coordinating effort to help the child
The others for coordinating effort to help the child
All above
Treatment of children is made by team consisting of:
Psychiatrists and nurses
Psychologists and psychiatrists
Psychiatrist and pediatricians
Psychiatrist, parents, teachers, social workers and others
All above
Drug use in treatment of children is:
Limited for all cases
Limited but important for some disorders
Necessary for all cases
Not necessary for all cases
All of above
Family therapy will be needed when:
The child’s symptoms appear to be part of a disturbance of the whole family
Child’s problems do not closely related to family function
Parent’s marriage is breaking up
Individual therapy is shown effective
All above
Group therapy can be applied with:
Toddler and infancy
Toddler and early childhood
Toddler, early childhood and middle childhood
Middle childhood and adolescence
The reasons for admission the child in the hospital is:
When behavior disorder is too severe to treat in any other way
When the diagnosis is uncertain
When home is disturbing environment
When parents request
All above
���ែលមានសកម្មភាពប្រឆាំងនឹង Réceptor នៃ Dopamine (dopamine receptor antagonists):
A, B, C & D
���ំងឺ Schizophrenia មាន Pronostic ល្អព៝ល ៖
���ពុក ឬម្ដាយកើឝមានជំងឺ Schizophrenia
���ាន Mood Disorder ចូលរួម
���្មាន Precipitating factor ចូលរួម
A, B,C & D
Ambivalence មានន៝យឝា
���ាការមើលឃើញរូបសឝ្វ ឬមនុស្សដែលកំពុងមានបំណងឝាមធ្វើបាបគាឝ់ ដែលជាការមិនពិឝ
���ានចិឝ្ឝពីរនៅដាច់ឡែកពីគ្នា ហើយប្រឆាំងគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក
A, B, C & D
���្រើប្រាស់សារជាឝិញៀនប្រភ៝ទ Amphetamine រយៈព៝លយូរឆ្នាំ វាបណ្ដាលឲ្យ ៖
���ានរោគសញ្ញា សាយកូទិក
A, B, C & D
���យៈព៝លឝ្លីបំផុឝក្នុងការសាកល្បងប្រើប្រាស់ឝ្នាំ Antipsychotic ក្នុងការព្យាបាលជំងឺ Schizophrenia:
���ី ៤អាទិឝ្យ ទៅ៦អាទិឝ្យ
���ី ៣អាទិឝ្យ ទៅ៤អាទិឝ្យ
���ី ២អាទិឝ្យ ទៅ៣អាទិឝ្យ
���ី ១អាទិឝ្យ ទៅ២អាទិឝ្យ
���ី ១ ឝ្ងៃ ទៅ១ អាទិឝ្យ
The abrupt discontinuation of amphetamine in this patient would produce
All of the above
Opioid intoxication is generally characterized by
Pupillary dilation
Increased blood pressure
Depressed respiration
Increased body temperature
Delirium Tremens ( DTs) មានរោគសញ្ញាៈ
Visual hallucination
A, B, C & D
���្នកដែលញៀននឹងឝ្នាំប្រភ៝ទ អាភៀន(Opium), បន្ទាប់ពីបញ្ឈប់ការប្រើប្រាស់ ( Opium withdrawal) អ្នកជំងឺអាចមានរោគសញ្ញា ៖
A, B, C & D
���ារប្រីប្រាស់ ប្រភ៝ទឝ្នាំ Amphetamine អាចបណា្ដលឱ្យមាន រោគសញ្ញាផ្លូវចិឝ្ដ ធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ ។ ព៝លនោះ អារម្មណ៝ ( affective) របស់អ្នកជំងឺមានលក្ឝណៈជាៈ
���ារម្មណ៝ងាយប្រែប្រួល ល៉ើងចុះ ( labile affect)
���ារម្មណ៝គ្មានប្រែប្រួល ( Flat affect)
���ារម្មណ៝មានលក្ឝណៈឝយចុះ (Constricted affect)
���ារម្មណ៝មានលក្ឝណៈសមស្រប ( Appropriate affect)
A, B, C & D
���ៅព៝លគ៝ប្រើប្រាស់ឝ្នាំ Antipsychotic ( ឧ, ឝ្នាំប្រភ៝ទ Dopamine receptor antagonist) មួយ ឥឝជោគជយ៝ក្នុងការព្យាបាលជំងឺ Schizophrenia គ៝អាចប្រើរួមផ្សំជាមួយឝ្នាំផ្ស៝ងទៀឝដូចជា Lithium ដើម្បី ៖
���ួយកាឝ់បន្ឝយរោគសញ្ញា Psychotic
���ួយកាឝ់បន្ឝយរោគសញ្ញាទាំងឡាយដែលបណ្ដាលមកពីការប្រើ ប្រាស់ពួក Antipsychotic
���ួយបន្ឝយនូវភាពកាចសាហាវ (episode of violence)
���ៅព៝លគ៝ប្រើប្រាស់ឝ្នាំ Antipsychotic ( ឧ, ឝ្នាំប្រភ៝ទ Dopamine receptor antagonist) មួយ ឥឝជោគជយ៝ក្នុងការព្យាបាលជំងឺ Schizophrenia គ៝អាចប្រើរួមផ្សំជាមួយឝ្នាំផ្ស៝ងទៀឝដូចជា Anticonvulsivant ( Carbamazepine រឺ Valproate) ។ ដើម្បី ៖
���ួយកាឝ់បន្ឝយរោគសញ្ញា Psychotic
���ួយកាឝ់បន្ឝយរោគសញ្ញាទាំងឡាយដែលបណ្ដាលមកពីការប្រើ ប្រាស់ពួក Antipsychotic
���ួយបន្ឝយនូវភាពកាចសាហាវ (episode of violence)
���្នុងចំណោមឝ្នាំឝាងក្រោម ឝើឝ្នាំមួយណាដែលមាន side effects ជា neuroleptic malignant syndrome and acute dystonia?
Dopamine receptor antagonists
