Which of my OCs are you?

A colorful and whimsical illustration of various original characters representing different personality types, showcasing unique traits and styles against a fantasy backdrop.

Discover Your Perfect OC Match!

Ever wondered which of your Original Characters (OCs) you resemble? Take this fun and interactive quiz to find out your OC personality type!

  • 10 engaging questions
  • Multiple choice and checkbox formats
  • Discover traits you share with your favorite characters
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CreativeFox257
If you were to look for a place to live in, where would you go?
Most likely in a condo near the beach or seaside.
In the city life, I prefer living near a busy place where there is excitement 24/7, always having something to hear or do.
I'd try to make the place as artistic as possible, probably like those places with geometric-shaped windows and glass doors and stuff!
I'd honestly prefer to live near the countryside, where the grass is vividly green and you could smell fresh dirt in the morning.
In a simple home, it doesn't need to be anything particularly thematic or fitting to me. As long as it is comfortable and affordable.
Near a place where there is a lot that could be worked on and done, possibly in a suburban area.
What do you prioritize most out of anything?
Environment/Naturalistic Atmospheres
What three things would describe you?
Easily Excited
Closed Off
In a general sense, how would you describe your view on people?
I believe in the good of everyone, and everyone in nature was born to be good.
I believe that people should be truthful to themselves, even if that means admitting the most sinful of acts they would want to do/have done.
Society has forced people into a position where they must behave under a general set of laws.
Society is corrupt, and those above in power are more likely to become those who corrupt and screw over the ones at the bottom.
People can be good, but they can also be selfish. They themselves are responsible for their own actions.
There is no reason why people shouldn't try to become the best as they can be. They have no excuses.
If you were to date someone, what would you look for in a person?
First impressions, if they have the body language of someone approachable to just about anyone, they must be a good person in nature.
How they respond to people, if they know the right words to say to people and are comfortable around them, then why not?
Unwillingness to bend, if they have the honesty and determination to not let others sway their own opinions and behaviors, then it's a telling of their strong nature.
Their lifestyle, if they work honestly, then I can respect that nature.
How flexible they are to life changes, they need to be spontaneous and willing to try new things.
Optimism, they need to be able to have a bright view of life.
If you had to save someone, would you choose your ex, or the best friend who backstabbed you?
Best Friend
If you were to choose a weapon, which would you go for?
When it comes to handling situations, how do you solve them?
I end up stressing myself over it (crying, panic attacks, etc.)
By mocking and insulting the situation itself and/or mocking those involved in the drama.
Lash out and act aggressive, I can't control my feelings that well.
I try to go about it rationally and prioritize those above myself.
I pretend I don't understand the situation.
I ramble about it to someone.
What would you say is your most precious thing?
My career/job
My prized possession
My beliefs
My identity
My diary/journal
If someone you despised came to ask for your help, what would you do?
Help them as much as possible, I would never hate someone forever.
Mock them and insult them, but begrudgingly help.
Just laugh at them. They don't deserve help.
Help them, but keep your distance. It might be a ploy.
Ignore them. It's not your business.
Try to figure out why they need help and seek out for other people.
{"name":"Which of my OCs are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Ever wondered which of your Original Characters (OCs) you resemble? Take this fun and interactive quiz to find out your OC personality type!10 engaging questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsDiscover traits you share with your favorite characters","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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