Pawsonality Style Assesment

I like to:
Create things or ideas
Support or help others
My Body Style is:
Medium to Heavy
Other's Would Describe My Demeanor As:
Direct, assertive, demanding, and driven
Easy-going, supportive, friendly and caring
Conservative, quiet, and professional
Fun, persuasive, adventurous and creative
When Faced w/ A Decision I Tend to Put More Weight on:
The future possibilities this change will bring
The effect this change will have on the people involved
The results that can be achieved by this change
The data and process used to determine the need
When It Comes to My Personal Space:
I prefer comfortable with fond memories around me
I believe everything has its place
I can find what I need, like to use the phone.
I leave things around so it gets messy quickly. However, I always clean-up for an important visitor
My Personal Preference For Dress:
Loose Fitting, comfortable
Image is important. I like to look crisp and coordinated.
Practical, occasionally I wear outfits that call attention to myself.
I start out looking nice but get wrinkled easily
When Discussing An Issue With Someone I:
Think - Get To The Point!
Spend time connecting first before getting to the point
Jump ahead to the conclusion before the conversation ends
Make sure I have all necessary background information first
The Way I Make Decisions Is:
Fast to move things along
Cautious and with a great deal of homework and thought.
Spontaneous but my gut leads me to the right decision.
By seeking input or opinions from others
Reflecting on Life, I Most Commonly Think About:
Life’s future possibilities
My past and history – facts
The people and relationships
The here and now and what needs to be done
In Group Interactions I Prefer To:
Share Personal View
Give Support
Issue Orders
Be quite - Observe
I Like To:
See Things in Writing
Talk It Out
Be Helpful
Be Optimistic
My Walking Style Is:
Easy Going-Slow
As a Member of A Team I Like To:
Direct others to get it done
Improve others so they can get it done
Be a member of the team that gets it done
Work alone so it gets done right
My Speaking Can Be Described As:
Measured and Crystal Clear
Clear - Fast Paced - To The Point
Calming-Friendly, Opinionated
Caring, Soft-Friendly
To Recharge My Batteries:
I do nothing
I find a quiet place
I do something or get busy
I find something I personally want to do or enjoy
My Pace at Work is Best Described As:
Even, methodical, consistent
Slower, thoughtful – with breaks
Energetic, meets the demand at hand
Highly energetic, quick, fast all the time
I Prefer:
Hearing the short version
Asking for other’s opinions
Seeing the details
Thinking about possibilities
My Disposition Is Best Characterized As:
{"name":"Pawsonality Style Assesment", "url":"","txt":"I like to:, My Body Style is:, Other's Would Describe My Demeanor As:","img":""}
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