QUIZ FSG by a trio of HDPs
{"name":"QUIZ FSG by a trio of HDPs", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. You have to perform the BSPD check during electrical inspection. Then you take all the tools to check the BSPD functionality but you forgot the voltage you need to supply to the circuit. However, you remember the configuration of your battery and the formula for the voltage output of the current sensor. What about the output voltage and the conditions? You have a 137s2p accumulator configuration with the following voltage of the cells: 3.7 V, 4 V and 4.3 V. The formula for the Vout of the current sensor is: Vout = 2.5 + Iout*0.0083., 2. Our driver Marc during the FSG endurance was running after a car that was way slower than him and the officials did not show the blue flag to him. As a consequence of this fact, Marc was so close to him that he could feel the slipstream effect and he was approaching him faster than he though. Then, they entered in a corner and the driver before Marc suddenly pressed the brakes and got stack on the corner forcing Marc to press the brakes in order to not crash with him. Luckily, our driver had good reflexes so he could react saving the collision stopping the car just 15 cm after the other. However, the BOTS was actuated and the shutdown circuit was opened. Abel, which is surprised by the good performance of the brake system, wants to know the time that the brakes were pressed, but the time we had registered on the data is the time between starting to press the brakes and the time the TS reach 60 VDC. Therefore, we know that the dis-charge resistance is 1000 Ohms and the capacitor has 320 uF. Consider that no other circuit can help to dis-charge the TS voltage and that the BOTS acted when the car finally stopped. In addition to this, our car when Marc started pressing the brakes was at 93.431 % of the nominal voltage (137s2p configuration with voltages of the cells between 3.7 V, 4 V and 4.3 V) and running at 70 km\/h with a distance to the other car of 1.1 m when it got stack on the corner. With all this information, which is the maximum time that could have passed between the moment Marc pressed the brake pedal until the voltage of the TS was below 60 VDC? Answer in seconds with 3 decimals separated by a point., 3. Regarding the certainty or the falsehood of the following statements, which is different from the others?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/25-960165/aero.jpg?sz=1200-00000000000881305300"}
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