Are you a good citizen?

You see an old lady drop her groceries you;
Help her pick them off
Walk away
Point n laugh
Stare at her
You find a crisp 100$ bill on the ground you;
Turn it into lost and found
Pocket it
Leave it where it lay
Pick it up and ask the first person you see
Your in a big city and theres a peaceful protest going on you;
Join in not knowing what its about
Ignore it and walk away
Watch from a safe distance
Call the police
Whats the most important thing to you
My media/ gaming device
Family/ friends
My career/ education
How often do you swear.. Be honest
All the time
Every now and then
Only when needed to make a point
Your child is creating a fuss in a store you;
Take it outside and punish them
Ignore it and let them continue
Punish them in the store
Give in to whatever they want
How often do you eat out at a fast food place?
Every now and then
Every week
Every day
My goals in life are (click as many that apply)
Get a good job
Own as many cats as possible
Kill my neighbors dog
Have a family
Lose weight
Become a star
Travel the world
Start my own company
Win an eating contest
Make as much money as possible
You find TV to;
Be a main factor for violence
Good entertainment in doses
My existance
When I see the homeless I see;
A charity case
Someone in need of a job
A lazy person
A person strung out on drugs
When I can I always try to;
Post to my social media
Watch videos
Hang out with others
I wash myself;
Every other day
Once a week
Once a month
On a scale of 1-5 How well did you tell the truth on this test
{"name":"Are you a good citizen?", "url":"","txt":"You see an old lady drop her groceries you;, You find a crisp 100$ bill on the ground you;, Your in a big city and theres a peaceful protest going on you;","img":""}
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