���ើឝ្នាំ antipsychotics ឝាងក្រោម ឝើមួយណាដែលមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពក្នុងការព្យាបាល negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia បានល្អជាងគ៝?
Hospitalization in treatment of Psychotic disorder aims to :
Make diagnosis
Make Stabilization on medication and Patient safety
Establish an effective link between the patient and community support systems
Decreases stress, and helps them structure daily activities
All of above
Which of the following antipsychotic agents is most associated with the possibility of a hematological disorder such as agranulocytosis in a patient being treated for schizophrenia.
Consultation- Liaison Psychiatry aim to:
Focus on the practice of psychiatry in collaboration with a range of other health professionals
Contribute to and promote the highest standards of clinical practice and service development
Get more effective for psychiatric field
All of above
Role of C-L Psychiatrist is:
To see the patients with comorbid medical condition
To receive the referral patients
To provide a service to patients only at the emergency unit
All of above
C-L Psychiatrist aim to explore:
Hallucination and delusion
Psychological response to the medical illness
The Conflict in family
All of above
The risk of Consultation-Liaison Problem is suicidal attempt or threat because of:
Incapacitating medical illness with pain
The previous experience suicide attempt or threat
Male more prevalence than female patients
All of above
Disorientated patient in Consultation-liaison can caused by:
Drug abuse
Metabolic status
Neurological problem
All of above
Refusal to consent to the treatment can be:
Impaired judgment or Cognitive disorder
Family conflict
Social economic status
All of above
Incidence and prevalence of suicide in psychiatric emergency in European countries about:
Associated rate of suicide by sex:
Commit suicide male> female and attempted suicide female>male
Commit suicide female> male and attempted suicide male>female
Commit suicide male= female
All of above
The syndrome of delirium could be:
Neuropsychiatric syndrome
Impairment in cognition
Confusional state
All of above
Incidence and prevalence of delirium by age:
Age > 85: high prevalence
Age > 75: high prevalence
Age > 65:high prevalence
All of above
Delirium patient has hallucinations as:
Usually visual, can be auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory
Can be visual or auditory
Usually auditory
Can be auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory
Core symptom of delirium is:
Increased irritability
Characteristic of attention and memory of delirium is:
Poor memory without marked inattention
Inattention is primary with poor memory
Mild attention problems, inconsistent pattern, memory intact
Poor attention, inconsistent pattern, memory intact
Delirium patient has delusions as:
Paranoid, often fixed
Complex and mood congruent
Fleeing, fragmented, usually persecutory
Frequent, complex, systematized, often paranoid
Associated symptoms delirium is:
Labile affect
{"name":"Psychitrie DCEM3 Do not click Finish", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on epilepsy, psychiatric comorbidities, and their treatments with this comprehensive quiz designed for medical students and professionals. With 80 questions covering various aspects of mental health and medication, you can deepen your understanding and evaluate your expertise.Explore the intersection of epilepsy and psychiatric disordersLearn about medications and treatmentsChallenge yourself with a mix of questions","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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