Find Your Perfect Primate Pal!

What is your dream holiday?
Hot and sunny beach holiday
City break
Hiking through the countryside
What is your favourite way to spend an evening?
Chilled movie nights in
Socialising with friends
Hitting the bars & clubs
Enjoying a meal out
What would you be likely to pick off a menu?
Anything nutritious, healthy and packed with fruit & veg
Skip the mains and go straight to dessert
A protein packed feast!
Anything, just in large quantities
What's your favourite way to relax?
Letting off some steam by exercising
Relaxing at a spa day
Cosying up with a book
Spending time with loved ones
What's the most important thing to you?
Your family
Your friends
Progressing in your career
Prioritising self care
How would your friends describe you?
Passionate and loud
Quiet and reflective
Appears serious but with a fun side
Full of energy and always on the go
What is your dream job?
Gymnast or sports person
Actor or musician
Charity worker
{"name":"Find Your Perfect Primate Pal!", "url":"","txt":"What is your dream holiday?, What is your favourite way to spend an evening?, What would you be likely to pick off a menu?","img":""}
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