Which is the name of the ancient Sumerian writing system?
Which of the following hominids is our most direct ancestor?
Australopithecus africanus
Homo erectus
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo sapiens
The Neolithic Revolutions began around 10,000 BCE with the:
Adoption of metals for tools instead of stone
Advent of sedentary agriculture and domestication of animals
First human bands of hunters and gatherers
Rise of the first human towns and cities
What economic effect did food surpluses have on early agricultural societies?
A social hierarchy developed with peasants on the top
Hunting animals was eliminated as a source of food
People abandoned all other trades to become farmers
Trade practices emerged with the capacity to feed artisans who then had time to practice craft specialization
Despite the frequent presence of female regents and the acceptance of women in other public roles, Queen Hatshepsut unsettled Egyptian society so much that:
Artists depicted her as a male
Neighboring kingdoms refused to acknowledge her
Priests refused to deify her
The military overthrew her
Which of the following best describes ancient Egypt’s relationship with Nubia?
It had little interaction with Nubia despite its proximity
It relied on Nubia to expel invading powers like the Hyksos
It traded with Nubia for gold and conquered it when it could
It was constantly threatened by Nubian attempts to expand north along the Nile
What does Hammurabi’s law code reveal about the origin of a king’s rule in Mesopotamia?
Source of power came from great wealth
Source of power came from triumph on the battlefield
Source of power was believed to be divine or had divine support
Source of power was derived from the consent of the governed
Egypt’s periods of stability and prosperity generally happened when Egypt
Was facing a threat of invasion
Was practicing monotheism
Was reducing trade with other empires
Was ruled by a strong central government
Why might the Assyrian Empire be considered the first true empire?
It conquered Egypt, which had been the greatest civilization up to that time
It was one cohesive group of people
It was the first to rule over far-flung lands and diverse peoples
Its use of iron technology was the most sophisticated for the time
The main center of Minoan culture was the city of:
The Shang rulers in China used the bronze weapons and horse-drawn chariots to overpower the Xia. This use of technology to subdue a rival is comparable to:
The Akkadians overpowering the Sumerians
The Aryans (Vedic peoples) overtaking the Harappans
the Egyptians conquering the Hyksos
The Mycenaeans destroying the Minoans
Which of the following societies developed a writing system which is still undeciphered?
Which of the following would provide the best evidence for a high degree of political centralization among the Indus River city-states?
The discovery of trade goods from a variety of faraway lands
The presence of what appear to be public baths
The profusion of statues depicting what seem to be political leaders
The uniform layout of streets and public buildings
Eridu is traditionally regarded as the world’s first urbanized area. In which region was it located?
The preponderance of evidence would suggest that in which region did the domestication of indigenous (native) plants occur most recently?
East Asia
South America
Southwest Asia
Which of the following is NOT one of the major characteristics of human civilization?
Complex Government
Food Supply
Job Specialization
Organized Religion
Public Works
Social Sratification
Urban Centers
Writing System
Greek theater was born out of a social custom whereby people imbibed wine, which allowed them to be uninhibited in how they held discussions or in how they told elaborate fiction. Because of this custom, Greek theater has its strongest connection to: *
The cult of Dionysus
The Eleusinian mysteries
The philosophy of Aristotle
The philosophy of Socrates
Which of the following is the most accurate statement about ancient Roman trade routes?
Most trade routes were focused around the Mediterranean Sea
On every trade route enslaved persons were the chief commodity being transported
Roman ships dominated the trade of the Indian Ocean
Western Europe was the most profitable trade destination of the empire and had the most trade routes
Greco-Roman philosophers attempted to understand human nature through: *
Emotion, especially the desire for love and brotherhood
Human sin, salvation, and redemption
Its rigid adherence to societal norms with rewards and punishments
Rational observation and deduction
What two developments c. 100-500 CE spurred the development of long-distance trade?
The building of large, imperial states and the construction of roads and bridges
The development and diffusion of Christianity and Islam
The emergence of a common currency and the creation of large city-states
The spread of popular government and the development of navigation technologies
What statement best differentiates between a modern democracy like that found in the United States or France and that found in ancient Athens? *
In a modern democracy, only citizens can directly participate in government
In a modern democracy, the government is responsible to its citizens while in Athens the government acted in the interest of military and empire
In Athens, citizens directly approve laws instead of assigning the task to representatives
In Athens, representatives of the more powerful families controlled most decision-making while modern democracies do not discriminate based on wealth
Which of the following statements about the Aryans is NOT completely accurate?
