Bio 103

Which of the GI tract tissues layers is most responsible for peristalsis and segmentation?
All of the following are secreted into the lumen of the digestive tract during the process of digestion except
Digestive enzymes
All of the following are found in saliva except
Salivary amylase
Which of the following might be true of an individual unable to synthesize and secrete intrinsic factor
They would be unable to absorb adequate amounts of vitamin b12
They would be unable to digest lactose found in dairy products
They would be unable to absorb amino acids in the small intestine
They would be unable to digest and absorb triglycerides
Which of the following nutrients are digested within the small intestine
All of the above
The region of the digestive tract most responsible for absorption of nutrients is the
Small intestine
Large intestine
Which of the following lists structures in order from smallest to largest
Small intestine, folds, microvilli, villi
Villi, microvilli, folds, small intestine
Microvilli, folds, villi, small intestine
Microvilli, villi, folds, small intestine
What do the enzymes pepsin, chymotrypisn, trysin, and carboxypeptisdase have in common
They are secreted and active within the stomach
They are pancreatic enzymes
They are secreted and active within the small intestine
They are enzymes that participate in protein digestion
Once nutrients are absorbed into the circulatory system, the next major organ they pass through is the
Which of the following terms does not belong with the others
Each of the following terms does not belong with the others
Amino acids
Which of the following foods would be the best source of complex carbohydrates
WHich of the following statements about trans fats is correct
Trans fats are found in animal products such as meat and dairy
Trans fats will lower LDL cholesterol levels
Trans fats are produced by the hydrogenation of unsaturated fats in vegetable oils
Salmon, trout, and sardines are rich in healthy trans fats
Each of the following is a source of complete protein except
Soy products
Which of the following is associated with celiac disease
Inability to digest and absorb proteins in dairy products
Damage to the villi resulting from the consumption of wheat products
Erosion of the wall of the stomach and duodenum due to hyperacidity
Chronic constipation due to low intestinal motility
Which of the following organ systems is/ are involved in excretion
Urinary system
Integumentary system
Respiratory system
All of these choices
Three of the choices below are oragn systems directly involved in excretion of wastes. Which system is not directly involved in excretion but interconnects the other three
Urinary system
Respiratory system
Circulatory system
Digestive system
The _____ detoxifies ammonia, producing _______ which is excreted by the ______
Urinary system, urine, kidneys
Liver, urea, kidneys
Uriinary system, urea, liver
Liver, carbon dioxide, respiratory system
THe nitrogenous wastes excreted by the kidneys are produced through the metabolism
Which of the following indicates the correct order of the structures through which urine would pass during formation and excretion
Nephrone, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra
Renal pelvis, ureter, nephrone, urethra, bladder
Nephron, renal pelvis, urethra, bladder, ureter
Renal pelvis, nephron, ureter, bladder, urethra
Which of the structure is correctly paired with its fuction
Ureter formation of urine
Nephron storage of urine
Urethra transport of urine
Bladder concentration of urine
Protein is generally not found in the urine because
It does not pass through the glomerular filter into the space within the glomerular capsule
It is reabsorbed in the ascending limb of the loop of henle
It is reabsorbed within the collecting duct
It is metabolized by the cells that the nephron
Blood enters the glomerulus through the _______ and exists the glomerulus through the _______
Efferent arteriole, afferent arteriole
Efferent arteriole, distal tubule
Proximal tubule, efferent arteriole
Afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole
Which of the following would not be found in the glomerular filtrate of a healthy individual
Hydrogen ions
Which of the following is most reponsbile for the production of the glomerular filtrate
Active transport
Glommerular capillary blood presure
Facilitated diffusion
In tubular absorption which of the following processes essentiually drives all of the others
Active transport of Na+ from the proximal tubular cell toward a capillary
Facilitated transport of Na+ from the tubular lumen into the proximal tubular cell
