Guild Questions

A vibrant illustration of a team of adventurers preparing for a raid in a fantasy world, featuring characters that represent different roles in a guild, with a backdrop of a towering castle and dark clouds, hinting at the challenges they face.

Guild Raid Feedback Quiz

Welcome to the Guild Raid Feedback Quiz! We want to hear from you about your experiences and preferences regarding our current raid schedules, loot systems, and more. Your feedback will help us improve our raid environment and make it more enjoyable for everyone.

Please take a moment to answer our questions. Your input is invaluable!

  • Provide your thoughts on the current raid schedule
  • Share your ideas for loot system improvements
  • Give suggestions on how we can make content more enjoyable
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by RaidWizard421
Are you happy with the current raid schedule? (Tues BWL/Ony, Thurs MC/Ony, Sun Ony when necessary) 9:00 PM - 12:45 AM
Would you like to see BWL/MC/Ony be done on just Tuesday starting asap? (Ony will still be dependent on the lockout times, Thurs/Sunday will be available to use for Ony if needed)
When AQ+ comes out do you understand that BWL/MC will be done either on one night(Thursday) or split between Thursday/Sunday (BWL Thurs, MC Sunday) depending on progression of current content
Do you understand all three of those nights will be giving out DKP?
Would you like to see Ony Splits?
Should alts be allowed to come to main raid nights?
If alts were allowed to continue to come to MC do you agree that their main should not be given DKP during that raid?
Are you happy with the current Loot System (Closed bidding DKP with minimum bid values)
What would you like to see change with the current loot system
Switch to Zero Sum DKP
Switch to Static Item DKP
Switch to Non DKP system
No Changed Needed
Cont. Open Text for what you would like to see changed with the current loot system
Would you rather transfer servers sooner or wait to see if blizzard will merge servers?
Transfer Sooner
Wait for blizz to make an announcement
Either works for me
Do you think we will clear AQ with our current requirements for showing up to raid (Currently there are no requirements, no incentives)
Can you commit to getting as many world buffs as you can and flasking/consumables during every progression night of AQ/Naxx
Requirements/Incentives Suggestions for AQ/Naxx Progression
Suggestions for making farm content more enjoyable
{"name":"Guild Questions", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to the Guild Raid Feedback Quiz! We want to hear from you about your experiences and preferences regarding our current raid schedules, loot systems, and more. Your feedback will help us improve our raid environment and make it more enjoyable for everyone.Please take a moment to answer our questions. Your input is invaluable!Provide your thoughts on the current raid scheduleShare your ideas for loot system improvementsGive suggestions on how we can make content more enjoyable","img":""}
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