They practiced internecine warfare, whereby tribes led by rajas (“chiefs”) would raid rival villages for cattle and women
They transmitted their culture by oral tradition using their sacred language, Coptic
They were light-skinned Indo-Europeans who migrated into South Asia by c. 1500 BC
They were skilled horsemen who used the war-chariot to become dominant in South Asia
The Vedic Age in India was notable because:
It was one of the few times when great social mobility existed in India8
It was the period of greatest traffic along the Silk Road
The foundations for much of Indian history were established
The subcontinent was isolated from other parts of the world
A key geographic difference between ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Harappan, and Chinese society was that: *
Egypt and China were more isolated and therefore protected by their environment than were the Mesopotamians or Harappans
The Chinese and Mesopotamians could produce multiple crops each season because of the steady and predictable flooding of their rivers
The Mesopotamians and Chinese developed vast trading networks because their rivers were more navigable than the Nile or the Indus Rivers
While the Egyptians and Mesopotamians were river valley civilizations, the Harappans and Chinese had to rely on irrigation to produce ample food
What is the main difference between a Zhou king claiming the Mandate of Heaven and that of rulers in Egypt, Mesopotamia, or South Asia whose source of power was also believed to be divine? * 1
The Chinese only believed in a heavenly power, not a personal deity that they directly served
The Chinese were the only ones to rely on a priestly class to make their rule legitimate
The Chinese were the only ones to use this type of propaganda to gain support from the citizens
All of the above
Pounded-earth building is a technology first employed with great success in cities such as Ao and Yin during the:
Qin dynasty
Shang dynasty
Xia dynasty
Zhou dynasty
Early Zhou monarchs justified their rule by:
Citing Confucian texts on governing
Claiming a direct lineage to Shang rulers
Claiming that they held the Mandate of Heaven
Enforcing rigid military rule over the people
Which of the following statements is an accurate comparison of the societies that developed along the Yellow River and the Yangzi River? * 1/1
Both civilizations of the Yellow River and the Yangzi River created a number of city-states around the same time and eventually joined together into a larger political union
The earliest Chinese civilization developed along the Yellow River first because its unpredictable flooding demanded organized labor, while the Yangzi River’s predictable nature did not
The Yangzi River enabled Chinese civilization to thrive early on because its flooding was more predictable than that of the Yellow River, which delayed the development of civilization
The Yellow River facilitated the development of Chinese civilization because its flooding was much more predictable than the Yangzi River, which never enabled civilization to develop along its banks
The most likely cause for the decline of Harappan society after 1900 BCE was:
Constant civil war between the two largest cities
Deforestation and desertification
Disease and plague resulting from overpopulation
Invasion by Aryan pastoralists
The Aryan political structure changed from the rajas who ruled with a council to kingdoms ruled by regional chiefs as a result of: *
The Aryans settling into permanent agricultural communities
The need for protection from nomadic invasions
The strict social restrictions of the caste system
Their interaction with the larger Dravidian cities
Decentralization was a weakness in the Zhou state because:
Ambitious local rulers tended to operate on their own and become a threat to Zhou rule
Bureaucrats could not maintain accurate records of tribute payments
Trade was fragmented under this system
Zhou rulers had to maintain several capital cities to enforce discipline on their subjects
Which of the following help to explain how the rise and success of the Shang Dynasty? *
Shang rulers developed strong regional bureaucracies, armies, and tax systems
Shang rulers employed government craftsmen to turn out large quotas of iron tools and weapons
Shang rulers held a monopoly on bronze production and the use of the horse-drawn war chariot
Shang rulers ruled over a vast network of walled towns made of pounded-earth
Which people are indigenous to South Asia and developed Harappan society?
If the prompt of an LEQ question asked you to analyze the continuities and changes over time as it concerned "patriarchy" (male-dominance), then which theme is being assessed? *
Creation, growth, and interaction of economic systems
Cultural development and interaction
Development and change of social structures
Human-environmental interaction
State-building, expansion, and conflict
Which is considered the "modern" era?
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
None of the above
Of which historical time period are there the fewest questions on the AP Exam?
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Which historical time period is known as the "classical" era?
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
For this course, historical events, such as "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue" or "Beware the Ides of March, 44" can be reckoned using any one of the following dating systems, EXCEPT: *
Which of the WHAP themes covers disease and its affects on human population? *
Creation, growth, and interaction of economic systems
Cultural development and interaction
Development and change of social structures
Human-environmental interaction
State-building, expansion, and conflict
The study of the rise and zenith (high point) of Islamic civilization occurs during
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE typically marks the transition between which two time periods? *
1 and 2
2 and 3
3 and 4
4 and 5
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