Diffusion of water from the proximal tubular cell toward a capillary
Diffusion of CI from the tubular lumen into the proximal tubular cell
All of the following would happen if an individual was perspiring heavily and becoming dehydrated except
ADh hormone would be secreted
The kidneys woould reabsorb more water
The collecting ducts would become less permeable to water
Less urine would be produced
How does the ADH decrease the loss of water through the kidneys
Adh increases water reaborption in the collecting ducts
ADH decreases the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys
ADH increases water reabsorption in the poximal tubule
ADH decreases water excretion in the loop of henle
ACE inhibitors decrease blood pressure
INbihinting the activity of ADH
Decreasing the amount of angiotensin II
Altering the permeability of the renal tubules to water
Inhibiting the activity of ANH
All of the follwing statements about UTIs are true except
Most UTIs are caused by bacteria
Utis are generally treated with antibiotics
UtIs usually start in the kidney and spread to the bladder
Which of the following might interfere with a sperms ability to swim
An acrosome with defective enzymes
A defective flagella
A defective midpiece lacking an appropriate numer of mitochondria
Both B and C
Anabolic steroids are similar in structure and function of testosterone which of the following would be a likely outcome in a male taking anabolic steroids
Testosterone production by the interstitial cells would increaes
Release of GnRh by the hypothalamus would increase
Testosterone produciton by the interstitial cells would decrease
Testosterone production would be unaffected
Which of the following structures is correctly matched with its function
Myomertrium contracts during labor and child birth
Cervix transports ooctye from ovary to uterus
Oviducts transport oocyte from uterus to vagina
Endometrium birth canal
Which of the following statements about ooctes and ovulation is correct
The produciton of primary oocytes continues in women from the onset of puberty until the onset of menopause
Meiotic divison are somplete at the time of ovulation
At ovulation the structure released from the follicle includes a secondary ooctye and polar body
All of these statements are correct
Which of the following would provide the most accurate prediction of ovulation
A surage of progesterone
A sudden drom of Fsh
A sudden drop of estrogen
a surge of LH
What is the role of the corpus luteum during early pregnancy
It produces the hromones that will support he arly pregnancy
It fertilized egg will implant in the corpus luteum
The corpus luteum nourishes the rapidly growing embryo
The corpus luteum protects the fertilized egg during its transport to the uterus
WHich of the following lists the female reproductive structures that sperm will pass through on their way to fertilize an oocyte in the correct order
Cervix, vagina, oviduct, ovary
Cervix , oviduct, vagina, uterus,
Uterus, cervix, vagina, ovary
Vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct
The prescription drugs used currently to treat erectile dysfunctions primarily affect
Testosterone levels
Blood flow to the penis
Contraction of skeletal muscles
Sympathetic nervous system
Which two means of birth control are most similar in the way they prevent pregnancy
Tubal ligation of IUDS
Oral contraceptives and spermicides
Tubal ligation and condoms
Oral contraceptives and hormone patch
THe most widely used hromonal methods of birth control
Prevent fertilization by killing sperm
Prevent ovulation by inhiniting release of FSh and Lh
Prevent implantation into the endometruim
Block transport of fertilized egg to uterus
IF a woman is infertile as a result of oviducts blocked by the scarring of Pid , which of the foll wing methods would enable her to become pregnant
Artifical insemination
Hormonal treatments
In vitro fertilization
All of the above
Which of the follwing stds is most likely to infect a fetus and cause birth defects
Which of the following STD can be prevented by vaccination
Gential herpes
Hepatitis b
Which of the following STD is associated with development of cervical cancer
Gential herpes
Human papillomavirus infection
Hepatitis B infection
PID may be assocated with
Both A and C
{"name":"Bio 103", "url":"","txt":"Which of the GI tract tissues layers is most responsible for peristalsis and segmentation?, All of the following are secreted into the lumen of the digestive tract during the process of digestion except, all of the following are found in saliva except","img":""}
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