Which Camp NaNoWriMo Project Should I Do?

A cozy workspace with notebooks, pens, and a laptop surrounded by writing books and a coffee mug, with an inviting atmosphere for creative writing.

Discover Your Perfect Camp NaNoWriMo Project

Are you ready for Camp NaNoWriMo but unsure of what project to tackle? This quiz will guide you in finding the ideal writing project that aligns with your interests, schedule, and writing style!

Answer a series of fun questions and see which type of writing project suits you best. Here are just a few of the things this quiz will help you with:

  • Identify your favorite genres
  • Determine your writing process
  • Find out how much time you can devote
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by WritingWhale320
How much did you enjoy NaNoWriMo?
Loved it!
It was difficult for me.
What types of books do you enjoy reading the most?
Historical Fiction
Stories about animals
Realistic Fiction
Sports stories
Biographies or other nonfiction
Short stories
Comic books/Graphic Novels
The ones movies are later based on
How much time can you devote to your Camp NaNo project?
Just the work time I get in class.
Maybe a couple times a week after school.
I can write after school almost every day.
I can write on weekends.
Do you prefer writing collaboratively (with a partner or group) or on your own?
On my own
What's your favorite subject in school?
Social Studies
Do you prefer to make up your own stories or do you like to research and share actual events?
Make up my own
Tell about true events
Which is the easiest for you to come up with when you start a new story?
Time and setting
Your favorite stories usually...
Have a moral or a lesson
Involve a lot of action
Are funny
Tell about something that really happened
When you imagine your best piece of writing, you imagine...
A bestselling novel
A collection of shorter writings
A biography, How-To book, or explanation on a subject that interests you
A movie
A comic book or graphic novel
If you got in trouble in class, it would be for...
Reading when we're supposed to be doing something else
Doing something else when we're supposed to be reading
Which choice is closest to your writing process?
I like to plan out exactly what I'm going to do, and stick to it.
I have a general idea in mind, but I'm ok with straying from my original plan.
Process? What process? I just write.
What is your writing style like?
Straight-forward and to the point.
Detailed and flowing, with lots of descriptions.
Lots of dialogue and action to move the story forward.
There are more doodles than words on my paper.
The length of books I prefer to read is...
The longer the better
100-200 pages (a small novel)
Novellas (less than 100 pages)
A 3-paragraph article
How do you feel about poetry?
I don't mind reading it in class, but I won't go out of my way to read it or write it on my own.
I've written a few poems and enjoy reading them.
Does Dr. Seuss count?
Do you like non-fiction?
I think it's boring.
It depends on the topic.
I like learning about new things through informational texts or biographies.
{"name":"Which Camp NaNoWriMo Project Should I Do?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you ready for Camp NaNoWriMo but unsure of what project to tackle? This quiz will guide you in finding the ideal writing project that aligns with your interests, schedule, and writing style!Answer a series of fun questions and see which type of writing project suits you best. Here are just a few of the things this quiz will help you with:Identify your favorite genresDetermine your writing processFind out how much time you can devote","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5107395/img-cdbfxvhuvvr5dpg3tsprdmej.jpg"}
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